
语言百科2024-01-03 19:11:26留学世界



1. 什么是actress?



2. Actress的起源


3. Actress与Actor的区别

虽然actress和actor都指代表演者,但它们在使用上有一些区别。除了性别上的差异外,actress通常用来指代女性表演者,而actor则可以用来指代男性或者不分性别的表演者。此外,在某些场合下,也会使用unisex term “performer”来代替actor和actress。

4. Actress在不同地区的称呼


5. Actress在不同艺术领域中的含义


6. Actress的职责


7. Actress的成就和荣誉



1. 什么是actress?


2. 如何正确读音?


3. actress的用法


- She is a famous actress.(她是一位著名的女演员。)

- The movie stars a talented actress.(这部电影由一位有才华的女演员主演。)

- The actress's performance was outstanding.(这位女演员的表现非常出色。)


4. actress与actor的区别

Actress和actor都有“表演者”的意思,但它们之间有一些细微的差别。Actor通常指男性表演者,而actress则专门指女性表演者。但近年来,随着社会对性别平等意识的提高,有些人开始使用gender-neutral terms(中性词语)来代替actor和actress,比如performer(表演者)、artist(艺术家)等。

5. 其他相关词汇

- actress是一个可数名词,它的复数形式为actresses。

- actress也可以用作动词,意为“扮演女演员”。

- actress的同义词包括female performer、leading lady、starlet等


1. 什么是actress?


2. actress的用法

- 作为名词,用来描述女性演员。

- 作为动词,表示扮演某个角色或表演某种行为。


3. actress与actor的区别


- Actress用来描述女性演员,而actor则用来描述男性演员。

- Actress通常被认为是一个更加具有性别标签的词语,而actor则更加中性。

- 在过去,actress常被用来称呼所有女性演员,但现在越来越多人开始使用gender-neutral(中立性别)词汇,如performer(表演者)或artist(艺术家)。

4. 双语例句

- She is a talented actress who has won multiple awards for her performances.(她是一位才华横溢的女演员,在表演方面获得了多项大奖。)

- The actress portrayed the character with such depth and emotion that the audience was moved to tears.(这位女演员将角色演绎得深入深出,让观众感动落泪。)

- She started her career as a singer, but then transitioned to being an actress.(她最初是一名歌手,后来转型为女演员。)

- The actress's versatility allows her to take on a wide range of roles.(这位女演员的多才多艺使她能够扮演各种不同类型的角色。)


1. Leading lady - 指电影或戏剧中的女主角,也可以用来形容任何领导地位的女性。

2. Screen siren - 指性感迷人的女演员,通常用来形容那些在大银幕上具有吸引力的女性形象。

3. Silver screen star - 指在电影界备受瞩目的明星,也可以用来指代那些经常出现在银幕上的女演员。

4. Hollywood actress - 指在好莱坞发展并取得成功的女演员,通常指那些在美国电影产业中获得认可和知名度的女性。

5. Stage actress - 指在舞台剧中表演并获得成功的女演员,通常指那些具有戏剧天赋和表演技巧的女性。

6. Television actress - 指在电视节目中扮演角色并受到观众欢迎的女艺人,通常指那些出现在电视剧、综艺节目或广告中的女性。

7. Character actress - 指擅长扮演各种角色并且能够将其塑造得栩栩如生的女演员,通常指那些不仅有美貌还有实力的女艺人。

8. Rising starlet - 指正在崛起并有望成为大明星的年轻女演员,通常指那些刚开始进入演艺圈并且备受期待的新人。

9. Leading lady-in-waiting - 指那些在电影或戏剧中扮演重要角色但还未获得真正成功的女演员,通常指那些潜力巨大但尚未被观众认可的女性。

10. Award-winning actress - 指曾获得过奖项并因此备受赞誉的女演员,通常指那些在电影节或颁奖典礼上获得过最佳女主角、最佳配角等荣誉的艺人


1. Female Performer - This term is often used in the entertainment industry to refer to a woman who acts in films, television shows, or stage productions. It is a gender-neutral alternative to the term "actress" and is gaining more popularity in recent years.

2. Leading Lady - This term refers to a female actor who plays a prominent role in a film or play. It is often used to describe actresses who have leading roles and are considered the main attraction of the production.

3. Starlet - This term is used to describe young and upcoming actresses who are just starting their careers in the entertainment industry. It is often associated with beauty, glamour, and potential for success.

4. Diva - This term has different connotations depending on the context, but it can also be used to describe a highly talented and successful actress who has a larger-than-life personality and demands attention.

5. Thespian - This word comes from the Greek word "thespis," which means an actor or performer. It can be used to describe both male and female actors, but it is more commonly associated with women in theater.

6. Leading Woman - Similar to "leading lady," this term refers to an actress who plays a prominent role in a production. It emphasizes the importance of her character and performance rather than her gender.

7. Screen Siren - This term originated from Hollywood's Golden Age and was used to describe actresses who were known for their beauty, sensuality, and captivating on-screen presence.

8. Ingenue - This French word translates to "innocent" or "naive," but it is often used in the entertainment industry to describe young actresses who play innocent and naive characters on screen.

9. Character Actress - This term refers to an actress who specializes in playing supporting roles that require strong acting skills rather than just physical appearance.

10. Femme Fatale - Literally meaning "deadly woman" in French, this term is used to describe actresses who play seductive and dangerous female characters in films or plays.

11. Leading Actress - This term is a straightforward synonym for "leading lady" and is often used to describe the main female actor in a production.

12. Stage Actress - This term refers to an actress who primarily performs on stage rather than in films or television shows.

13. Silver Screen Goddess - Similar to "screen siren," this term was used during Hollywood's Golden Age to describe actresses who were considered the epitome of beauty, elegance, and glamour.

14. Leading Performer - This term is gender-neutral and can be used to describe both male and female actors who play leading roles in productions.

15. Drama Queen - While this term has a negative connotation, it can also be used humorously to refer to actresses who are known for their dramatic performances on screen or stage.

16. Supporting Actress - This term refers to an actress who plays a supporting role in a production, often providing a strong performance that complements the lead actor's performance.

17. Stage Star - Similar to "stage actress," this term emphasizes the success and popularity of an actress in the theater world.

18. Silver Screen Starlet - A combination of "silver screen" (a nickname for the film industry) and "starlet," this term describes young actresses who are making their mark on the big screen.

19. Leading Character - This term can be used interchangeably with "leading lady" or "leading woman" but puts more emphasis on the character rather than the actor playing it.

20. Hollywood Icon - This term refers to actresses who have achieved legendary status in Hollywood and are recognized worldwide for their contributions to the entertainment industry

