
语言百科2024-01-09 01:03:34留学世界



1. 什么是amuse?



2. Amuse的发音和词性


3. Amuse的同义词和反义词


4. Amuse与其他相关单词


5. Amuse的使用场景


6. Amuse在日常生活中的应用

在日常生活中,我们经常会使用amuse这个词。比如当我们和朋友一起看电影时,我们可以说“The movie really amused me.”(这部电影让我很开心。)当我们参加一个有趣的活动时,我们也可以说“I'm so amused by this game.”(我被这个游戏逗乐了。)

7. Amuse在文学作品中的运用

Amuse也经常出现在文学作品中,特别是在幽默小说或者喜剧中。比如英国作家P.G. Wodehouse就经常使用amuse这个词来描述他笔下的角色们如何逗乐读者。

8. Amuse与娱乐业的关系

Amuse作为名词时,它通常指的是一种娱乐活动。因此,在娱乐业中,我们经常会听到amusement park(游乐园)、amusement center(娱乐中心)等词语。

9. Amuse的衍生词

除了上面提到的amusement和amusing外,还有一些其他衍生词。比如amusement park(游乐园)、amusement arcade(游戏厅)、amusingly(幽默地)等


1. “amuse”是一个英语单词,读作/əˈmjuːz/。

2. 它是一个名词,意为“娱乐;消遣;娱乐活动”。

3. 在英式英语中,它也可以作为动词使用,意为“逗乐;使开心”。

4. 这个单词的发音较为简单,由三个音节组成,重音在第二个音节上。

5. 第一个音节“a”发短元音/ə/,类似于中文拼音中的“e”,舌尖抵住下齿龈;

6. 第二个音节“mu”发长元音/uː/,类似于中文拼音中的“u”,舌尖抵住下齿龈;

7. 最后一个音节“se”发清辅音/s/,舌尖抵住上齿龈。

8. 在美式英语中,“amuse”常常被读作/əˈmjuːz/, 但两种发音都被认可并且使用广泛。

9. 如果你想要更加准确地学习这个单词的发音,可以通过在线字典或者语言学习网站来寻找相关的语音示范和练习材料。

10. 此外,在日常生活中,你也可以通过观看英语电影或者听英文歌曲来提高自己的发音水平。

11. 总的来说,“amuse”是一个常用的英语单词,读音简单,意义广泛,是学习英语必备的基础词汇之一。

12. 希望通过本篇内容,你能够更加清晰地了解“amuse”的发音和用法,并且能够在日常交流中更加自信地使用它


1. 什么是amuse?


2. amuse的用法

- I need something to amuse me. (我需要点什么来消遣自己。)

- The clown's funny performance amused the children. (小丑滑稽的表演让孩子们感到开心。)

- The comedian's jokes never fail to amuse the audience. (喜剧演员的笑话总能让观众捧腹大笑。)

3. 双语例句

- She tried to amuse the crying child with a toy. (她试图用玩具来逗乐哭闹的孩子。)

- The magician's tricks were so amusing that the whole audience burst into laughter. (魔术师的戏法如此有趣,整个观众都笑得前仰后合。)

- He often amuses himself by playing video games. (他经常通过玩游戏来娱乐自己。)

- The comedian's witty jokes never cease to amuse me. (喜剧演员机智幽默的笑话总能让我开怀大笑。)


1. Amuse-bouche: 欢乐小吃,指餐前小点心

2. Amusement park: 游乐园,让人放松娱乐的地方

3. Amused to death: 被逗乐到死,形容非常欢乐的状态

4. Amuse oneself: 自娱自乐,享受自己的乐趣

5. Amusement arcade: 游戏厅,提供各种娱乐游戏的场所

6. Amusing antics: 有趣的把戏,指可爱憨厚的表现

7. Amused by something: 被某事逗笑了,感到开心愉悦

8. Amusingly awkward: 滑稽尴尬的,令人发笑的不协调情况

9. Amusingly sarcastic: 幽默讽刺的,带有讽刺意味的幽默表达方式

10. Amusing anecdotes: 有趣轶事,引人发笑的小故事


1. Entertain

Entertain is a synonym for amuse. It means to provide enjoyment or amusement to someone through various forms of entertainment such as music, movies, or games. For example, "The clown's funny antics entertained the children at the birthday party."

2. Delight

Delight is another synonym for amuse and it refers to a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. It can also be used as a verb meaning to please or give joy to someone. For instance, "The comedian's jokes never fail to delight his audience."

3. Cheer

Cheer can also be used as a synonym for amuse, particularly in the sense of making someone happy or bringing joy to them. It can also mean to shout out in support or encouragement. For example, "The magician's tricks never fail to cheer up the crowd."

4. Divert

Divert means to turn someone's attention away from something serious or boring towards something more enjoyable and entertaining. It can also mean to entertain someone in order to distract them from their worries or problems. For instance, "The singer's beautiful voice was able to divert the audience's attention from their troubles for a little while."

5. Beguile

Beguile is a more formal synonym for amuse and it means to charm or enchant someone with something interesting or entertaining. It can also mean to deceive someone with clever tricks or illusions. For example, "The storyteller was able to beguile the children with her captivating tales."

6. Regale

Regale means to entertain someone with stories, jokes, or other enjoyable activities. It can also refer to treating someone lavishly with food and drink as a form of entertainment. For instance, "The host regaled his guests with delicious food and amusing anecdotes at the dinner party."

7. Captivate

Captivate is another synonym for amuse that means to attract and hold someone's attention through charm and fascination. It can also mean to enchant or enthrall someone with something interesting or entertaining. For example, "The street performer was able to captivate the crowd with his amazing juggling skills."

8. Charm

Charm is a synonym for amuse that refers to the ability to please or delight someone with one's personality or behavior. It can also mean to use magic or supernatural powers to entertain or fascinate someone. For instance, "The magician's charming smile and witty banter never failed to amuse his audience."

9. Distract

Distract means to divert someone's attention away from something serious or important towards something more enjoyable or entertaining. It can also mean to provide entertainment in order to keep someone from thinking about their problems or worries. For example, "The comedian's hilarious jokes were able to distract the audience from their daily stresses for a little while."

10. Engage

Engage means to occupy someone's attention and interest through an activity or form of entertainment. It can also mean to involve someone in an enjoyable activity that keeps them entertained and interested. For instance, "The game show host was able to engage the audience with his quick wit and interactive games."

