
语言百科2024-01-03 12:53:26留学世界




1. She worked hard and finally achieved her dream of becoming a doctor.



2. The team's hard work and dedication helped them achieve victory in the championship.


3. With determination and perseverance, you can achieve anything you set your mind to.


4. Our company has achieved great success in the past year, thanks to our dedicated employees.


5. It takes hard work and determination to achieve your goals, but the feeling of accomplishment is worth it.


6. The singer's latest album has achieved record-breaking sales, making her one of the most successful artists of the year.



1. 发音:achieve的发音为/əˈtʃiːv/,重读在第二个音节上,读音类似于“a-cheev”。

2. 词性:achieve是一个动词,意为“实现;达到;获得”。

3. 同义词:accomplish、attain、reach、fulfill等。

4. 用法:achieve通常用作及物动词,后接宾语,表示通过努力或行动达到某种目标或结果。

5. 搭配短语:

- achieve success: 获得成功

- achieve one's dream: 实现某人的梦想

- achieve a goal: 达成目标

- achieve greatness: 取得伟大成就

- achieve a high score: 获得高分数

6. 例句:

- She worked hard and finally achieved her goal of becoming a doctor.


- The team's hard work paid off and they achieved victory in the championship.


7. 注意:

- achieve是一个正式的用词,在日常口语中可以用succeed或accomplish替换。

- 不要将achieve与get混淆,get通常表示简单地获得某物或做某事,而achieve则强调通过努力或行动达到某种结果


1. Achieve的用法:Achieve是一个动词,意为“达到,实现”。它可以作为及物动词,后接名词或代词作宾语;也可以作为不及物动词,后接介词短语作宾语补足语。例如:I finally achieved my goal.(我终于实现了我的目标。)He has achieved great success in his career.(他在事业上取得了巨大的成功。)

2. 双语例句:

(1) We must work hard to achieve our dreams.(我们必须努力工作来实现我们的梦想。)

(2) She achieved her goal of becoming a doctor after years of hard work.(经过多年的努力,她实现了成为一名医生的目标。)

(3) The team's hard work and determination helped them achieve victory in the championship.(团队的努力和决心帮助他们在锦标赛中取得了胜利。)

(4) It takes a lot of effort and dedication to achieve success in any field.(在任何领域取得成功都需要付出大量的努力和奉献。)

(5) With the support of his family, he was able to achieve his dream of studying abroad.(在家人的支持下,他成功实现了出国留学的梦想。)

(6) The company's innovative strategies helped them achieve a 20% increase in profits this year.(公司创新的策略帮助他们今年实现了20%的利润增长。)

(7) It's important to set realistic goals in order to achieve them.(设定现实的目标是为了能够实现它们的重要因素。)

(8) The young athlete's hard work and determination helped him achieve his dream of winning an Olympic medal.(年轻运动员的努力和决心帮助他实现了赢得奥运奖牌的梦想。)


1. achieve success:取得成功

例如:After years of hard work, she finally achieved success in her career.

2. achieve one's goals:实现某人的目标

例如:With determination and perseverance, he was able to achieve his goals.

3. achieve greatness:取得伟大成就

例如:Through dedication and hard work, he was able to achieve greatness in his field.

4. achieve a dream:实现一个梦想

例如:She worked tirelessly to achieve her dream of becoming a professional dancer.

5. achieve a milestone:达成一个里程碑

例如:The company's latest product has achieved a major milestone in sales.

6. achieve recognition:获得认可

例如:His talent and hard work have helped him achieve recognition in the music industry.

7. achieve balance:达到平衡

例如:It's important to have a balanced diet and exercise routine in order to achieve good health.

8. achieve excellence:达到卓越

例如:The team's hard work and dedication allowed them to achieve excellence in their performance.

9. achieve results:取得成果

例如:Through teamwork and collaboration, we were able to achieve great results for our project.

10. strive to achieve :努力实现

例如: She always strives to achieve her best in everything she does


1. Accomplish

- He was able to accomplish his goal of running a marathon in under 3 hours.

- It took years of hard work and dedication, but she finally accomplished her dream of becoming a doctor.

2. Attain

- With his determination and perseverance, he was able to attain a high level position in the company.

- The students were praised for their efforts in attaining top scores on their exams.

3. Realize

- After years of struggling, she finally realized her dream of owning her own business.

- The team worked together to realize their goal of winning the championship.

4. Fulfill

- The actor felt fulfilled after receiving critical acclaim for his performance in the play.

- She fulfilled her promise to volunteer at the local shelter every week.

5. Reach

- With hard work and determination, he was able to reach the top of Mount Everest.

- The company's profits reached an all-time high this year.

6. Obtain

- She obtained her dream job after years of studying and gaining experience in her field.

- The team obtained funding for their project from a generous donor.

7. Succeed

- Despite facing many challenges, she succeeded in starting her own successful business.

- The athlete's hard work paid off when he succeeded in breaking the world record.

8. Accomplishment

- Winning the Nobel Prize was a great accomplishment for the scientist.

- Graduating with honors was one of his proudest accomplishments.

9. Attainment

- Learning a new language is a valuable attainment that can open up many opportunities.

- The company's rapid growth is a testament to their attainment of success.

10. Fulfillment

- Traveling around the world has always been my greatest fulfillment.

- Helping others brings me a sense of fulfillment and purpose in life

