
语言百科2023-12-24 15:40:11留学世界



1. October is the English expression for the tenth month of the year.


2. In English, we say "October" to refer to the month that comes after September and before November.

3. The word "October" comes from the Latin word "octo," which means eight, as it was originally the eighth month in the Roman calendar.

4. Some other languages also use similar words for October, such as "octubre" in Spanish and "ottobre" in Italian.

5. In British English, October is pronounced as "ok-toh-ber," while in American English it is pronounced as "ok-tuh-ber."

6. October has 31 days and is known for its beautiful autumn foliage and Halloween celebrations.

7. In many countries, October marks the beginning of autumn or fall season, while in some parts of the world it marks the beginning of spring.

8. The birthstone for October is opal, which symbolizes hope and purity.

9. People born in October fall under either Libra (September 23 - October 22) or Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) zodiac signs.

10. Some notable events that take place in October include World Mental Health Day on October 10th and International Day of Non-Violence on October 2nd.



1. October in English

October is the tenth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar, with 31 days. It comes after September and before November.

2. The origin of the name “October”

The word “October” comes from the Latin word “octo”, which means eight. This is because in the ancient Roman calendar, October was actually the eighth month of the year.

3. How to pronounce “October”?

In American English, it is pronounced as /ɑːkˈtoʊbər/ (ar-ktoh-ber), with the stress on the second syllable. In British English, it is pronounced as /ɒkˈtəʊbər/ (ok-toh-ber), with the stress on the first syllable.

4. Other names for October

In some cultures, October is also known by other names such as Harvest Month or Wine Month due to its association with harvest season and winemaking.

5. Symbols and meanings of October

The birthstone for October is opal, which symbolizes hope and purity. The birth flower for this month is marigold, which represents passion and creativity.

6. Popular holidays and observances in October

- Columbus Day (2nd Monday)

- Halloween (31st)

- World Mental Health Day (10th)

- Breast Cancer Awareness Month

7. Fun facts about October

- In any given year, October always starts on the same day of the week as January.

- The longest word that contains only letters from one row on a keyboard is “typewriter”, which can be spelled using only keys from the top row.

- The famous Oktoberfest in Germany actually starts in late September and ends in early October.

8. How to say “October” in other languages?

Here are some translations of “October” in different languages:

- Spanish: octubre

- French: octobre

- German: Oktober

- Italian: ottobre

- Portuguese: outubro

- Chinese: 十月 (shí yuè)

- Japanese: 十月 (jūgatsu)

- Korean: 십월 (sip-wol)

9. Common phrases and expressions related to October

- “Inktober” – a popular art challenge where artists create one ink drawing per day during the month of October.

- “October surprise” – a major event or revelation that occurs in October and has a significant impact on a political campaign.

- “Sweater weather” – a phrase used to describe the cool, crisp weather of October when people start wearing sweaters and scarves.

10. Conclusion

Now you know how to say “October” in English and some interesting facts about this month. Whether you're celebrating holidays, enjoying the fall weather, or participating in fun activities like Inktober, October is definitely a month worth looking forward to


1. 日期格式

在英文写作中,日期通常采用“月/日/年”的格式,例如10月1日可以写作October 1st或者10/1。如果需要加上星期几,可以写作October 1st, Monday或者Monday, October 1st。

2. 使用大写字母


3. 使用缩略词


4. 表示年份

表示年份时,一般采用“年份+年”的形式。例如2019年可以写作2019 or 19。

5. 使用英文表达时间

在英文中表示时间的方式与中文有所不同。通常使用24小时制来表示时间,例如10:30am可以写作10:30或者10:30 a.m.。如果是下午,则需要加上pm,例如3:00pm可以写作3:00 or 3:00 p.m.。

6. 避免使用超链接


7. 注意语法和标点符号


8. 简洁明了


9. 使用专业术语


10. 根据目标读者选择合适的语言风格



1. October (美国)


2. Oktober (德国)


3. Octobre (法国)


4. Ottobre (意大利)


5. Říjen (捷克)


6. Oktober (荷兰)


7. Octubre (西班牙)


8. Oktober (瑞典)


9. October (印度)


10. Octobre (加拿大)



1. October:10月的英文全称为October,是由拉丁语“octo”(意为“八”)和“ber”(意为“月份”)组成的,表示在罗马历中的第八个月。

2. Oct.:Oct.是October的缩写形式,在日期中常用来表示10月份。

3. 10th month:这是一种简单直接的表达方式,将“10th”作为序数词,表示第十个月。

4. 10月:在中国大陆地区,有时也会直接使用汉字“十月”的拼音形式来表达10月份。

5. 10/:在部分英语国家,日期格式采用“日/月/年”的顺序,因此可以用“10/”来表示10月份。

6. Okt./Oktbr./Oktb.:这些都是October的缩写形式,在不同国家或地区可能会有所差异。

7. 10mo./Xmo./Xmth.:这些都是将英文单词month缩写后得到的结果,其中X可以是任意数字或字母。例如,“10mo.”就可以表示October。

8. X/Xm./Xmbr./Xmb.: 这些都是将英文单词month缩写后再加上一个字母r得到的结果。例如,“Xmbr.”可以表示October。

9. X-XX/X-XX-XXXX: 这种格式通常用于日期中,其中X代表数字,例如“10-XX”可以表示10月份的某一天,“X-XX-XXXX”可以表示某一年的10月份。

10. 十月:在中国香港和台湾地区,也有将October直接翻译成汉字“十月”的情况。

11. Okt.: 在德语中,October的缩写形式为Okt.,也可能会出现在英文文本中。

12. 10th m.: 这是一种简化的表达方式,将“th”作为序数词的后缀,表示第十个月。

13. X/X/XX: 这种格式通常用于日期中,其中X代表数字。例如,“X/X/XX”可以表示10月份的某一天。

14. 第十月:在中国大陆地区,有时也会直接使用汉字“第十月”的拼音形式来表达10月份。

15. 1st autumn month:这是一种更加详细描述的表达方式,在秋季(autumn)中的第一个月(1st month)即为October

