
语言百科2023-12-30 14:48:20留学世界



1. 500英语怎么说?的意思是什么?



2. 用基数词表达500

在日常生活中,我们经常会用基数词来表示数字,例如one, two, three等。当我们要表达500时,可以直接说five hundred。这是最简单也是最常用的表达方式。

3. 使用序数词表示500

除了基数词之外,序数词也可以用来表示数字。序数词指的是第几个,在英语中通常以-th或者-st结尾。因此,如果要表达第500个,我们可以说five hundredth。

4. 用分数来表示500

分数指的是一个整体被分成若干等份后的一部分。如果要将500表示为分数,可以写作five hundred over one或者five hundred divided by one。

5. 用小数点来表示500


6. 使用罗马数字表示500


7. 用英文单词five hundred来表示

除了用数字和符号来表示500之外,还可以直接用英文单词来表达。在英语中,five hundred就是500的意思。




1. 了解基本概念:首先,我们需要明确500英语是指什么。它是指在商业和工作场合中最常用的500个单词和短语。这些单词和短语涵盖了日常生活、商务交流、社交活动等各个方面。

2. 利用数字记忆法:记忆500个单词可能会让人望而却步,但你可以利用数字记忆法来帮助你更轻松地掌握这些单词。比如,在每天学习20个单词时,可以将它们与一些有趣的数字联系起来,比如你最喜欢的歌曲里出现过的数字。

3. 多听多说多练习:学习语言最重要的就是要多听多说多练习。找一些适合自己水平的听力材料和口语练习环境,坚持每天练习一段时间,对于掌握500英语会有很大的帮助。

4. 使用在线资源:现在有很多在线资源可以帮助你学习500英语,比如Quizlet、Memrise等应用程序,它们提供了各种各样的练习和游戏,让你更轻松地学习和记忆单词。

5. 多与外国人交流:最好的学习方式就是与母语为英语的人交流。找一些外国朋友或者加入一些英语交流群,这样可以让你更加贴近实际使用场景,也能够提高听力和口语能力


1. 500英语怎么说的用法

- “500”是一个阿拉伯数字,读作“five hundred”,意为五百。

- 在英语中,可以将“500”与其他数字组合来表示不同的含义,如“501”表示五百零一,“550”表示五百五十,“1500”表示一千五百等等。

- 另外,在英语中也可以使用罗马数字来表示“500”,即“D”。

2. 500英语怎么说的双语例句

- The price of the new phone is 500 dollars. (这部新手机的价格是五百美元。)

- I ran 500 meters in the race. (我在比赛中跑了五百米。)

- There are 500 students in our school. (我们学校有五百名学生。)

- He scored 500 points in the game. (他在比赛中得了五百分。)

- The company has been in business for over 500 years. (这家公司已经经营了五百多年。)

3. 其他表达方式


- Five hundred: 这是将阿拉伯数字直接翻译成英文单词的方式。

- Half a thousand: 这是将“half”(一半)与“thousand”(千)组合起来表示的方式。

- Five hundred dollars: 这是将阿拉伯数字和货币单位一起使用的方式,表示“五百美元”。

- Five hundredth: 这是将“five hundred”转换为序数词的方式,表示“第五百”。

4. 用法小结

在英语中,“500”可以直接读作“five hundred”,也可以与其他数字组合来表示不同的含义。另外,还可以使用罗马数字“D”来表示。除了直接使用阿拉伯数字和罗马数字外,还有一些其他的表达方式,如将阿拉伯数字直接翻译成英文单词、与货币单位一起使用等等。

5. 双语例句小结

在英语中,“500”是一个阿拉伯数字,读作“five hundred”,意为五百。除了直接使用阿拉伯数字和罗马数字外,还有一些其他的表达方式,如将阿拉伯数字直接翻译成英文单词、与货币单位一起使用等等。以上提供了几个关于“500”的双语例句,通过这些例句可以更加生动地理解“500”的含义及用法


1. How do you say 500 in English?

2. Five hundred

3. Five hundred and zero

4. Five hundred and no cents

5. Half a thousand

6. Quinquecentennial (used for 500th anniversary)

7. A five hundred dollar bill

8. A five hundred dollar check

9. Five hundred units

10. A five hundred piece puzzle

11. Five centuries

12. The number five followed by two zeros

13. The Roman numeral D (500)

14. A half grand

15. A nickel short of a dime (slang phrase meaning just shy of 500)

16. Fifty tens

17. Ten fifties

18. Two-hundred fifty twos (used in some Asian countries)

19. One thousand minus five hundred

20.Half a kilometer (used in some European countries)

21.Around five football fields lined up end to end

22.Five times one hundred

23.Five times one century

24.Around half a mile (used in the United States)

25.Around two laps on a standard running track

26.A half of a millionth (used in scientific notation)

27.The number that comes after four-hundred ninety-nine and before five-hundred-one.

28.The sum of two-hundred fifty-two and two-hundred forty-eight.

29.A common multiple of one-hundred and twenty-five.

30.The product of ten and fifty.

31.Two-thirds of seven-hundred-fifty.

32.Twenty-five squared, divided by two.

33.One-fifth of twenty-five-hundred.

34.The square root of two-hundred fifty-thousand.

35.Five-tenths as many as one-thousand.

36.Double the number that comes after two-hundred forty-nine.

37.Half the value of one-thousand plus one-thousand divided by two.

38.A quarter of two-thousand.

39.A third of fifteen-hundred.

40.A fifth of twenty-five-hundred.

41.One-tenth of five-thousand.

42.Two-fifths of twelve-hundred and fifty.

43.Half a millionth (used in fractions).

44.The number that comes after four-hundred ninety-nine and before five-hundred-one (used in counting).

45.The sum of two-hundred fifty-two and two-hundred forty-eight (used in addition).

46.Two times two-fifty (used in multiplication).

47.One-fourth of one-thousand (used in fractions).

48.Twenty-five hundredths (used in decimals).

49.Five times one hundred (used in multiplication).

50.Five hundred divided by one


1. How to say 500 in English?

2. What is the English equivalent of 500?

3. Ways to express 500 in English.

4. The English translation for 500.

5. How to communicate the number 500 in English?

6. Ways to convey 500 in the English language.

7. The English terminology for the number 500.

8. How to articulate 500 in English?

9. Ways to enunciate 500 in the English language.

10. The synonym for 500 in English.

11. Expressing the number 500 in the English language.

12. The equivalent of five hundred in English.

13. How to verbalize five hundred in English?

14. Different ways to say five hundred in English.

15. Five hundred: its meaning and usage in the English language.

16. The correct pronunciation of five hundred in English.

17. Ways to communicate five hundred effectively in English.

18. Five hundred: its synonym and translation in the English language.

19. Explaining five hundred accurately in the context of the English language.

20. How to use five hundred appropriately when speaking or writing in English?

