
语言百科2023-12-24 14:16:11留学世界




1. October 5th

在英语中,10月5号可以直接用日期的形式来表达,即October 5th。这是最简单也是最常用的表达方式。

2. The 5th of October

另一种表达方式是将日期和月份分开,即The 5th of October。这种表达方式更加正式和书面化,在正式场合或文学作品中常见。

3. October Fifth

如果你想用数字来表示日期,可以使用英文缩写形式,即October Fifth。这种形式通常用于书面语或正式场合,比如在信件或公告中。

4. The Fifth of October

类似于第二种表达方式,The Fifth of October也是将日期和月份分开的形式。它更加正式和庄重,在重要场合或仪式上使用较多。

5. 10/05


6. The Fifth day of the Tenth month

如果你想要用完整的句子来表示10月5号,可以说The Fifth day of the Tenth month。这种表达方式比较罗嗦,在日常交流中并不常见。

7. The fifth day in October

类似于第六种表达方式,The fifth day in October也是用完整的句子来表示10月5号。它比较口语化,常出现在日常对话中。

8. October the Fifth

与第一种表达方式类似,October the Fifth也是将日期和月份连在一起的形式。它比较正式,常见于文学作品或新闻报道中。

9. The Fifth of the Tenth month



1. 日期的英文表达

在英语中,日期通常是以月份+日期+年份的顺序来表达,比如10月5号可以写作October 5th或者October 5,也可以简写为10/5或者05/10。另外,如果要强调某一年的10月5号,可以在年份前加上定冠词the,比如The October 5th of 2021。

2. 如何读出日期

一般来说,在英语中读出日期时,先读出月份,再读出日期。例如,October 5th可以读作“October fifth”,而05/10则可以读作“the fifth of October”。如果要强调某一年的日期,则需要在最后加上年份。另外,在正式场合或者书面语中,也可以使用序数词来表达日期,比如“the fifth of October”可以写作“the fifth day of October”。

3. 特殊情况下的日期表达

除了常规的表达方式外,在某些特殊情况下也会有不同的日期表达方式。例如,在美国和加拿大,习惯使用月份+日+年份的顺序来表达日期;而在英国和澳大利亚,则习惯使用日+月份+年份的顺序。此外,在英语中也有一些特殊节日或纪念日的固定表达方式,比如圣诞节通常写作December 25th或者December 25,而美国独立日则写作July 4th或者July 4。

4. 使用英文缩写


5. 注意事项


- 月份和日期之间需要加上逗号;

- 年份通常会以四位数的形式出现;

- 使用英文表达时,不要混用阿拉伯数字和英文单词;

- 如果要强调某一年的日期,则需要在最后加上年份。



1. October 5th

October 5th is the English way of writing the date "10月5号". This format follows the standard order of month-day-year used in American English.

2. The fifth of October

Another way to write "10月5号" in English is "the fifth of October". This is a more formal and traditional way of writing dates, commonly used in British English.

3. 05/10 or 10/05

In written form, "10月5号" can also be expressed as "05/10" or "10/05". This format follows the day-month order used in many European countries and is commonly used in international contexts.

4. October 5th, 2021

To include the year, you can write "October 5th, 2021" or simply "October 5th '21". The use of the apostrophe before the last two digits of the year is a common abbreviation in informal writing.

5. Fifth day of October

In some cases, you might see "10月5号" written as "the fifth day of October". This format is not as common but can be used in formal or poetic contexts.

6. Oct. 5th

For a more abbreviated form, you can write "Oct. 5th". This is commonly used in informal writing and notes.

7. On the fifth of October / On October fifth

When talking about a specific event happening on this date, you can use phrases like "on the fifth of October" or "on October fifth".

8. The date today / Today's date

If you want to refer to today's date without specifying it as being on October 5th, you can say "the date today" or "today's date".

9. How do you say 'October 5th' in English?

In case you need to ask someone how to say "10月5号" in English, you can use the question "How do you say 'October 5th' in English?" This is a polite and direct way of asking for the translation.

10. How do you write 'October 5th' in English?

Similarly, if you want to ask how to write "10月5号" in English, you can use the question "How do you write 'October 5th' in English?" This is also a common way of asking for the written form of a date.

In conclusion, there are various ways to express "10月5号" in English depending on the context and personal preference. It is important to be familiar with these different formats in order to effectively communicate dates in English



- October 5th

- The fifth of October

- The 5th of October


- 10/05 (美国常用格式)

- 05/10 (英国常用格式)

- October 5th, 2021 (完整日期格式)


- On October 5th, I have a doctor's appointment.


- I was born on the fifth of October.


- Our anniversary is on October 5th.



- My birthday falls on October 5th every year.


- We always celebrate Thanksgiving on the fifth of October.


- The conference is held on the same date every year, which is October 5th.



- On Tuesday, October 5th, we will have a meeting.


- I have an important presentation on the fifth of October, which is a Wednesday this year.



- The fifth day of the tenth month (更正式的说法)

- 10/5 (简略表达,口语中常用)

- October fifth (更口语化的说法)



- October 5th

- The fifth of October

- The 5th of October

- The fifth day of October

- The fifth day in October


- Oct 5th

- 10/5

- Fifth of Oct

- Fifth in Oct


- October fifth

- Five-o-five (读作five oh five,表示时间的英文习惯用法)


- On the fifth of October

- On October 5th



a)月份在前:October 5th, Oct 5th, Oct 05, Oct/05, 10/05

b)日子在前:The fifth of October, the 5th of Oct, the fifth day in Oct, 05/Oct



a)国庆节:National Day on October 5th

b)教师节:Teacher's Day on October 5th

c)世界教师日:World Teachers' Day on the fifth of October


a)生日:My birthday is on October fifth.

b)结婚纪念日:Our wedding anniversary falls on the fifth of October.

c)公司成立纪念日:Our company was founded on October 5th.


