
语言百科2023-12-29 22:32:19留学世界





1. 40作为年龄:当一个人到了40岁,他们就会被称为“forty”,这也被认为是一个人生中的一个重要转折点。

2. 40作为数量:在英语中,“forty”也可以表示某物的数量,比如“forty dollars”表示四十美元,“forty days”表示四十天。

3. 40作为时间:在英语中,“forty”也可以表示时间,比如“forty minutes”表示四十分钟,“forty years ago”表示四十年前。

4. 40作为等级:在体育比赛中,“forty”也可以表示第四名或第四轮比赛。

5. 40作为幸运数字:在中国文化中,数字40被认为是吉利的数字。所以,在英语中,“forty”也可以用来表达好运和幸运。

6. 40作为警告信号:当一个人说“life begins at forty”(生活从四十岁开始)时,通常意味着他们即将进入中年阶段,并且需要更加努力地生活。

7. 40作为谚语:“life begins at forty”(生活从四十岁开始)也是一句谚语,意思是人的生活经验和智慧在四十岁后才会真正开始。

8. 40作为挑战:有时候,我们会听到一句话“the big four-oh”(大四十),这通常指的是某人即将满四十岁,并且可能面临着一些挑战和变化。

9. 40作为年龄段:在美国,40-49岁被称为“forties”,这个年龄段的人被认为是中年人。

10. 40作为生日派对主题:当一个人满四十岁时,他们可能会选择以“forty and fabulous”(四十而美)或者“over the hill”(过了山头)作为生日派对的主题。



1. Forty:这是最常见的读法,也是最简单的读法。直接读作“four-tee”,注意发音时要把“y”发成/i/音,而不是/ai/音。

2. Fourty:这种拼写方式更接近数字“4”的发音,但是在英语中并不常见,所以读起来可能会有些别扭。读作“four-tee”。

3. Forty-oh:如果你想要给数字40增加一点幽默感,可以用这种读法。把数字“0”读作字母“o”,变成“forty-oh”。听起来像是在说一个人的名字。

4. Two score:这个短语在古代英语中表示20,但现在通常用来表示40。它的意思是两倍于20,所以可以把它理解为两个二十岁的人的年龄总和。读作“too score”。

5. Two twenties:这种说法也类似于上面的短语,“two twenties”意思就是两个二十岁的人。和上面一样,读作“too twenties”。

6. Double twenty:如果你想要更简单地表达40,可以用这种说法。“double”意为两倍或双倍,“twenty”就是20了。“double twenty”的意思就是双倍于20,也就是40。读作“duhb-ul twen-tee”。

7. Four decades:如果你想要强调40是一个长时间,可以用这种说法。“decade”意为十年,所以“four decades”就是四个十年,也就是40年。读作“for dek-ades”。

8. 40 years old:这是最直接的表达方式,把数字和“years old”连起来读就可以了。“40 years old”的意思就是40岁。读作“forty years old”


1. 40作为一个数字,可以用来表示年龄,比如“我今年已经40岁了”(I'm already forty years old).

2. 40也可以用来表示数量,比如“我有40个苹果”(I have forty apples).

3. 在英文中,40通常被写作forty,但在电话号码中却被缩写为40,比如“我的电话号码是555-123-40”(My phone number is five five five, one two three, forty).

4. 除了表示数量和年龄外,40还有一些特殊的用法,在下面我们将会给出一些双语例句来帮助你更好地理解。

5. “四十不惑”是一个中国的俗语,英文翻译为“Life begins at forty”,意思是在四十岁之后人生才开始变得明朗起来。

6. “四十大盗”是一个西方的传说故事,“Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves”,讲述了一个年轻人和他的四十个同伙对抗邪恶盗贼的故事。

7. “四十万光年”是著名科幻电影《星际迷航》中的一句台词,“To boldly go where no man has gone before”,意思是勇敢地去到没有人去过的地方。

8. 还记得那首经典歌曲《四十九天》吗?它被翻译为“Forty-Nine Days”,讲述了一段爱情故事,歌词中有一句是“Forty-nine days of waiting for you”(等待你的四十九天)。

9. “四十五度角”在英文中被称为“forty-five degree angle”,它是一个常用的数学术语,指两条直线之间的夹角。

10. 最后,我们来看一个有趣的双语例句,“I'm forty, but I feel like I'm twenty”(我今年四十岁了,但感觉像二十岁一样),这句话用幽默的方式表达了年龄和心态之间的差异


1. 直接翻译:forty

示例:There are forty students in the classroom.(教室里有四十个学生。)

2. 数字+of+noun:forty of

示例:Forty of the participants were from China.(四十名参与者来自中国。)

3. 数字+to+noun:forty to

示例:The price has increased from forty to fifty dollars.(价格已从四十美元涨到五十美元。)

4. 数字+percent:forty percent

示例:Forty percent of the population lives in urban areas.(百分之四十的人口居住在城市地区。)

5. 数字+times:forty times

示例:The number of tourists has increased by forty times compared to last year.(与去年相比,游客数量增加了四十倍。)

6. 数字+fold:forty-fold

示例:The company's profits have increased forty-fold in the past five years.(过去五年,公司利润增加了四十倍。)

7. four tens or four tens of: 四个十或者四个十的

示例:There are four tens or forty fingers on two hands.(两只手上有四个十或者四个十的手指。)

8. two score: 两组数目或者二十个

示例:He has lived for two score years and ten, and still going strong at ninety-two years old!(他已经活了两组数目和10年,并且在92岁时仍然很强壮!)

9. a group of forty: 四十个一组

示例:A group of forty students went on a field trip to the zoo.(四十个学生一组去动物园参观。)

10. two dozen: 两打或者二十四个

示例:I need to buy two dozen eggs for the cake recipe.(我需要为蛋糕食谱买两打鸡蛋。)

11. four decades: 四十年

示例:The company has been in business for four decades.(这家公司已经经营了四十年。)

12. forty units: 四十单位

示例:The apartment complex has forty units available for rent.(公寓大楼有四十个单位可供出租。)

13. a score and twenty: 一组数目和二十

示例:There were a score and twenty people at the party last night.(昨晚派对上有一组数目和二十人。)

14. ten times four: 十乘以四

示例:Ten times four is equal to forty.(十乘以四等于四十。)

15. a pair of twenties: 二十的一对或者两张二十元钞票

示例:He won a pair of twenties in the poker game last night.(昨晚他在扑克游戏中赢了两张二十元钞票。)

16. two sets of twenty: 两组数目和二十或者两套二十件衣服

示例:I bought two sets of twenty plates for the dinner party tonight.(今晚晚宴我买了两套二十个盘子。)

17. four times ten: 四乘以十

示例:Four times ten is equal to forty.(四乘以十等于四十。)

18. forty pieces: 四十件或者四十块

示例:She has a collection of forty pieces of vintage jewelry.(她有一套四十件复古珠宝。)

19. a group of four tens: 四个十的一组

示例:There are a group of four tens or forty fingers on two hands.(两只手上有四个十或者四个十的手指。)

20. two twenties: 二十的两张或者二十元钞票

示例:I need to withdraw two twenties from the ATM for lunch money.(我需要从自动取款机取出两张二十元钞票作为午餐费用。)

21. four decades ago: 四十年前

示例:My grandparents got married four decades ago.(我祖父母在四十年前结婚了。)

22. fortyfold increase: 增加了四十倍

示例:There has been a fortyfold increase in the number of tourists visiting this city in the past decade.(过去10年,来访这座城市的游客数量增加了四十倍。)

23. forty-fold difference: 差异达到了四十倍

示例:There is a forty-fold difference in salary between the CEO and the entry-level employees at this company.(这家公司CEO和入门级员工之间的薪水差异达到了四十倍。)

24. fortyfold growth: 增长了四十倍

示例:The company has experienced a fortyfold growth in revenue since its establishment.(自成立以来,这家公司的收入增长了四十倍。)

25. forty times as much: 相当于四十倍

示例:He earns forty times as much as his wife.(他的收入是他妻子的四十倍。)

26. four dozens: 四打或者四十八个

示例:I need four dozens of roses for the wedding decorations.(我需要为婚礼装饰买四打玫瑰。)

27. thirty plus ten: 三十加上十

示例:Thirty plus ten is equal to forty.(三十加上十等于四十。)

28. two twenties and twenty: 二十的两张和二十

示例:There were two twenties and twenty people at the party last night.(昨晚派对上有二张二十元钞票和二十人。)

29. a set of four tens: 四个十的一套或者一组数目和四个数目

示例:There are four tens or forty fingers on two hands, which is a set of four tens or a group of four numbers.(两只手上有四个数目或者一组数目和四个数目,这是一个由四个数目组成的集合或者一组数字。)

30. two groups of twenty: 两组二十人或者两组二十件东西

示例:There were two groups of twenty people at the conference.(会议上有两组二十人。)

31. a pair of twenties and ten: 二十的一对和十

示例:He won a pair of twenties and ten dollars in the poker game last night.(昨晚他在扑克游戏中赢了两张二十元钞票和十美元。)

32. fortyfold decrease: 减少了四十倍

示例:There has been a fortyfold decrease in the number of endangered species in this area due to conservation efforts.(由于保护措施,这个地区濒危物种数量减少了四十倍。)

33. forty pairs: 四十双或者八十个

示例:She has collected forty pairs of designer shoes.(她收藏了四十双名牌鞋子。)

34. two sets of four tens: 两组数目和四个数目或者两套四件衣服

示例:I bought two sets of four tens plates for the dinner party tonight.(今晚晚宴我买了两套四个数目盘子。)

35. four times tenfold: 四乘以10倍

示例:The population has increased four times tenfold since the last census.(自上次人口普查以来,人口增加了4乘以10倍。)

36. forty units or items: 四十单位或者物品

示例:There are forty units or items on this shopping list that we need to buy for the office party.(这张购物清单上有四十单位或者物品,我们需要为办公室派对购买。)

37. a score and two tens: 一组数目和二十二

示例:There were a score and two tens people at the concert last night.(昨晚音乐会上有一组数目和二十二人。)

38. fortyfold improvement: 改善了四十倍

示例:The company has seen a fortyfold improvement in customer satisfaction ratings since implementing new policies.(自从实施新政策以来,这家公司的客户满意度评级已经改善了四十倍。)

39. forty times as many: 相当于四十倍的数量

示例:There are forty times as many students in this school compared to the neighboring one.(与邻近学校相比,这所学校有四十倍的学生。)

40. four tens plus zero: 四个十加上零

示例:Four tens plus zero is equal to forty.(四个十加上零等于四十。)


1. How to say 40 in English

- Synonyms: forty, four tens, two score

- Examples: "Forty is the same as four tens." "Two score is equal to forty."

2. What is the English word for 40?

- Synonyms: forty, four tens, two score

- Examples: "What's the English word for 40?" "The equivalent of 40 is four tens."

3. How do you express 40 in English?

- Synonyms: forty, four tens, two score

- Examples: "How do you express 40 in English?" "The expression for 40 is four tens."

4. Ways to say 40 in English

- Synonyms: forty, four tens, two score

- Examples: "There are various ways to say 40 in English." "Some ways to express 40 are forty and two score."

5. Different terms for 40 in English

- Synonyms: forty, four tens, two score

- Examples: "There are different terms for 40 in English." "Some terms used for 40 are forty and four tens."

6. How to pronounce and write out the number 40 in English?

- Synonyms: forty, four tens, two score

- Examples: "Can you tell me how to pronounce and write out the number 40 in English?" "The pronunciation and written form of the number 40 are essential to learn."

7. What does the number 40 mean in English?

- Synonyms: forty, four tens, two score

- Examples: "Do you know what the number 40 means in English?" "In numerology, the number 40 symbolizes stability and harmony."

8. The significance of using the number 40 in English

- Synonyms: forty, four tens, two score

- Examples: "What is the significance of using the number 40 in English?" "In many cultures, the number 40 holds religious or symbolic significance."

9. How to write and say 40 in English correctly?

- Synonyms: forty, four tens, two score

- Examples: "Can you teach me how to write and say 40 in English correctly?" "It's important to learn the proper way to express 40 in English."

10. The correct way to use and pronounce the number 40 in English

- Synonyms: forty, four tens, two score

- Examples: "What is the correct way to use and pronounce the number 40 in English?" "The proper usage and pronunciation of 40 should be learned for effective communication."

