
语言百科2024-01-07 11:13:31留学世界



1. “amazing”一词源自英语,读作[əˈmeɪzɪŋ],表示“令人惊叹的,不可思议的”。

2. 在日常生活中,我们常用“amazing”来形容某件事物或者某个人让我们感到非常惊奇、惊叹或者赞叹不已。


3. 这个词也可以用来表示某件事情非常出色、令人印象深刻,比如一场演出、一部电影、一次旅行等等。

4. “amazing”也可以用来表达对某人的赞美和敬意,比如我们可以说某个朋友是一个“amazing”的人,意思是他/她非常了不起。

5. 总的来说,“amazing”是一个非常积极和正面的词汇,在日常交流中经常被使用。它充满着赞美和喜悦的情绪,让人感到愉悦和兴奋。

6. 当我们听到别人说“that's amazing!”时,通常可以理解为对某件事情或者某个人表示赞许和认可。因此,在英语中,“amazing”也成为了一种表达赞美和鼓励的方式。

7. 最后,记住在使用“amazing”这个词时,要注意语境和语气。虽然它可以用来表达赞美和赞许,但过度使用可能会让人感到矫揉造作。适当使用,才能让“amazing”更加生动有趣



1. 音标:首先,我们来看一下amazing的音标。它的音标为/əˈmeɪzɪŋ/,其中重音在第二个音节上。

2. 分解读法:如果你觉得整个单词一起读有些困难,可以尝试将它分解成两部分来读。第一部分是a-maze,读作/əˈmeɪz/,意为迷惑、困惑;第二部分是-ing,读作/ɪŋ/,表示进行时态。将这两部分结合起来就是amazing啦!

3. 咬字:当然也可以直接一口气读出整个单词/amazing/。但是要注意不要把最后一个字母g念成/k/或者/j/的发音哦!正确的发音应该是/g/。

4. 口语化:如果你想要更加符合当下年轻人的喜好阅读习惯,可以将amazing读得更加口语化。比如,可以将第二个音节的/mɛ/读成/me/,这样就更加符合日常口语的发音了。

5. 加强语气:如果你想要表达更加强烈的赞叹,可以在amazing前面加上修饰词very,变成very amazing。或者用感叹号来强调amazing的意义,变成amazing!


1. amazing的基本用法


2. amazing的发音


3. amazing与其他同义词的区别


4. amazing作为动词时的用法

除了作为形容词外,amazing也可以作为动词使用,意为“使吃惊”、“使感到惊奇”。例如:The magician amazed the audience with his tricks.(那个魔术师用他的魔术把观众们吓了一跳。)

5. amazing在双语例句中的应用

1) The view from the top of the mountain was simply amazing.(从山顶俯视的景色简直令人惊叹。)

2) I find it amazing that she can speak six languages fluently.(我发现她能流利地说六种语言真是令人惊讶。)

3) The way he solved the problem was truly amazing.(他解决问题的方法真是令人惊叹。)

4) The performance of the acrobats was absolutely amazing.(杂技演员们的表演绝对让人惊叹。)

5) It's amazing how quickly children can learn new things.(孩子们学习新东西的速度真是令人惊讶。)


1. Amazing grace - 令人惊叹的恩典

2. Amazing journey - 令人惊叹的旅程

3. Amazing feat - 惊人的成就

4. Amazing talent - 令人惊叹的天赋

5. Amazing view - 令人惊叹的景色

6. Amazing performance - 令人惊叹的表现

7. Amazing discovery - 惊人的发现

8. Amazing transformation - 令人惊叹的转变

9. Amazing effect - 惊人的效果

10. Amazing experience - 令人惊叹的体验

11. Amazing achievement - 惊人的成就

12. Truly amazing - 真是太棒了

13. Absolutely amazing - 绝对令人惊讶的

14. Simply amazing - 简直太神奇了

15. Mind-blowing amazing - 让人震撼不已的不可思议



1. Amaze someone with something - 用某物使某人感到惊讶/吃惊

2. Be amazed at/by something/someone- 对某事/某人感到惊讶

3. Be amazed by how/what/when etc.- 对于如何/什么/何时等感到吃惊

4. Be amazed to do something- 做某事感到吃惊

5.Be amazed that- 对于...感到惊讶

6. Amaze yourself- 使自己惊讶

7. Amazed look- 惊讶的表情

8. Amazed expression- 惊讶的表情

9. Amazed reaction- 惊讶的反应

10. Amazed silence- 惊讶的沉默

11. Be/amazed beyond words - 难以言喻地惊叹

12. Be amazed to hear/find out/learn etc.- 听到/发现/了解等感到惊讶

13. Leave someone amazed - 让某人感到惊讶

14. Amaze and delight - 令人惊叹和欣喜

15. Be completely/totally/amazingly amazed - 完全/非常/令人惊奇地惊叹


1. Astonishing

- Definition: causing great surprise or wonder; extremely impressive.

- Example: The magician's tricks were astonishing, leaving the audience in awe.

2. Incredible

- Definition: impossible to believe; extraordinary.

- Example: The view from the top of the mountain was incredible, with a breathtaking panorama.

3. Marvelous

- Definition: causing great wonder or admiration; superb.

- Example: The chef's cooking skills were marvelous, creating a delicious and visually appealing dish.

4. Phenomenal

- Definition: remarkable or exceptional, especially exceptionally good.

- Example: The athlete's performance was phenomenal, breaking records and winning gold medals.

5. Spectacular

- Definition: strikingly beautiful or impressive; grand.

- Example: The fireworks display was spectacular, lighting up the night sky with vibrant colors.

6. Staggering

- Definition: astonishing or overwhelming by its magnitude.

- Example: The amount of money raised for charity was staggering, showing the generosity of people.

7. Extraordinary

- Definition: beyond what is usual or ordinary; exceptional.

- Example: The story of survival against all odds was extraordinary, inspiring many people.

8. Mind-blowing

- Definition: extremely impressive or surprising; overwhelming.

- Example: The special effects in the movie were mind-blowing, making it a must-watch for everyone.

9. Unbelievable

- Definition: difficult to accept as true; incredible.

- Example: The news of their reunion after 20 years was unbelievable, bringing tears to everyone's eyes.

10. Astounding

- Definition: surprisingly impressive or notable; amazing.

- Example: The singer's voice was astounding, leaving the audience speechless and in awe.

11. Outstanding

- Definition: exceptionally good; remarkable.

- Example: The student's grades were outstanding, earning them a scholarship to their dream university.

12. Remarkable

- Definition: worthy of attention or notice; extraordinary.

- Example: The team's comeback in the final minutes of the game was remarkable, securing their victory.

13. Breathtaking

- Definition: astonishingly beautiful or impressive; awe-inspiring.

- Example: The view from the top of the Eiffel Tower was breathtaking, with a stunning view of Paris.

14. Impressive

- Definition: making a strong impact; admirable.

- Example: The company's growth in just one year was impressive, exceeding all expectations.

15. Striking

- Definition: attracting attention by reason of being unusual, extreme, or prominent.

- Example: The model's striking beauty caught the eye of everyone on the runway

