
语言百科2023-12-26 09:37:14留学世界




1. 一九六八年



2. 一九六八

除了读作"一九六八年"之外,1968也可以简单地读作"一九六八"。这种说法更加常见于口语中,在谈论具体的日期时常会使用。比如,“我出生于一九六八年”可以说成“I was born in nineteen sixty-eight”或者更简单地说成“I was born in sixty-eight”。

3. 68


4. 六八



1. 一起玩转单词


2. 找到适合自己的学习方法


3. 用英语思考


4. 多听多说多读多写


5. 不怕犯错


6. 寻找学习伙伴




1. “1968”一词最初出现在英语中是指1968年这一特定的年份,但随着时间的推移,它也被用来表示某件事情发生的时期或时期的特征。比如,“这部电影充满了20世纪60年代末的气息,真正地再现了1968年那段动荡不安的时期。”

2. “1968”也可以用作一个形容词,表示某件事物具有20世纪60年代末的风格或特点。例如,“这场音乐会带有浓郁的1968风格,让观众仿佛回到了那个充满反叛精神的年代。”

3. 在双语中,“1968”一词通常直接保留为英文形式,并不翻译成其他语言。因此,在阅读英文资料时,我们可以直接使用“1968”来表示这一特定时期。

4. “1968”也经常与其他单词搭配使用,构成新词组来表示特定含义。比如,“复古风格”(retro style)和“1968风格”(1968 style)就有着微妙的区别。

5. 在日常生活中,我们也可以使用“68式”的缩写来指代“1968”。例如,“他穿着一件典型的68式上衣,看起来很时髦。”

6. 总的来说,“1968”这个词不仅仅是一个特定年份的代称,它还具有丰富的含义和用法,可以用来形容时期、风格、文化等多种方面。

7. “1968”在英文中也经常被用作谐音来表达幽默意味。比如,“我今年68岁了,但我还是保持着20多岁的心态。”

8. 在英文歌曲中,我们也可以经常听到“1968”的出现。例如,“The Rolling Stones”的歌曲《Street Fighting Man》中就有一句歌词“but what can a poor boy do, except to sing for a rock 'n' roll band, 'cause in sleepy London town there's just no place for a street fighting man, no”。

9. 此外,在电影、电视剧和文学作品中,也经常能够看到“1968”这个词的出现。比如,《阿甘正传》(Forrest Gump)中就有一句经典台词“Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get”,这句话就是在1968年被阿甘说出来的。

10. 总而言之,“1968”这个词虽然只是一个简单的数字组合,却蕴含着丰富的意义和用法。它不仅仅是一个特定的年份,更是一个时期、一种风格和一种文化的象征。让我们一起来享受这个充满回忆和幽默的数字吧!


1. The year 1968 was a tumultuous one, marked by significant events and changes in the world.

2. In English, the number 1968 is usually pronounced as "nineteen sixty-eight".

3. However, there are also some common phrases and idioms that include the number 1968, such as:

- "The Summer of '68": This phrase refers to the summer of 1968, which was a time of social and political upheaval in many countries.

- "The Class of '68": This phrase is often used to refer to people who graduated from high school or college in 1968.

- "The Year of '68": Similar to the previous phrases, this one also refers to the events and changes that took place in 1968.

4. In sports, there are also some notable moments from 1968 that are often referred to using specific phrases:

- "Mexico City Olympics": The 1968 Summer Olympics were held in Mexico City and were marked by several historic moments, including Tommie Smith and John Carlos' iconic Black Power salute during their medal ceremony.

- "The Miracle on Ice": This phrase refers to the US men's ice hockey team's unexpected victory over the Soviet Union at the 1968 Winter Olympics.

5. In music, there are also some famous songs that mention or were released in 1968:

- "Revolution" by The Beatles: Released in 1968, this song reflects on the political and social climate of the year.

- "All Along the Watchtower" by Jimi Hendrix: This song was originally written by Bob Dylan but became popular after Hendrix released his own version in 1968.

6. Other notable phrases from or related to 1968 include:

- "Paris May '68": This phrase refers to a series of protests and strikes that took place in France during May 1968.

- "Prague Spring": This term is used to describe the period of political liberalization in Czechoslovakia in 1968 that was eventually suppressed by Soviet forces.

- "The Tet Offensive": This was a military campaign launched by the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong during the Vietnam War in January 1968.

7. In conclusion, the year 1968 holds a significant place in history and has left its mark on various aspects of culture, including language. These phrases and terms related to 1968 offer a glimpse into the events, people, and moments that defined this pivotal year


1. 1968的英文发音:nineteen sixty-eight

2. 如何用英语表达1968年:the year of 1968

3. 1968年的英文简写:'68或者'68s

4. 1968年的同义词:the year of the student protests/the year of revolution/the year of social change

5. 1968年的意义和影响:the significance and impact of 1968/the importance and influence of 1968

6. 与1968年相关的历史事件:historical events related to 1968/events that took place in 1968

7. 对于学生抗议运动的称呼:student protests/movements/uprisings/revolts in 1968

8. 对于社会变革的描述:social change/reform/shift/revolution in 1968

9. 在英语中如何提到特定的一年:referencing a specific year in English/talking about a particular year in English language

10. 描述某个特定时期的词汇选择:vocabulary choices to describe a specific time period/describing a certain era with words

11. 如何用英语表达历史事件或时期:expressing historical events or periods in English/describing historical events or eras in English

12. 对于特定年份的回顾和总结:looking back and summarizing a specific year/reflecting on and summarizing a certain year

13. 过去某一时期与现在时代对比:comparing past eras with the present age/comparing a previous time period with the current era

14. 1968年的国际影响:the international impact of 1968/the global influence of 1968

15. 对于历史性事件的描述:describing historical events/depicting significant events in history

16. 与1968年相关的文学作品:literary works related to 1968/books written about or set in 1968

17. 对于特定年份的文化和社会分析:cultural and social analysis of a specific year/analyzing the culture and society of a particular year

18. 描述某个时期的流行文化:describing popular culture of a certain time period/discussing trends and fads in a specific era

19. 历史事件对当代社会的影响:the impact of historical events on modern society/the influence of past events on the present world

20. 回顾过去,展望未来:looking back, looking forward/reflecting on the past, anticipating the future

