
语言百科2023-12-29 18:44:19留学世界

你知道吗?在翻译行业中,我们经常会遇到时间表达的问题。尤其是3点15这样的特殊时间,要怎么用英语表达呢?今天我就来给大家介绍一下,在英语中,3点15究竟该怎么说?除了直接说“three fifteen”外,还有哪些相关短语和例句可以帮助我们更准确地表达呢?别着急,让我带你一起探索吧!同时,我还会和你分享3点15的同义词及近义词,以及其他时间表达方式的对比和使用场景。让我们一起来探索这个有趣的话题吧!




1. 3:15


2. A quarter past three

这是一种比较口语化的表达方式,quarter意为“四分之一”,past则表示“过”,所以A quarter past three可以理解为“过了三点钟四分之一”。

3. Three fifteen


4. Fifteen minutes past three


5. A quarter after three

与A quarter past three类似,这种表达方式中使用了after代替past。两者意思相同,只是习惯上有些区别。注意,在英语中表示时间时,quarter后面不需要加上“of”。

6. Three fifteen in the afternoon

如果需要强调是下午3点15分的话,我们可以在后面加上in the afternoon。同时也可以用in the evening来表示晚上、at night来表示晚上、in the morning来表示早上等


1. 3点15的英文读法

在英语中,3点15可以表示为"three fifteen"或"quarter past three"。前者是直接将数字读出来,后者则是将时间转换为分数的形式,即1/4过去3点。

2. 3点15的发音示例

- "Three fifteen": [θriː ˈfɪf.tiːn]

- "Quarter past three": [ˈkwɔː.tər pɑːst θriː]


3. 其他表达方式


- "A quarter after three": 意为"三点一刻"

- "Fifteen minutes past three": 意为"三点十五分"

4. 时间表达中的小技巧


- "Quarter past": 意为"一刻钟过去"

- "Half past": 意为"半过去"

- "Quarter to": 意为"一刻钟前"


- "O'clock": 表示整点,如"three o'clock"

- "Past": 表示过去的小时,如"half past three"

- "To": 表示接下来的小时,如"quarter to four"


1. How to say 3:15 in English?

- What is the English expression for 3:15?

- How do you express 3:15 in English?

2. Quarter past three

- Three fifteen

- Fifteen minutes past three

3. At three fifteen

- At a quarter past three

- At fifteen minutes after three

4. It's three fifteen

- The time is three fifteen

- Three fifteen o'clock

5. Three-fifteen sharp

- Exactly at three fifteen

- On the dot of three fifteen

6. The clock reads 3:15

- The time on the clock is 3:15

- The hands of the clock point to 3:15

7. It's a quarter after three

- It's a quarter past three

- It's a quarter past three o'clock

8. A quarter hour after three

- A quarter of an hour past three

- One-fourth of an hour after three

9. Three-fifteen in the afternoon

- Three-fifteen pm

- Fifteen minutes past noon

10. In military time, it would be 1515 hours

- In military time, it's written as 1515 hours

- In military time, it's referred to as "fifteen hundred and fifteen hours"

11. You can also use "a.m." or "p.m." to specify if it's morning or afternoon.


It's 3:15 p.m.

It's a quarter past three in the afternoon.

12. If you want to be more specific, you can use phrases like "in the morning", "in the evening", or "at night".


It's a quarter after three in the evening.

Three-fifteen at night.

13. When talking about schedules or appointments, you can use phrases like "scheduled for" or "planned at".


The meeting is scheduled for three fifteen.

Our flight is planned at three fifteen.

14. In some countries, people use the 24-hour clock system and would say "fifteen hundred and fifteen" instead of "three-fifteen".


It's fifteen hundred and fifteen hours.

The train arrives at fifteen hundred and fifteen.

15. For more casual conversations, you can simply say "a quarter past three" or "three-fifteen".


I'll meet you at a quarter past three.

Let's have lunch at three-fifteen.

16. You can also use phrases like "around", "approximately", or "about" to indicate that the time may not be exact.


We usually have tea around three-fifteen.

The movie starts at approximately three-fifteen.

17. If you want to ask someone what time it is, you can use these questions:

- What time is it?

- Do you know what time it is?

- Could you tell me the time?

18. You can also ask for confirmation by saying:

- It's three-fifteen, right?

- Just to confirm, it's a quarter past three?

- Is it really three-fifteen?


1. 3:15 in English

- 3:15 in the English language

- How to say 3:15 in English

- The equivalent of 3:15 in English

2. Quarter past three

- Fifteen minutes past three

- Three-fifteen

- Three fifteen

3. Three fifteen in the morning/afternoon/evening

- Quarter past three AM/PM

- 3:15 AM/PM

4. Fifteen minutes after three o'clock

- Three fifteen on the clock

- Three fifteen sharp

- A quarter after three

5. The time is three fifteen

- It's a quarter past three

- The clock reads three fifteen

- The clock shows a quarter after three

6. A quarter past the hour of three

- The time is fifteen minutes after three

- It's fifteen minutes past the hour of three

- The time is a quarter past the hour of three

7. 195 minutes before six o'clock

- A hundred and ninety-five minutes before six o'clock

- One hundred and ninety-five minutes to six o'clock

- Five hours and forty-five minutes until nine o'clock


1. 时钟表达法


2. 十二小时制和二十四小时制

在英语中,时间可以使用十二小时制和二十四小时制来表示。十二小时制是指从上午12点到下午11点,再回到上午12点;而二十四小时制则是从0点到23点。对于3点15分来说,在十二小时制中可以表示为"3:15 am/pm",而在二十四小时制中则是"03:15/15:15"。这两种表达方式都很常见,在不同国家和场合也有不同的偏好。

3. 分钟表达法

除了使用具体的数字来表示分钟数外,我们还可以用一些特殊的词汇来表示,比如quarter(一刻钟)、half(半)、quarter to/past(差/过一刻钟)。对于3点15分来说,可以用"quarter past three"或者"three fifteen"来表示。

4. 时间段表达法

有时候我们并不需要精确到分钟的时间,只需要知道大概的时间段即可。这时候我们可以使用一些词组来表示,比如in the morning(早上)、in the afternoon(下午)、in the evening(晚上)等。对于3点15分来说,可以用"in the afternoon"或者"three o'clock in the afternoon"来表示。

5. 时间词组表达法

除了以上提到的表达方式外,我们还可以使用一些时间词组来表示具体的时间点。比如at three fifteen(在三点十五分)、around three fifteen(大约三点十五分)、about three fifteen(大约三点十五分)等。这些表达方式更加灵活,适用于各种不同的场景

3点15在英语中有多种表达方式,如“three fifteen”、“quarter past three”、“fifteen minutes past three”等。除了这些常用的表达方式外,还有一些相关的短语和近义词,比如“3:15”、“3:15 am/pm”、“3:15 in the afternoon/evening”等。根据不同的场景和语境,我们可以灵活运用这些表达方式来描述时间。同时,也可以通过与其他时间表达方式进行对比,更加深入地理解和掌握这些表达方式。我是网站编辑,希望通过本文的介绍能够帮助大家更好地掌握3点15在英语中的表达方式。如果喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多有趣、实用的内容。谢谢!
