
语言百科2023-12-29 19:03:19留学世界





1. 3:20或者twenty past three

这是最简单也是最常用的表达方式,直接将数字和时间单位结合起来说出来即可。如果想要更加正式一些,可以使用twenty past three这种形式。

2. Three twenty或者twenty-three minutes past three

这种表达方式更加注重数字和时间单位的顺序,在英语中通常是先说出小时数再说分钟数。如果想要强调分钟数,可以使用minutes past这种形式。

3. A quarter to four或者three forty-five

如果你想要表达3点20分前15分钟或者后15分钟的时间,可以使用quarter to four或者three forty-five这样的形式。其中,“to”表示“到”、“前”,“past”表示“过”、“后”,所以需要根据具体情况来选择合适的介词


1. 3点20的英语表达为"three twenty"或"twenty past three",其中"three"表示3点,"twenty"表示20分钟,"past"表示过,即过去了20分钟。

2. 如果要精确到分,则可以使用24小时制的表达方式,即3:20pm或15:20。

3. 如果要强调具体的时间点,则可以使用具体的小时和分钟数进行表达,例如3点20分可以写作3:20am或03:20。

4. 在口语中,也可以简化为“twenty after three”或“three twenty”等表达方式。

5. 当需要强调某个事件发生的时间为3点20分时,可以使用"At 3:20,..."来引出句子。

6. 如果需要询问某人在什么时间做了某件事情,则可以使用"What time did you do it?"来询问。对应的回答可以是"I did it at 3:20."来表达具体的时间。

7. 当需要描述某个事件持续了多长时间时,可以使用"For 20 minutes from 3 o'clock."来描述从三点开始持续了二十分钟。

8. 对于不同国家和地区,在表达时间上可能会有差异。因此,在翻译时需要根据具体情况进行选择合适的表达方式。

9. 在写作中避免使用超链接,以免影响内容的整洁和可读性。如果需要提供相关信息,请在文中直接说明或提供参考文献。

10. 总的来说,3点20的英语翻译方式可以根据具体情况和需要进行灵活运用,但要保证表达准确、清晰


1. 3:20

- three twenty

- twenty past three

- twenty minutes past three

2. 3:20 AM/PM

- three twenty in the morning/afternoon/evening

- twenty past three in the morning/afternoon/evening

3. 3:20 AM/PM on the dot

- exactly/at precisely three twenty in the morning/afternoon/evening

4. Quarter past three

- fifteen minutes past three

5. 3:20 sharp/on the dot/exactly

- at exactly 3:20, not a minute earlier or later

6. Almost half past three

- nearly thirty minutes past three

7. Just after 3:20

- slightly after twenty minutes past three

8. A little before half past three

- slightly before thirty minutes past three

9. Almost ten to half four

- nearly ten minutes to thirty minutes to four

10. A quarter to four

- fifteen minutes to four

11. Twenty to four

- forty minutes past two

12. Ten minutes until half four

- ten more minutes until thirty minutes until four

13. Halfway between three and half past

- halfway between 3 and 3:30

14. Three-twentyish

- approximately around or close to 3:20

15. Three-twenty-something

- approximately around or close to 3:20, with an unknown number of additional minutes


1. 3:20 - Three twenty

例句:I have a meeting at three twenty this afternoon.

2. 3:20 - Twenty past three

例句:The train is scheduled to arrive at twenty past three.

3. 3:20 - A quarter to four

例句:We need to leave now, it's already a quarter to four.

4. 3:20 - Ten minutes to half past three

例句:I'll be ready in ten minutes, it's almost half past three.

5. 3:20 - Three-twenty on the dot

例句:My alarm is set for three-twenty on the dot every morning.

6. 3:20 - Three twenty in the afternoon/evening

例句:The concert starts at three twenty in the afternoon.

7. 3:20 - Three twenty sharp

例句:Be sure to be there at three twenty sharp, we don't want to miss the beginning of the movie.

8. 3:20 - Three-twenty o'clock

例句:I have a doctor's appointment at three-twenty o'clock tomorrow.

9. 3:20 - Three twenty minutes after three

例句:We'll meet at the coffee shop at three twenty minutes after three.

10. 3:20 - A little after half past three

例句:I'll be home a little after half past three, so we can go out for dinner then


1. 确定翻译对象:首先要明确需要翻译的内容是什么,是一篇文章、一段对话还是一句话。这样可以帮助你更准确地选择合适的翻译方式和词汇。

2. 选择合适的时间:3点20分通常指下午3点20分,但在不同国家和地区有可能会有不同的表达方式。因此,在进行英文翻译时,要考虑到目标读者所处的时区,并选择最合适的时间表达方式。

3. 使用正确的语法结构:英语中表示时间有多种方式,如“at 3:20”、“3:20 pm”、“twenty past three”,因此要根据具体情况选择适当的语法结构。

4. 注意使用大小写:在英文中,时间通常用数字表示,并且小时和分钟之间用冒号隔开。但在正式场合,如学术论文或商务文件中,也可以使用全称形式“three twenty”。

5. 考虑上下文:如果要将3点20分作为一个具体时间点出现在文章中,可以直接使用数字和冒号表示;如果作为一个概括性描述,则可以使用“around 3:20”、“approximately 3:20”等表达方式。

6. 多练习多积累:正确地使用英文表达时间需要大量的练习和积累,可以通过阅读英文文章、听力练习、与外国人交流等方式来提高自己的表达能力

