
语言百科2023-12-24 13:13:11留学世界





首先,我们都知道10月20号是一个特殊的日子。那么,在英语中,它又被称为什么呢?其实,有很多种说法。比如说,“October 20th”、“the 20th of October”、“October the twentieth”等等。不过,最常用的还是“October 20th”。

但是,你可能会问,这些表达方式有什么区别呢?其实,并没有太大的区别。只是在正式场合中,“October the twentieth”可能会更加得体一些。而在非正式场合,比如和朋友聊天时,“the 20th of October”或者“October 20th”就可以啦。





Hello everyone, are you curious about how to say "10月20号" in English? Well, you've come to the right place! As a language enthusiast and translator, I'm here to guide you through the correct pronunciation of "10月20号" in English.

1. "10月20号" is pronounced as "October twentieth" in English. The key is to remember that in English, we say the month before the day.

2. Let's break it down further. "October" is pronounced as “ahk-toh-ber” with the stress on the second syllable. Remember to pronounce the first syllable with a short “o” sound.

3. Next, we have “twentieth”, which is pronounced as “twen-tee-eth”. The stress is on the first syllable and make sure to pronounce the “th” sound at the end.

4. Now let's put it all together: "October twentieth". Try saying it out loud a few times to get comfortable with the pronunciation.

5. If you want to add more emphasis or make it sound more casual, you can also say "tenth of October" or simply "October 20th".

6. Here are some examples of using this date in a sentence:

- My birthday is on October twentieth.

- We're planning a trip for October 20th.

- The concert is scheduled for October 20th.

Now that you know how to say "10月20号" correctly in English, go ahead and impress your friends with your language skills! Keep practicing and soon enough, speaking English will come naturally to you. Happy learning!


1. How to express October 20th in English?

2. What's the English way to say October 20th?

3. How do you say October 20th in English?

4. What's the proper way to express October 20th in English?

5. Can you tell me how to say October 20th in English?



1. October 20th - 这是最简单直接的表达方式,直接翻译为“十月二十日”。如果是书面表达,可以写作October 20, 或者简写为Oct. 20。

2. The twentieth of October - 这种表达方式比较正式,适合用于正式场合或者商务信函中。注意,在英语中日期的顺序是先说日再说月。

3. The twentieth day of October - 和上一种类似,只是将“of”加在了中间。这种表达方式也比较正式,可以用于重要场合。

4. October twentieth - 这种方式和第一种类似,只是把月份放在了前面。在口语中比较常见。

5. On the twentieth of October - 如果要强调某个具体日期,可以加上介词“on”,表示在某一天。比如,“我们计划在十月二十日举行一场派对,你能来吗?”

6. October the twentieth - 这种表达方式比较口语化,通常用于非正式场合。注意,在英语中日期前面可以加上冠词“the”。



在英语中,10月20号可以表示为"October 20th"或者"20th of October"。其中,th表示日期的序数词,即第20天。如果想要更简单地表达,也可以使用缩写形式:"Oct. 20th"或者"20 Oct."。当然,如果你想要用数字来表示日期,也可以写作"10/20"或者"20/10"。无论哪种方式,都能够准确地表达10月20号这一日期


1. How to say October 20th in English?

- "October 20th" is the standard way to say it.

- "The 20th of October" is also commonly used.

- "October twentieth" is another option.

2. What's the English word for October 20th?

- The English word for October 20th is "twentieth."

- In written form, it would be "the twentieth of October."

3. How do you write October 20th in English?

- In written form, it would be "October 20th."

- Another way to write it would be "10/20."

4. What's the date for October 20th?

- The date for October 20th is the same as the number, so it would be "20."

5. Can you give me some examples of how to use October 20th in a sentence?

- I have a meeting on October 20th.

- My birthday is on the 20th of October.

- The event will take place on the twentieth of this month.

6. Are there any other ways to say October 20th in English?

- Some other ways to say it include: "October twenty," "10/20," or simply "the twentieth."

7. Is there a special term or phrase for October 20th in English?

- No, there isn't a special term or phrase specifically for this date in English.

8. How do you pronounce October 20th in English?

- It can be pronounced as "ock-toh-bur twen-tieth" or simply as "ock-toh-bur twenty."

