1. 气候特点
2. 季节变化
3. 气象现象
4. 最佳旅行时间
5. 如何用英语表达
- It's hot and humid today.(今天很热和潮湿。)
- It's raining cats and dogs.(下着倾盆大雨。)
- It's a bit chilly in the morning, but it gets hot in the afternoon.(早上有点凉爽,但是下午会变得很热。)
- The weather is unpredictable here.(这里的天气很难预测。)
- We have a typhoon warning today.(今天有台风警报。)
1. 晴天 - Sunny day
在新加坡,晴天是最常见的天气状况。当太阳高挂在蓝天上,没有任何云彩遮挡时,我们就可以说是一个晴朗的sunny day。
2. 阴天 - Cloudy day
3. 雨天 - Rainy day
由于新加坡位于热带地区,所以雨水也是非常充沛的。当你看到外面下起了大雨,可以说是a rainy day。
4. 雷阵雨 - Thunderstorm
5. 多云 - Partly cloudy
多云指的是有一些云层遮挡太阳,但不是完全阴天。在新加坡,我们经常可以看到一些白云飘过,这时候就可以说是partly cloudy。
6. 雾霾 - Haze
7. 台风 - Typhoon
8. 干燥 - Dry
由于新加坡处于热带地区,所以空气湿度通常都比较高。但有时候也会出现干燥的天气情况,这时候可以说是dry weather。
9. 潮湿 - Humid
10. 温度 - Temperature
描述天气的常用句式:It's sunny today. / The weather is cloudy.
1. It's sunny today.
- This is a simple and straightforward way to describe the weather in Singapore. It means that the sun is shining and there are not many clouds in the sky.
2. The weather is cloudy.
- This sentence indicates that there are many clouds in the sky and it may be slightly overcast. It can also be used to describe a gloomy or dull day.
3. It's hot and humid.
- This is a common way to describe the weather in Singapore, as it is known for its high temperatures and high levels of humidity. It means that it is both warm and moist.
4. The temperature is rising/falling.
- This phrase can be used to indicate a change in temperature, either increasing or decreasing. In Singapore, temperatures can fluctuate throughout the day, so this phrase may come in handy.
5. There's a chance of rain.
- Due to its tropical climate, Singapore experiences frequent rain showers throughout the year. This phrase can be used to indicate that there is a possibility of rain later on in the day.
6. The weather is unpredictable.
- As mentioned before, Singapore's weather can change quickly and unexpectedly. This phrase can be used to express that it is difficult to determine what the weather will be like.
7. It's pouring/raining cats and dogs.
- These two phrases are commonly used to describe heavy rainfall in Singapore. "Pouring" refers to heavy rain, while "raining cats and dogs" means that it is raining very heavily.
8. There's a thunderstorm coming.
- Thunderstorms are also common in Singapore, especially during the monsoon season from November to January. This phrase indicates that there will be thunder, lightning, and heavy rain soon.
9. The sky is clear/blue/grey.
- These words can be used to describe the appearance of the sky in Singapore at different times of the day. "Clear" means there are no clouds, "blue" refers to a clear blue sky, and "grey" indicates that there are many clouds.
10. It's windy.
- While Singapore is not known for its strong winds, it can still get breezy at times. This phrase can be used to describe a day with a noticeable amount of wind.
11. The humidity is high/low.
- Humidity plays a big role in how the weather feels in Singapore. This phrase can be used to indicate the level of moisture in the air, with "high" meaning it is very humid and "low" meaning it is less humid.
12. It's muggy.
- This word is often used to describe the weather in Singapore, as it means that it is hot and humid at the same time. It can also refer to a feeling of stickiness or discomfort due to the high levels of humidity.
13. The sun is setting/rising.
- These phrases are used to describe the time of day when the sun goes down or comes up in Singapore. As a tropical country near the equator, Singapore experiences relatively consistent sunrise and sunset times throughout the year.
14. The weather is perfect for outdoor activities.
- With its warm and sunny climate, Singapore offers many opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, swimming, and sightseeing. This phrase can be used to express that the weather conditions are ideal for these types of activities.
15. It's cool/cold/chilly.
- While temperatures in Singapore may not drop very low, there are some days when it can feel cooler than usual due to rain or strong winds. These words can be used to describe those types of days.
谈论天气的惯用语:How's the weather? / What's the forecast for tomorrow?
1. How's the weather?
2. What's the forecast for tomorrow?
3. It's scorching hot today.
4. It's pouring outside.
当外面下大雨时,你可以说“It's pouring”,意思是“大雨倾盆”。
5. It's freezing in here.
如果室内温度很低,你可以说“It's freezing”,意思是“冷得要命”。
6. The sun is shining brightly today.
当阳光明媚时,你可以说“The sun is shining brightly”,意思是“阳光灿烂”。
7. The weather is so unpredictable.
8. I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow.
如果你希望明天不要下雨,你可以说“I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow”。
9. It's a perfect day for a picnic.
当天气非常适合野餐时,你可以说“It's a perfect day for a picnic”,意思是“今天天气非常适合野餐”。
10. The weather is getting better/worse.
1. 新加坡官方天气预报网站
2. 新加坡应用程序
除了官方网站外,还有一些应用程序可以帮助您获取新加坡的天气预报信息。例如“新加坡天气”(Singapore Weather)和“新加坡今日天气”(Singapore Today Weather)。这些应用程序提供实时更新的天气情况、小时级别和未来几天的预报,并且可以根据您所在位置自动调整显示当地的天气。
3. 天气电视台
4. 社交媒体
5. 当地报纸
如果您喜欢阅读纸质媒体,当地的报纸也是获取天气预报信息的可靠来源。《海峡时报》(The Straits Times)和《联合早报》(Lianhe Zaobao)都提供每日最新的天气情况和未来几天的预报。