
语言百科2024-01-03 19:47:26留学世界




1. 什么是act?

Act是英语中的一个常见单词,它可以作为名词、动词或缩写词使用。作为名词时,act指的是一个行动、行为或表演;作为动词时,act意为“表演”、“扮演”、“行动”等;作为缩写词时,act可能表示“美国公民权利法案(American Civil Rights Act)”、“国防授权法案(Authorization for Use of Military Force)”等。

2. act的发音


3. act作为名词的含义

① 行动、行为:act可以指代一个人或物体所做出的具体举动或活动。例如:“His heroic act saved the child's life.”(他英勇的举动拯救了孩子的生命。)

② 表演:act也可以指代一场戏剧、电影或其他表演形式。“The actors put on a fantastic act.”(演员们表现出色。)

③ 法令、条例:在法律和政治领域,act常常被用来表示某项法令或条例。“The new act aims to protect the environment.”(新法令旨在保护环境。)

4. act作为动词的含义

① 表演、扮演:当act作为动词时,它可以指代表演某个角色。“She acted the role of Juliet in the school play.”(她在学校剧中扮演了朱丽叶的角色。)

② 行动、做事:act也可以表示采取行动、做出反应。“He acted quickly when he saw the fire.”(他看到火灾后迅速采取行动。)

③ 假装、装作:act还可以指代假装或装作。“She acted like she didn't know anything about it.”(她装作对此一无所知。)

5. act作为缩写词的含义

① 美国公民权利法案:这是美国历史上一项重要的法案,旨在消除种族隔离和歧视。

② 国防授权法案:这是美国政府向军方授权使用武力的法案,通常用于对外军事行动。




1. 先来看看它的基本发音:/ækt/。这个发音中有两个元音,一个是短元音/a/,一个是开放元音/t/。记住这两个元音的发音方式非常重要。

2. 如果你觉得这个发音还不够清晰,可以尝试加上一个/d/的浊化。这样读起来更像“active”一样,更加自然流畅。

3. 如果你想要表现出更多的情感或者强调某一部分意思,可以尝试将/t/发成/tʃ/。这样读起来会有点像“atch”,更具有感染力。

4. 除了以上三种方式外,还可以将/a/和/t/分开读,即/a/-/t/. 这样读起来会更加清晰明了。

5. 最后提醒大家注意,“act”作为动词时,在过去式和过去分词形式中都会变成/aekt/的发音。所以在阅读时也需要注意区分


1. act是一个常见的动词,意为“行动”、“表演”、“扮演”。它的发音为/ækt/,读起来有点像“啊克特”,很容易记住哦!

2. 在日常口语中,act也可以用作名词,意为“行为”、“表现”。例如:“His act of kindness touched my heart.”(他的善举感动了我。)

3. 除了作为动词和名词,act还可以用作副词,表示“实际上”、“真正地”。例如:“He's not as smart as he acts.”(他并不像他表现出来的那么聪明。)

4. 当act与其他单词组合时,也会产生一些常用短语。比如:act out(表演)、act on(执行)、act up(调皮捣蛋)等等。

5. 下面是一些双语例句,帮助你更好地理解act的用法:

- He always acts like a clown to make people laugh.


- Don't just talk, act on your words!


- The children are acting up again, we need to discipline them.


- The company is planning to act on the customer's feedback and improve their products.


- She may seem shy, but she's actually quite confident in her acting abilities.


- He always acts as if he knows everything, but in reality, he's just pretending.




1. "act up" - 行为失控,发疯

例如:My computer is acting up again, I need to get it fixed.

2. "act out" - 表现出,扮演

例如:She acted out the scene perfectly, she should be an actress.

3. "act on" - 对...采取行动,执行

例如:The government needs to act on climate change before it's too late.

4. "act as" - 充当,担任

例如:I will act as your guide during your stay in our city.

5. "act for" - 代表,为...服务

例如:He acts for several famous actors and actresses.

6. "act against" - 反对,违背

例如:Their actions are acting against the company's policies.

7. "act upon" - 奉行,遵循

例如:We should act upon our principles and not compromise them for anyone.

8. "put on an act" - 装模作样,假装

例如:Don't be fooled by his charm, he's just putting on an act to get what he wants.

9. "catch someone in the act" - 当场抓住某人做某事

例如:I caught my son in the act of sneaking out of the house last night.

10. "get into the act" - 参与其中,加入进来

例如:After watching her friends perform, she decided to get into the act and try singing too


1. Perform - 进行、执行、表演

2. Behave - 行为、表现、举止

3. Do - 做、行动、实施

4. Carry out - 执行、履行、实施

5. Accomplish - 完成、达成、实现

6. Fulfill - 履行、满足、完成

7. Enact - 颁布、制定、扮演

8. Execute - 执行、履行、处决

9. Play - 扮演、演出、玩耍

10. Act out - 表演出来,模仿,发泄情绪

1. Perform: 通常用于指表演艺术或音乐方面的活动,如:“She performed a beautiful dance at the talent show.”(她在才艺展示中表演了一支美妙的舞蹈。)也可以指完成某项任务或工作,如:“The students were asked to perform a science experiment in class.”(老师要求学生们在课堂上进行一项科学实验。)

2. Behave: 通常指人的举止或表现方式,如:“The children behaved very well at the party.”(孩子们在聚会上表现得很好。)也可以指某种物质的特性或反应方式,如:“This chemical behaves differently when exposed to heat.”(这种化学物质在受热时表现出不同的特性。)

3. Do: 是最常见的动词,可以用来表示任何一种行为或活动,如:“I have a lot of work to do today.”(我今天有很多工作要做。)也可以用来询问某人是否愿意做某事,如:“Do you want to go for a walk with me?”(你愿意和我一起散步吗?)

4. Carry out: 指执行、实施某项计划或任务,强调完成任务的过程和结果,如:“The company is planning to carry out a new marketing strategy next month.”(公司计划下个月实施一项新的营销策略。)

5. Accomplish: 指完成某项任务或目标,并强调取得成功的结果,如:“She has accomplished a lot in her career as an actress.”(作为一名演员,她在事业上取得了很多成就。)

6. Fulfill: 通常指履行承诺、满足要求或达到期望,如:“He fulfilled his promise to help me with my project.”(他履行了帮我完成项目的承诺。)

7. Enact: 指制定或颁布法律、规章等,也可以指扮演角色,如:“The government plans to enact stricter laws on environmental protection.”(政府计划颁布更严格的环保法律。)

8. Execute: 通常指执行某项任务或命令,也可以指处决死刑犯,如:“The soldiers were ordered to execute the mission immediately.”(士兵们被命令立即执行任务。)

9. Play: 常用于指表演戏剧、电影等,也可以指玩耍或模仿某种动作,如:“The children are playing in the park.”(孩子们在公园里玩耍。)“He likes to play guitar in his free time.”(他业余时间喜欢弹吉他。)

10. Act out: 指通过行为来表达情绪或想法,通常带有消极的意义,如:“The child acted out his anger by throwing a tantrum.”(孩子发脾气来表达他的愤怒。)也可以指在舞台上表演出来,如:“She acted out a scene from her favorite movie at the school talent show.”(她在学校才艺展示中表演了一段她最喜欢的电影场景。)

