
语言百科2024-01-04 13:39:27留学世界









a. 形容词用法:

- The company is facing adverse market conditions. (公司面临着不利的市场环境。)

- The medication may have adverse side effects on some patients. (这种药物可能会对某些患者产生不良反应。)

b. 副词用法:

- He acted adversely to my suggestion. (他对我的建议持反对态度。)

- The team performed adversely in the second half of the game. (这支球队在比赛下半场表现不佳。)


a. adverse effect:不良影响

b. adverse reaction:不良反应

c. adverse circumstances:逆境

d. adverse weather conditions:恶劣的天气条件

e. adverse opinion:反对意见


a. adverse events:不良事件,指医疗或药物治疗过程中出现的不良情况。

b. adverse selection:逆向选择,指在保险行业中,风险较高的人更愿意购买保险,导致保险公司面临更大的风险。

c. adverse possession:不当占有,指在一定时间内非法占有他人土地后可以获得所有权。


a. adverse与averse:adverse作形容词时表示“不利的”,而averse则是形容词和副词,意为“反感的”、“厌恶的”。

b. adverse与advertise:adverse是形容词和副词,而advertise则是动词,意为“广告”、“宣传”。



- The hero had to overcome many adverse circumstances to achieve his goal.


- The protagonist faced an adverse society that didn't accept her unconventional ideas.




1. adverse的含义


2. adverse的发音


3. adverse在句子中的用法

(1) 当作形容词时,adverse通常用来修饰名词,表示某种不利或消极的状况。例如:

- The company has been facing adverse market conditions recently.


- Adverse weather conditions can affect crop production.


(2) 另外,在英语中还有一个常用的短语“adverse effects”,意为“不良影响”、“副作用”。例如:

- The medication may have adverse effects on some patients.


- The adverse effects of pollution on the environment are becoming more and more serious.


4. adverse与其他相关词汇

(1) 相反的词汇:favorable(有利的)

(2) 同义词:unfavorable、harmful、detrimental

(3) 反义词:beneficial、advantageous、positive

5. 如何正确使用adverse


- 保持适当的语境。adverse通常用来描述一种不利或消极的状况,因此需要结合具体情况来使用。

- 注意时态和语态。如上文提到,“adverse”是一个形容词,因此需要根据句子主语和时态来确定其形式。

- 避免滥用。尽管adverse是一个常见的词汇,但在写作中仍需注意避免频繁使用,以免影响文章质量


1. adverse作形容词,意为“不利的,有害的”。例如:The adverse weather conditions have delayed the construction work. (恶劣的天气条件延误了施工工作。)

2. adverse还可用作名词,意为“敌对的人或事物”。例如:She had to face many adverses in her career, but she never gave up. (她在职业生涯中面对过许多敌对的人和事,但她从未放弃。)

3. 双语例句:

- The company has been facing adverse market conditions, but they are determined to overcome them and succeed. (公司一直面临着不利的市场条件,但他们决心克服困难并取得成功。)

- The medicine may cause some adverse effects, such as nausea and dizziness. (这种药物可能会引起一些不良反应,如恶心和头晕。)

- The government has implemented policies to prevent adverse impact on the environment. (政府已经实施了防止对环境产生不利影响的政策。)

- Adverse weather conditions have led to a decrease in crop yields this year. (恶劣的天气条件导致今年农作物产量下降。)


1. Adverse effects: 不良影响

2. Adverse reaction: 不良反应

3. Adverse event: 不良事件

4. Adverse weather conditions: 恶劣的天气条件

5. Adverse market conditions: 不利的市场环境

6. Adverse impact: 负面影响

7. Adverse circumstances: 不利条件

8. Adverse consequences: 不良后果

9. Adverse conditions: 不利条件

10. Adverse outcomes: 负面结果

11. Adverse trends: 不利趋势

12. Adverse effects on health: 对健康的不良影响

13. Adverse reactions to medication: 药物不良反应

14. Adverse effects of pollution: 污染的不良影响

15. Adverse economic impact: 经济负面影响

16. Adverse working conditions: 工作环境恶劣

17. Adverse effects on the environment: 对环境的不良影响

18. Potential adverse consequences: 潜在的负面后果

19. Overcome adverse circumstances: 克服不利条件

20.Adversely affect performance:对表现产生负面影响


1. Negative

- The adverse effects of climate change are becoming more evident every day.

- The negative impact of deforestation on the environment is a growing concern.

2. Unfavorable

- The company's financial report showed an adverse trend in profits.

- The unfavorable weather conditions caused delays in the construction project.

3. Detrimental

- Smoking has been proven to have adverse effects on one's health.

- The detrimental effects of pollution on marine life are alarming.

4. Harmful

- Exposure to UV rays can have adverse effects on the skin and increase the risk of skin cancer.

- The harmful chemicals in the cleaning products can cause health problems if not used properly.

5. Adversative

- Adversative weather conditions led to flight cancellations and delays at the airport.

- The adversative relationship between the two countries has resulted in trade disputes.

6. Unfortunate

- The adverse circumstances forced the company to declare bankruptcy.

- It was an unfortunate turn of events that led to the cancellation of the concert.

7. Undesirable

- The use of pesticides in farming can have adverse effects on soil quality and human health, making it an undesirable practice.

8. Disadvantageous

- The new tax laws have had an adverse impact on small businesses, putting them at a disadvantage compared to larger corporations.

9. Inimical

- Some species of plants can be inimical to each other when planted too close together, affecting their growth adversely.

10. Counterproductive

- Constant interruptions during work can have an adverse effect on productivity, making multitasking counterproductive

