
语言百科2024-01-04 07:03:27留学世界



1. 简介



2. 在计算机领域中的含义


3. 在网站管理中的应用


4. 在游戏中的含义


5. 其他应用场景

除了上述提到的领域外,admin还可以指其他类型的管理员或负责人。例如,在企业中可以有HR admin(人力资源管理员)、finance admin(财务管理员)等;在学校可以有school admin(学校行政人员)等。









1. admin的定义


2. admin的用法


3. 双语例句

1) The admin of the company is responsible for managing all the employees and making important decisions.


2) Please contact the admin if you have any questions or concerns about your account.


3) The website was hacked due to a security loophole that the admin failed to fix.


4) The admin password is used to access the system and make changes to its settings.


5) Our team has been working closely with the network admin to resolve the server issues.


6) The admin panel allows you to easily manage and customize your website's content.



1. Admin panel:管理面板

2. Admin account:管理员账户

3. Admin privileges:管理员权限

4. Admin role:管理员角色

5. Admin login:管理员登录

6. Admin dashboard:管理仪表盘

7. Admin settings:管理员设置

8. Admin interface:管理员界面

9. Admin password:管理员密码

10. Admin access:管理员访问权限

11. Admin user:管理员用户

12. Admin control panel:管理控制面板

13. System admin:系统管理员

14. Network admin:网络管理员

15. Database admin:数据库管理员

16. Server admin:服务器管理员

17.Administrator account: 管理员账户

18.Administrator privileges: 管理员权限

19.Administrator role: 管理员角色

20.Administrator login: 管理员登录

21.Administrator dashboard: 管理仪表盘

22.Administrator settings: 管理员设置

23.Administrator interface: 管理员界面

24.Administrator password: 管理员密码

25.Administrator access: 管理员访问权限


1. Administrator: This is the most commonly used synonym for admin in English. It refers to a person who has authority or control over a particular organization, system, or group.

2. Manager: Another synonym for admin is manager. This term is often used in the business world to refer to someone who oversees and directs the operations of a company or department.

3. Supervisor: Similar to manager, supervisor is another synonym for admin that is commonly used in the workplace. A supervisor is responsible for overseeing and guiding the work of employees.

4. Director: This term can also be used as a synonym for admin, especially in larger organizations where there may be multiple levels of management. A director typically has a higher level of authority and responsibility than a manager or supervisor.

5. Controller: In some cases, admin may be referred to as a controller, especially when it comes to financial matters and budgeting. A controller is responsible for managing and monitoring the financial activities of an organization.

6. Head: This term can be used as a synonym for admin in certain contexts, particularly when referring to the leader or top decision-maker of an organization or department.

7. Chief: Similar to head, chief can also be used as a synonym for admin when referring to someone who holds a high-ranking position in an organization.

8. Executive: In the business world, an executive can also be considered a synonym for admin. This term refers to someone who holds a senior position in an organization and has decision-making authority.

9. Principal: In educational settings, principal can be used as a synonym for admin when referring to the head administrator of a school or institution.

10. Coordinator: Another possible synonym for admin is coordinator, which refers to someone who organizes and manages various aspects of a project or program.

11. Officer: This term can also be used as a synonym for admin, particularly when referring to someone who holds an official position in an organization or government agency.

12. Chief Executive Officer (CEO): In the corporate world, CEO is often used as a synonym for admin, specifically the top executive in charge of a company.

13. President: Similar to CEO, president can also be used as a synonym for admin when referring to the leader of an organization or company.

14. Chairperson: This term can be used as a synonym for admin in certain contexts, particularly when referring to the head of a committee or board of directors.

15. Boss: While not as formal as other synonyms, boss can also be used to refer to someone who holds a position of authority and control over others in an organization.

In conclusion, there are many possible synonyms for admin in English, each with its own nuances and connotations depending on the context in which it is used. Whether you are looking for a more professional term or a more casual one, there are plenty of options to choose from when referring to someone who holds administrative responsibilities

