
语言百科2023-12-25 03:35:12留学世界



1. November



2. Nov.


3. The eleventh month of the year

11月也可以简单地用“The eleventh month of the year”来表示。

4. 11th month

类似地,我们也可以用数字来表达11月,即“11th month”。

5. Autumn's last full month

在北半球,11月通常是秋季的最后一个完整的月份。因此,我们也可以将其表达为“Autumn's last full month”。

6. The month of Thanksgiving

在美国和加拿大,每年的11月都有感恩节(Thanksgiving),因此有时也会将其称为“The month of Thanksgiving”。

7. The penultimate month of the year

如果我们从12月开始数,那么11月就是倒数第二个月。因此,“The penultimate month of the year”也是一种表达方式。

8. The pre-winter month

在气候上,11月通常被认为是冬季前夕。因此,“The pre-winter month”也可以用来表示这个月份。

9. The darkening days of November

随着冬季临近,天气变得越来越寒冷,白天也变得越来越短。因此,我们也可以将11月描述为“The darkening days of November”。

10. The month of fallen leaves

在北半球,11月的树叶通常已经全部落下,因此有时也被称为“The month of fallen leaves”







1. 日期表达:在日常生活中,我们经常会用到日期来安排活动或者约会。11月在英文中的表达为“November”,可以简写为“Nov”。例如,11月1日可以说为“November 1st”或者“Nov 1”。

2. 节日表达:11月有许多重要的节日,比如感恩节(Thanksgiving)、光棍节(Singles' Day)等。在英文中,感恩节通常被称为“Thanksgiving Day”,光棍节则被称为“Singles' Day”。我们可以说:“I'm going to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family on November 25th”(我将在11月25日和我的家人一起庆祝感恩节)或者“I'm going to buy some discounted items on Singles' Day in November”(我将在11月的光棍节购买一些打折商品)。

3. 天气描述:11月是秋季的最后一个月份,天气开始转凉。在英文中,我们可以用词汇如“chilly”、“cool”、“crisp”来形容这个季节的天气。例如:“The weather is getting chilly in November, I need to start wearing my coat”(11月的天气变得寒冷了,我需要开始穿上外套了)。

4. 季节性食物:随着天气的变化,人们也开始享用秋季特有的食物。在英文中,我们可以用词汇如“pumpkin”、“cranberry”、“apple”来描述这些食物。例如:“I love having pumpkin pie in November, it's so delicious”(我喜欢在11月吃南瓜派,太好吃了)。

5. 旅行计划:11月是旅游的淡季,但也有一些地方正处于最佳旅游季节。在英文中,我们可以用词汇如“off-season”、“peak season”来描述旅游的时间选择。例如:“I'm planning to go to Bali in November, it's the off-season so it will be less crowded and cheaper”(我计划在11月去巴厘岛,这是淡季所以人少价格也更便宜)。

6. 职业生涯发展:每年的11月都有许多大型招聘会和职业展会。在英文中,我们可以用词汇如“career fair”、“job fair”来描述这些活动。例如:“I'm going to attend a job fair in November, hopefully I can find a good job there”(我将参加一个11月份的招聘会,希望能在那里找到一份好工作)。

7. 学术活动:许多学校和大学都会在11月举办重要的学术活动,比如学术研讨会、论文发表会等。在英文中,我们可以用词汇如“academic conference”、“paper presentation”来描述这些活动。例如:“I'm presenting my research paper at an academic conference in November”(我将在11月的学术会议上发表我的研究论文)。

8. 购物季节:随着圣诞节的临近,11月也是购物的旺季。在英文中,我们可以用词汇如“shopping season”、“Black Friday”来描述这个时期。例如:“I'm planning to go shopping on Black Friday in November, there will be a lot of discounts and promotions”(我计划在11月的黑色星期五去购物,那时会有很多折扣和促销活动)。

9. 体育赛事:11月也是许多体育赛事的高峰期,比如美国职业橄榄球联赛(NFL)的常规赛和欧洲足球冠军联赛等。在英文中,我们可以用词汇如“sports event”、“championship game”来描述这些赛事。例如:“I'm going to watch the championship game of NFL in November, it's going to be an exciting match”(我将在11月观看NFL的冠军赛,那将是一场精彩的比赛)。

10. 假期计划:对于许多人来说,11月也是一个长假的好时机。在英文中,我们可以用词汇如“holiday”、“vacation”来描述这个假期。例如:“I'm planning to take a vacation in November, I need some time to relax and recharge”(我计划在11月度假,我需要一些时间来放松和充电)


1. November - 十一月

2. Autumn - 秋季

3. Thanksgiving - 感恩节

4. Harvest - 收获季节

5. Fall foliage - 秋叶景色

6. Pumpkin - 南瓜

7. Turkey - 火鸡

8. Family gathering - 家庭聚会

9. Black Friday - 黑色星期五(感恩节后的大减价购物日)

10. Cyber Monday - 网络星期一(感恩节后的网购狂欢日)

11. Gratitude - 感激之情

12. Cozy - 舒适温暖的氛围

13. Sweater weather - 穿毛衣的天气

14. Hot cocoa - 热可可(冬季必备饮品)

15. Daylight saving time ends - 夏令时结束(11月初)


1. How to say November in English

- This is a direct translation of the title and is commonly used to refer to the month of November in English.

- It is a simple and straightforward way to express the idea.

2. What is the English equivalent for November

- This phrase implies that there may be different words or phrases used in different languages to refer to the same month.

- It can be used when discussing translations or comparing different languages.

3. Ways to express November in English

- This suggests that there are multiple ways or variations of saying November in English.

- It can be used when exploring different dialects or regional differences.

4. The English term for November

- Similar to the second example, this phrase implies that there may be a specific term or word used in English to refer to November.

- It can be used when discussing terminology or specific language usage.

5. How do you say November in English?

- This is a question form of the title and can be used when seeking information or clarification on how to say November in English.

- It is a conversational and informal way of asking for the translation.

6. Expressing November using English words

- This suggests that there may be specific words or vocabulary used in the English language to describe or represent the month of November.

- It can be used when discussing linguistic features or language learning.

7. The English expression for November

- Similar to the previous example, this phrase implies that there may be an idiomatic expression or phrase commonly used in English to refer to November.

- It can be used when exploring cultural aspects of language use.

8. Ways of saying 11th month in English

- This phrase focuses on the numerical aspect of referring to November as it is the 11th month of the year.

- It can be used when discussing numerical systems or counting methods.

9. The equivalent term for 11th month in English

- This is a more formal version of the previous example and can be used in academic or professional contexts.

- It suggests that there may be a specific term or phrase used in English to refer to November based on its position in the calendar.

10. How to express November using English vocabulary

- This phrase emphasizes the use of vocabulary rather than just words to describe November in English.

- It can be used when discussing language proficiency or expanding one's vocabulary.

11. The English translation for November

- This is another direct translation of the title and can be used interchangeably with the first example.

- It is a simple and common way to say November in English.

12. Ways to say 11th month of the year in English

- Similar to the eighth example, this phrase focuses on the numerical aspect of referring to November as it is the 11th month of the year.

- It can be used when discussing calendars or time-related concepts.

13. The corresponding term for 11th month in English

- This phrase suggests that there may be a specific corresponding term or word used in English for November based on its position in the calendar.

- It can be used when discussing translation accuracy or linguistic nuances.

14. How do you refer to November using English?

- Another question form, this phrase can be used when seeking information on how native speakers commonly refer to November in English.

- It is a more formal way of asking for translation help.

15. The ways of saying eleventh month in English

- This variation emphasizes the use of ordinal numbers rather than cardinal numbers when referring to November as it is the eleventh month.

- It can be used when discussing grammar rules or language structure

11月在英文中的表达方式有很多种,可以是November、Nov.、11th month等。通过学习本文,相信大家已经掌握了如何准确地用英文表达这个月份的方法。如果你喜欢本文的内容,请关注我,我会为大家带来更多有趣的英语知识。最后,祝愿大家在11月能够收获满满,生活幸福美好!我是网站编辑,感谢大家的阅读!
