
语言百科2023-12-26 02:17:14留学世界



1. How to Write "14th" in English

- The 14th day of the month can be written as "14th" or "fourteenth" in English.


- It is common to use the abbreviation "14th" in informal writing, such as text messages or social media posts.

- In formal writing, it is more appropriate to use the full word "fourteenth."

2. Fun Ways to Say "14th"

- If you want to add some creativity to your writing, here are a few fun ways to say "14th":

- The fourteenth day of the month

- Two weeks and one day into the month

- Halfway through the second week of the month

3. Using Numbers for Dates

- In English, dates are usually written with numbers instead of words.

- The standard format is month/day/year, so March 14, 2021 would be written as 3/14/2021 or 03/14/2021.

- However, in British English, the date format is typically day/month/year.

4. Common Expressions for Dates

- When talking about specific dates, there are a few common expressions that you can use:

- On the fourteenth (of March)

- March fourteenth (or March the fourteenth)

- The fourteenth day of March

5. How to Ask for Someone's Birthday

- If you want to find out someone's birthday, you can ask:

- When were you born? (This is a more direct question.)

- What's your date of birth? (This is a more formal question.)

6. Special Occasions on the Fourteenth

- There are a few special occasions that fall on the fourteenth day of certain months:

- Valentine's Day: February 14th

- Pi Day: March 14th

- National Pet Day: April 14th

- World Blood Donor Day: June 14th

7. Celebrating the Fourteenth

- If you want to celebrate the fourteenth day of the month, here are some ideas:

- Have a romantic date on Valentine's Day (February 14th)

- Bake a pie on Pi Day (March 14th)

- Show your pets some extra love on National Pet Day (April 14th)

- Donate blood on World Blood Donor Day (June 14th)

8. Conclusion

- Now you know how to write and say "14th" in English, as well as some fun facts and occasions associated with this date.

- So go ahead and impress your friends with your knowledge of English expressions for dates!



1. 日期格式


2. 月份的表达


3. 日子的表达


4. 年份的表达


5. 表达今天的日期

在英语中,表达今天的日期有几种常用方式。一种是使用today这个词,如Today is December 25th, 2020.另一种是直接用具体的数字来表示,如It's the 25th of December, 2020.

6. 表达星期几

在英语中,星期几通常以首字母缩写来表示。例如Monday缩写为Mon.、Tuesday缩写为Tues.等。在日期的前面也可以加上星期几来表达完整的日期,如Wednesday, December 23rd, 2020.

7. 特殊节日和纪念日

除了普通的日期表达外,在英语中还有一些特殊节日和纪念日需要特别注意。例如圣诞节可以表达为Christmas Day或Christmas,而不是Xmas;新年可以表达为New Year's Day或New Year's Eve;独立日可以表达为Independence Day等。




1. 14th


2. 14d


3. 14th day

如果你不想使用缩写形式,也可以将数字和day分开来表达,“第14天”就是“the 14th day”。

4. 2 weeks

除了直接表达日期外,还可以使用时间单位来表示,“2 weeks”就等于“14 days”。

5. Fortnight


6. Two weeks from now

如果需要强调未来的某一天,则可以使用“from now”来表示,“two weeks from now”就是“从现在开始的两周后”。

7. Two weeks later

与上一个类似,只不过使用了later(之后)这个词,“two weeks later”也表示“两周后”。

8. Biweekly


9. 2wks

这是一个简写形式,2wks就等于“2 weeks”。

10. 14/7

在某些场合,人们也会使用数字加上斜杠的形式来表示日期,“14/7”就是“14th day of the 7th month”。

11. July 14th

如果需要表达具体的月份和日期,可以使用这种形式,“July 14th”就是“7月14日”。

12. Jul 14

类似于上一个,只不过将月份缩写为了三个字母,“Jul 14”也表示“7月14日”。

13. 07/14

这种形式更多用于美国英语,在英国英语中可能会被理解为“July 2014”,所以需要注意一下。

14. D-15




1. 14日在美国的日期表达方式:February 14th 或者2/14

2. 14日在中国的日期表达方式:2月14日 或者2月14号

3. 14日在法国的日期表达方式:le quatorze février(法语中“二月十四日”的意思)

4. 14日在德国的日期表达方式:der vierzehnte Februar(德语中“二月十四日”的意思)

5. 14日在日本的日期表达方式:2月14日(同中国)或者バレンタインデー(Valentine's Day的音译)

6. 14日在韩国的日期表达方式:2월 14일 (韩语中“二月十四日”的意思)或者발렌타인데이(Valentine's Day的音译)

7. 14日在巴西的日期表达方式:14 de fevereiro (葡萄牙语中“二月十四日”的意思)

8. 14日在印度的日期表达方式:१४ फरवरी (印地语中“二月十四日”的意思)

9. 14日在澳大利亚的日期表达方式:February the fourteenth 或者Feb the fourteenth

10. 14日在加拿大的日期表达方式:February fourteenth 或者Feb fourteenth


1. Date - 日期

2. Fourteenth day - 第十四天

3. Two weeks - 两周

4. Fortnight - 十四天

5. Mid-month - 中旬

6. Halfway through the month - 月中间

7. Two weeks from now - 从现在起两周后

8. Second week of the month - 第二周

9. The middle of the month - 月中间

10. The middle of the second week - 第二周中间

11. Halfway point of the month - 月中点

12. The fourteenth day of the month - 月份的第十四天

13. Day fourteen of the month- 每月的第十四天

14. Two weeks into the month- 进入两周

15. The second half of the month- 下半个月

16. The middle of a two-week period- 两周期间的中间时期

17. Halfway through a fortnight- 半个十四天

18. Midway through a two-week period- 半个两周期间

19. Two weeks away from today- 距今两周后

20.Third week of the month- 第三周

