
考试信息2024-02-17 05:43留学世界




1. 全球化的时代,英语已成为一种国际通用语言,无论是商务交流、旅行还是学术交流,都离不开英语。而韩国作为一个经济发达、文化多元的国家,也吸引着越来越多的人前往学习和体验。因此,掌握用英语表达没有学过韩语这一技能变得尤为重要。

2. 在日常生活中,我们可能会遇到需要与韩国人沟通的情况,比如在旅行中遇到当地人询问路线或者购物时需要与商家交流。如果我们没有学过韩语,就只能通过英语来沟通。如果我们能够用英语表达没有学过韩语,就可以更加顺利地完成交流,并且增加与当地人的互动性。

3. 除了日常生活外,在职场上也会遇到需要用英语表达没有学过韩语的情况。随着全球化进程的加快,越来越多的公司开始与韩国企业进行合作。如果我们能够用英语表达没有学过韩语,就可以更好地与韩国同事合作,并且提升自己在职场上的竞争力。

4. 对于从事语言行业的人来说,掌握用英语表达没有学过韩语的能力更是必不可少。比如翻译、口译等工作都需要有良好的英语表达能力,而如果遇到需要翻译或者口译韩文的情况,就需要我们能够用英语表达没有学过韩语来进行沟通和交流。

5. 除了实际应用中的需求外,掌握用英语表达没有学过韩语也可以带来更多的学习机会。随着韩国文化在全球范围内的影响力越来越大,越来越多的人开始对韩国文化感兴趣。如果我们能够用英语表达没有学过韩语,就可以更加轻松地获取关于韩国文化的信息,并且加深对其的了解。

6. 最后,掌握用英语表达没有学过韩语也可以带来更多的个人发展机会。随着中国与韩国之间经济、文化交流日益增多,懂得用英语表达没有学过韩语这一技能将成为一种竞争优势。无论是在求职还是升职方面,都会受益于这一能力


1. I have never learned Korean before. (我以前从来没有学过韩语。)

2. This is my first time encountering Korean. (这是我第一次接触韩语。)

3. I am not familiar with the Korean language. (我对韩语不熟悉。)

4. I have no previous experience with Korean. (我以前没有学过韩语。)

5. I am a complete beginner in Korean. (我是一个完全的韩语初学者。)

6. I have no background knowledge in Korean. (我对韩语没有任何背景知识。)

7. My level of Korean is zero. (我的韩语水平为零。)

8. I have never taken any classes on Korean before. (我以前从来没有上过任何关于韩语的课程。)

9. I am starting from scratch with Korean. (我从零开始学习韩语。)

10.I have no prior knowledge of the Korean language. (我对韩语没有任何先前的了解。)

11.I am new to the world of Korean language and culture.


12.This is my first time trying to express myself in Korean.


13.I have never had the opportunity to learn Korean before.


14.I am unfamiliar with the rules and structure of the Korean language.


15.I have never been exposed to the Korean language in any way.


16.I have no knowledge of Korean vocabulary or grammar.


17.I am starting from square one with Korean.


18.This is my first time attempting to communicate in Korean.


19.I have no previous understanding of the Korean language.


20.I am completely new to the world of Korean language and communication.



1. Introduce your lack of experience with Korean language

If you have never learned Korean before, it can be challenging to describe your experience. However, there are some ways to effectively express that you have no knowledge of the language.

2. Use simple and direct statements

The best way to describe your lack of experience with Korean is to use simple and direct statements. For example, you can say "I have never studied Korean before" or "I am completely unfamiliar with the Korean language."

3. Explain why you haven't learned Korean

You can also provide a brief explanation as to why you haven't learned Korean before. This could be due to a lack of interest, opportunity, or resources. For instance, you could say "I have always been more interested in other languages" or "I have never had the chance to study Korean."

4. Mention any exposure to the language

Even if you have never formally studied Korean, you may have some exposure to the language through media or interactions with native speakers. You can mention this in your description by saying "Although I have never studied Korean, I have heard it spoken in K-dramas" or "I have a friend who speaks fluent Korean."

5. Express your willingness to learn

It's essential to convey that even though you haven't learned Korean yet, you are open and eager to learn it. This shows your enthusiasm and determination towards learning the language. You can say something like "Despite not having any experience with Korean, I am excited about the prospect of learning it" or "I am ready to put in the effort and time required to learn Korean."

6. Avoid using negative language

When describing your lack of experience with Korean, try not to use negative words or phrases that may come across as dismissive or uninterested. Instead of saying "I don't know anything about Korean," try using phrases like "I am starting from scratch with Korean" or "I have no prior knowledge of the language."

7. Be honest and humble

It's okay to admit that you have no experience with Korean. In fact, being honest and humble about it can make you more relatable and approachable. Avoid exaggerating or pretending to have any knowledge of the language. Instead, be genuine in your description.

8. Practice your language skills

If you are planning to learn Korean, it's a good idea to start practicing your language skills right away. You can use resources like online courses, apps, or language exchange programs to get started. This will not only help you gain some basic understanding of the language but also show your dedication towards learning it.

In conclusion, describing your lack of experience with Korean can be done effectively by using simple and direct statements, explaining why you haven't learned it before, mentioning any exposure to the language, expressing your willingness to learn, avoiding negative language, being honest and humble, and practicing your language skills. With these tips in mind, you can confidently share your experience with others in English without feeling self-conscious or embarrassed about not knowing Korean













1. 利用在线课程


2. 看韩剧和电影


3. 加入语言交流群


4. 使用学习应用程序


5. 找一个学习伙伴


