
语言百科2024-01-05 03:19:28留学世界



1. 定义



2. 词源


3. 用法示例

- It happened a long time ago.(那件事发生在很久以前。)

- I saw him a week ago.(我一周前见过他。)

- The movie was released two years ago.(这部电影是两年前上映的。)

4. 相关词汇


- Before:指某个动作或事件发生之前的时间段。

- Since:指从某个特定时间点开始到现在的时间距离。

- Until:指从现在到某个未来特定时间点的时间距离。

- For:指持续的一段时间。


- I haven't seen her since last summer.


- He will stay here until next week.


- We have been friends for 10 years.


5. 注意事项


- Ago通常用于表示过去的时间距离,不能用于表示未来。

- Ago后面一般要接时间段,如minutes、hours、days、weeks等。如果要表示具体的时间点,可以使用at。


- I will be back in 30 minutes.(正确)


- I will be back at 3 o'clock.(正确)


- I will be back 30 minutes ago.(错误)



1. 发音


2. 读法


- I saw her a week ago.(我一周前见过她。)

- He left the company six months ago.(他六个月前离开了公司。)

- The movie was released a year ago.(这部电影是一年前上映的。)


- I finished my homework just a few minutes ago.(我几分钟前刚完成了作业。)

- She called me just an hour ago.(她一个小时前才打给我的电话。)

3. 用法注意事项

a) ago通常放在时间状语后面,如果要放在句首,则需要倒装句序。

例如:A year ago, I went to Paris.(我一年前去了巴黎。)

但如果要写成倒装句,则应该改写为:I went to Paris a year ago.

b) 当ago和一个具体的时间连用时,通常省略掉冠词the。

例如:I started learning French six months ago.(我六个月前开始学习法语。)

但如果要强调这个时间,则可以加上冠词the,例如:I started learning French six months ago, and I'm still learning it now.

c) ago也可以和表示过去的时间连用,此时表示“多久以前”。

例如:She left the company three years ago.(她三年前离开了公司。)

4. 常见错误

a) 误写为agao或agoo。


b) 将ago和before混淆。




1. 常用用法


2. 修饰动词


- He left ten minutes ago.(他十分钟前离开了。)

- They got married two years ago.(他们两年前结婚了。)

3. 修饰形容词


- I met her a long time ago.(我很久以前见过她。)

- The movie was released six months ago.(这部电影六个月前上映了。)

4. 修饰名词


- I saw him three days ago.(我三天前见过他。)

- We finished the project a week ago.(我们一周前完成了这个项目。)

5. 双语例句

- The accident happened three hours ago, but the police are still investigating.


- She moved to New York six months ago and she loves it there.


- We made a reservation for dinner an hour ago, so we should leave soon.


- I bought this book two years ago and I still haven't finished reading it.




1. 不久前 (not long ago):用于描述发生在最近的过去的事件,如:I saw her not long ago.

2. 很久以前 (long ago):用于描述发生在遥远的过去的事件,如:The dinosaurs lived long ago.

3. 一小时前 (an hour ago):用于描述发生在一个小时之前的事件,如:He left for work an hour ago.

4. 几天前 (a few days ago):用于描述发生在几天之前的事件,如:We went on vacation a few days ago.

5. 几周前 (a few weeks ago):用于描述发生在几周之前的事件,如:I finished my project a few weeks ago.

6. 几个月前 (a few months ago):用于描述发生在几个月之前的事件,如:She moved to a new city a few months ago.

7. 几年前 (a few years ago):用于描述发生在几年之前的事件,如:They got married a few years ago.

8. 一段时间以来 (ago for some time):用于描述从某个时间开始到现在已经过了一段时间,如:I haven't seen him for some time now.

9. 以往 (ago in the past):用于指代过去某个时间段内发生的事情,如:In the past, people had to walk everywhere they wanted to go.

10. 很久不见了 (long time no see):一种非正式表达方式,表示很久没有见到对方,如:Hey, long time no see! How have you been?


1. In the past: 过去

- It happened a long time ago: 那件事发生在很久以前。

- I visited Paris two years ago: 我两年前去过巴黎。

2. Before: 以前

- I used to live in New York years ago: 我多年前曾经住在纽约。

- He was here not long ago: 他不久前来过这里。

3. Previously: 以前

- We met a few days ago: 我们几天前见过面。

- She had already finished the project a month ago: 她一个月前已经完成了这个项目。

4. Once upon a time: 曾经

- Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess: 很久很久以前,有一位美丽的公主。

- They were close friends once upon a time, but not anymore: 他们曾经是亲密的朋友,但现在不再是了。

5. Back then: 那时候

- Back then, we didn't have smartphones or social media: 那时候,我们没有智能手机或社交媒体。

- I used to be so carefree back then, before all the responsibilities piled up: 那时候我还很无忧无虑,在所有的责任堆积之前。

6. A while back/ago:一段时间之前

- I saw him at the grocery store a while back/ago:我一段时间之前在杂货店见过他。

- They broke up quite a while back/ago: 他们很久以前就分手了。

7. In the old days: 往日

- In the old days, people used to write letters instead of emails: 往日,人们用信件而不是电子邮件来通信。

- We used to go camping in the old days, but now we prefer staying in hotels: 往日,我们会去露营,但现在我们更喜欢住在酒店。

8. Once in a blue moon: 千载难逢

- They only come to visit once in a blue moon: 他们千载难逢才来一次。

- I used to eat fast food once in a blue moon, but now I try to eat healthier: 我曾经偶尔吃快餐,但现在我尽量吃健康的食物。

9. Time was when: 曾经有一段时间

- Time was when we could stay out late without worrying about responsibilities: 曾经有一段时间我们可以晚上出去玩而不用担心责任。

- Time was when people didn't rely on technology so much for communication: 曾经有一段时间人们不那么依赖技术来进行交流

