
语言百科2024-01-04 22:39:28留学世界









通常情况下,again位于动词之后,表示动作的重复。例如:I will try again.(我会再试一次。)如果要强调重复的程度,则可以将again放在句末。例如:He failed again and again.(他一再失败。)当然,在特殊情况下,也可以将again放在句首或句中以达到强调的效果。


除了作为副词出现外,again还可以作为插入语使用。例如:Again, I apologize for the delay.(我再次为耽搁道歉。)这里的again起到补充说明的作用,可以省略不影响句子的完整性。


(1)try again:再试一次

(2)never again:再也不

(3)again and again:一再地

(4)once again:再一次

(5)over and over again:反复地


除了表示重复的意思外,again还可以表示“另一方面”、“相反”、“重新”等含义。例如:On the one hand, I want to go; again, I don't want to leave my family.(一方面,我想去;另一方面,我不想离开我的家人。)



例如:I'm glad we're friends again.(我很高兴我们又成为朋友了。)

I'm back at my old job.(我重返我的老工作。)


例如:We have to start all over again.(我们必须从头开始。)

We have to start anew.(我们必须重新开始。)


近义词:once more、repeatedly、furthermore、also、additionally

反义词:never、not anymore、for the first time



1. 介绍again一词的基本含义:


2. 再次强调again的意思:


- I'm sorry, can you say that again?(对不起,你能再说一遍吗?)

- He failed the exam again.(他又一次考试失败了。)

- We'll meet again next week.(我们下周再见。)

3. 举例说明again作为副词的用法:


- 表示反复地,多次地:She asked me again and again.(她反复问了我很多遍。)

- 表示回到原来的状态:He was sick, but now he's well again.(他生病了,但现在已经恢复健康了。)

- 表示重新开始:Let's start again from the beginning.(让我们从头开始吧。)

4. 介绍again作为介词的用法:


- He failed the exam again.(他又一次考试失败了。)

- She changed her mind again.(她又改变主意了。)

5. 说明again作为连词的用法:


- I don't like this color, and again, it's too expensive.(我不喜欢这个颜色,再说,它也太贵了。)

- She's a great singer, and again, she's also a talented dancer.(她是一个出色的歌手,而且她也是一个有才华的舞蹈家。)

6. 总结:

7. 写在最后


1. 用法解析


2. 常见双语例句

- I'll do it again tomorrow.(明天我会再做一次。)

- Please say that again, I didn't hear you.(请再说一遍,我没听清楚。)

- She fell off her bike again.(她又从自行车上摔下来了。)

- We met again at the party last night.(昨晚在聚会上我们又见面了。)

- Once again, thank you for your help.(再次感谢你的帮助。)

3. 幽默例句

- Again? You must really love that movie!(再一次?你一定非常喜欢那部电影!)

- Oh no, not this song again!(哦不,不要再放这首歌了!)

- Can we please not have pizza for dinner again?(我们今晚能不能不要再吃披萨了?)

4. 感情真挚例句

- I miss you so much, can we see each other again soon?(我非常想念你,我们能尽快再见面吗?)

- Thank you for giving me a chance to try again.(谢谢你给我重来的机会。)

- We've been through so much together, I wouldn't want to do it all again with anyone else.(我们一起经历了这么多,我不想和其他人再重复一遍。)


1. Once again:再一次,表示重复或重新发生某事。

例如:“He failed the test once again, he really needs to study harder.”

2. Never again:永远不再,表示坚决不做某事或不会再发生某事。

例如:“I will never again trust him after what he did.”

3. Time and again:一次又一次,表示反复发生某事或经常发生某事。

例如:“She has been late to work time and again, her boss is not happy with her.”

4. Over and over again:一遍又一遍,表示反复做某事。

例如:“He kept saying the same thing over and over again, it was starting to annoy me.”

5. Again and again:反复地,表示多次重复或频繁发生某事。

例如:“She told me the same story again and again, I couldn't take it anymore.”

6. Again and then some:更多地,表示超出预期的数量或程度。

例如:“I thought I had enough food for the party, but my guests ate it all and then some!”

7. Here we go again:又来了,表示对重复的烦恼或无奈的感叹。

例如:“My car broke down for the third time this month, here we go again.”

8. Born-again:新生的,通常指宗教信仰上的改变和转变。

例如:“After his near-death experience, he became a born-again Christian.”

9. Again or against?:是再试一次还是放弃?用于表达对选择的犹豫和困惑。

例如:“I don't know if I should apply for the job again or just give up, it's so competitive.”

10. Time and time again:一次又一次,与time and again意思相同,用于强调。

例如:“He has been warned time and time again to not play with fire, but he never listens.”


1. Once more: 再一次,重复一次

比如说,你的老板让你再检查一遍报告,你就可以说“Please check the report once more.”

2. Repeatedly: 反复地,多次地

如果你的朋友总是迟到,你可以说“Why are you repeatedly late for our meetings?”

3. Encore: 再来一次


4. Recurring: 重复出现的,反复发生的


5. Over and over again: 一遍又一遍地

当你不断重复做某件事情时,可以用这个短语来表达,“I've told you over and over again not to do that!”

6. Anew: 重新,再度

当某件事情结束后重新开始时,可以用这个词来表达,“Let's start anew and forget about our past mistakes.”

7. Back to square one: 回到原点

当计划失败后需要重新开始时,就可以用这个短语,“Our project didn't work out, so we're back to square one.”

8. From scratch: 从头开始

和back to square one类似,表示从零开始,“We have to build this house from scratch since the old one was destroyed in a fire.”

9. Once again: 再次

和once more意思相同,可以用来表示再一次,“Once again, congratulations on your promotion!”

10. Deja vu: 似曾相识的感觉

当你觉得经历过的事情又发生时,可以用这个法语短语来表达,“I have a feeling of deja vu, like I've been in this situation before.”

