
语言百科2023-12-25 19:20:13留学世界





1. December


2. The Twelfth Month


3. Yuletide


4. Holiday Season


5. Festive Month

Festive意为“欢庆的”,所以Festive Month就是“欢庆之月”的意思。这个短语可以用来形容整个12月,因为在这个月份有很多节日和庆祝活动。

6. Winter Wonderland

这个短语指的是冬季的奇妙世界,也可以用来形容12月。因为在大多数国家,12月都是冬季的开始,所以它也被称为Winter Wonderland。

7. The Last Month of the Year


8. Merry Month


9. The Month of Giving

在12月份,我们经常会看到各种慈善活动和捐赠行为。所以有些人会把12月称为“The Month of Giving”,意思就是“施舍之月”。

10. The End of the Year



1. December is the twelfth and last month of the year in the Gregorian calendar.


2. The name December comes from the Latin word "decem" which means ten, as it was originally the tenth month of the Roman calendar.


3. In many countries, December marks the beginning of winter, with colder temperatures and shorter days.


4. December is a month filled with holidays and celebrations, such as Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and New Year's Eve.


5. The birthstone for December is turquoise, which symbolizes success and good fortune.


6. The zodiac signs for December are Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) and Capricorn (December 22 - January 19).


7. Some popular activities during December include ice skating, building snowmen, and drinking hot cocoa.


8. In the Southern Hemisphere, December falls during the summer season and is often associated with beach vacations and outdoor activities.


9. The shortest day of the year falls in December, known as the winter solstice, marking the start of winter in the Northern Hemisphere.


10. Some common phrases associated with December include "holiday season," "end of the year," and "cold weather."




1. December


2. The twelfth month of the year

在英语中,我们也可以用“The twelfth month of the year”来表达12月。这个短语直接翻译过来就是“一年中的第十二个月”。

3. The last month of the year

12月也可以被称为“The last month of the year”,意为“一年的最后一个月”。这种表达方式更加直接明了,适合用于口语对话中。

4. The final month of the year

类似地,“The final month of the year”也可以用来表示12月。这个短语强调了12月是一年的最终阶段,也可以用于描述一年即将结束的感觉。

5. The end of the year

除了以上几种表达方式外,在口语中我们还可以简单地说“The end of the year”来指代12月。这个短语强调了一年即将结束,也有着稍许悲伤和惋惜的情绪。

6. Holiday season

对于很多人来说,12月也是一个充满节日气氛的月份。因此,我们也可以用“holiday season”来指代12月。这个短语强调了12月是一个充满欢乐和庆祝的时期。

7. Christmas month

在西方国家,12月还有一个重要的节日——圣诞节。因此,我们也可以把12月称为“Christmas month”,意为“圣诞节的月份”。

8. Winter month


1. December is the twelfth and last month of the year. - 十二月是一年中的第十二个月,也是最后一个月。

2. The winter season officially starts in December. - 冬季正式在十二月开始。

3. Christmas falls on December 25th every year. - 圣诞节每年都在12月25日。

4. Winter solstice usually occurs on December 21st or 22nd. - 冬至通常发生在12月21日或22日。

5. The weather in December is usually cold and snowy in many countries. - 在许多国家,十二月的天气通常寒冷而多雪。

6. People often use phrases like "winter wonderland" or "holiday season" to describe December. - 人们常用诸如“冬季仙境”或“节日季节”来形容十二月。

7. The end of the year is approaching as we enter into December. - 随着进入十二月,一年就要结束了。

8. Many cultures have different celebrations and traditions in December, such as Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and New Year's Eve. - 许多文化在十二月有不同的庆祝和传统,如光明节、Kwanzaa和新年除夕。

9. People often exchange gifts with friends and family during this month, especially on Christmas Day or New Year's Eve. - 人们经常在这个月与朋友和家人交换礼物,特别是在圣诞节或新年除夕。

10. Many people make New Year's resolutions in December, setting goals for the upcoming year. - 许多人在十二月制定新年决议,为即将到来的一年设定目标。

11. December is a busy month for shopping, as people prepare for the holidays and take advantage of end-of-year sales. - 十二月是购物繁忙的一个月,因为人们为节日做准备并利用年末促销。

12. The end of December marks the end of the calendar year and the beginning of a new one. - 十二月底标志着日历年的结束和新一年的开始。

13. Many people travel during December to visit family or take a vacation during their winter break. - 许多人在十二月期间旅行,去探望家人或在冬季休假期间度假。

14. People often reflect on the past year and look forward to the new one in December. - 人们常常在十二月回顾过去一年,并期待着新的一年。

15. As we say goodbye to December, we welcome January and the start of a new year with hope and excitement. - 当我们告别十二月,迎接1月和新一年的开始时,充满希望和激动


1. December in English

2. The twelfth month of the year in English

3. The last month of the year in English

4. The final month of the year in English

5. The holiday season in English

6. The festive month in English

7. The winter month in English

8. The holiday-filled month in English

9. The end-of-year month in English

10. Yuletide period in English

11. Christmas month in English

12. Winter solstice month in English

