1. 学术成绩 Academic Achievement
a. GPA: Grade Point Average,平均学分绩点
b. Transcript: 成绩单
c. SAT: Scholastic Assessment Test,学术能力评估测试
d. ACT: American College Testing,美国大学入学测验
e. GRE: Graduate Record Examination,研究生入学考试
f. GMAT: Graduate Management Admission Test,工商管理研究生入学考试
g. TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language,托福考试
h. IELTS: International English Language Testing System,国际英语考试
2. 语言能力 Language Proficiency
a. TOEFL/IELTS分数要求: TOEFL/IELTS score requirement
b. 英语授课证明: English instruction certificate
c. 语言水平证明: Language proficiency certificate
3. 学历要求 Educational Background
a. 学士/硕士/博士学位: Bachelor/Master/Doctoral degree
b. 学位证书: Degree certificate
c. 毕业证书: Graduation certificate
d. 学位认证: Degree authentication
4. 个人陈述 Personal Statement
a. 自我介绍: Self-introduction
b. 学术/职业目标: Academic/career goals
c. 研究经历: Research experience
d. 社区服务: Community service
e. 领导经验: Leadership experience
5. 推荐信 Recommendation Letter
a. 推荐人姓名和联系方式: Name and contact information of the recommender
b. 推荐人关系: Relationship with the recommender
c. 推荐人评价: Evaluation from the recommender
d. 推荐人签名: Signature of the recommender