
语言百科2024-01-04 02:15:26留学世界





1. 地址


2. 演讲


3. 处理


4. 解决


5. 称呼


6. 处理方式



1. 什么是address?


2. address怎么读?


3. 有什么有趣的记忆方法吗?


4. address还有其他意思吗?



1. address的基本用法


2. address作为名词的用法


- What's your address? (你的地址是什么?)

- The address of the company is 123 Main Street. (公司的地址是123 Main Street。)


- Please write your address on the envelope. (请在信封上写上你的地址。)

- I need to change my shipping address for this package. (我需要修改这个包裹的收货地址。)

3. address作为动词的用法


- We need to address this issue before it becomes a bigger problem. (我们需要在这个问题变成更大问题之前加以解决。)

- The government is working to address the unemployment rate. (政府正在努力解决失业率问题。)


- The speaker addressed the audience in fluent English. (演讲者用流利的英语向观众讲话。)

- I would like to address a few concerns about the new policy. (我想提出几点关于新政策的担忧。)

4. address的双语例句

(1)Could you please give me your email address? (你能给我你的电子邮箱地址吗?)

(2)The president will address the nation on television tonight. (总统今晚将在电视上向全国发表讲话。)

(3)We need to find a way to address this problem. (我们需要找到解决这个问题的方法。)

(4)The company's new headquarters is located at this address. (公司的新总部位于这个地址。)

(5)The speaker addressed the audience in a calm and confident tone. (演讲者用平静自信的语调向观众讲话。)


1. address book:地址簿,用来存储联系人信息的小册子。

2. email address:电子邮箱地址,用来接收和发送电子邮件的唯一标识。

3. mailing address:邮寄地址,指用来收发信件或包裹的具体地址。

4. permanent address:永久地址,指个人或家庭长期居住的地址。

5. return address:回复地址,指信件或包裹退回时需要返回的地址。

6. home address:家庭住址,指个人或家庭居住的具体地点。

7. business address:商务地址,指公司、企业或组织所在的具体地点。

8. postal address:邮政地址,指用来收发邮件的具体地址。

9. shipping address:送货地址,指购物时需要提供的收货地点。

10. billing address:账单寄送地址,指发票、账单等需要邮寄到的具体地点


1. Location

- Definition: a particular place or position

- Example: The address of the new office is 123 Main Street.

2. Residence

- Definition: a person's home; the place where someone lives

- Example: He gave his residence as 456 Park Avenue.

3. Domicile

- Definition: a person's permanent home or place of residence

- Example: Her domicile is in London, but she travels frequently for work.

4. Abode

- Definition: a place of residence; a house or home

- Example: The family's abode is located in the countryside.

5. Dwelling

- Definition: a house, apartment, or other place of residence

- Example: The dwelling was small but cozy.

6. Habitation

- Definition: a place where someone lives; an inhabited dwelling or building

- Example: The city has many different types of habitation, from apartments to townhouses.

7. Residency

- Definition: the act of living in a particular place; the state of being a resident

- Example: She has been granted permanent residency in the country.

8. Location

- Definition: a specific place or area, especially one used for business purposes

Example - The new store will be opening at its new location on Main Street next week.

9. Place

Definition - A particular position, point, or area in space; any physical space that can be occupied by something

Example - The address for the event will be announced closer to the date.

10. Site

Definition - A particular location or area considered as part of an overall plan

Example - They are still deciding on the site for their new factory.

11. Position

Definition - A particular point or location in space; the way something is situated relative to its surroundings

Example - We need to find out the exact position of our hotel before we can plan our itinerary.

12. Spot

Definition - A particular place or location, often used informally

Example - The address for the party is at my friend's spot, near the beach.

13. Locale

Definition - A place where something happens or is set, especially with reference to its physical features

Example - The film was shot in various locales around the city.

14. Venue

Definition - The place where an event or activity takes place

Example - The venue for the concert has been changed to a larger stadium due to high demand for tickets.

15. Premises

Definition - A building and its surrounding property; a place where a business operates

Example - The company's new premises are located in the downtown area

