
语言百科2024-01-09 07:57:34留学世界



1. "analog"是一个英文单词,它的意思是模拟的。


2. 在翻译行业中,"analog"常用来指代模拟翻译,即通过人工的方式进行翻译,而非使用机器翻译。

3. 与之相对应的是数字化翻译(digital translation),即通过计算机和软件进行翻译。

4. "analog"也可以用来形容某种事物或概念与另一种事物或概念之间的相似性或类比性。

5. 这个词源于希腊语中的"analogos",意为“相似的”、“类似的”。

6. 在当今数字化时代,虽然机器翻译越来越普遍,但人工模拟翻译仍然具有重要意义。

7. 模拟翻译能够更好地保留原文的语言风格和情感色彩,更贴近人类交流方式。

8. 因此,在某些特定领域(如文学、社会科学等)和对语言要求较高的场合,模拟翻译仍然是最佳选择


1. 模拟是指模仿或类似某物的过程,它可以帮助我们更好地理解和解释事物。

2. “analog”这个词来自于希腊语中的“analogos”,意为“相似的”。

3. 在英语中,“analog”一般发音为/ˈænəlɔɡ/,其中的“a”读作/æ/,第二个“o”读作/ə/,最后的“g”发音类似于法语中的“j”,也就是软腭音。

4. 有趣的是,“analog”的发音与英文单词“analogue”的发音相同,但拼写不同。这两个单词都可以用来表示类似或相似的含义。

5. 当你在谈论模拟电视、模拟时钟或模拟信号时,你可以使用“analog”这个词来形容它们。

6. 如果你想要表达一种比喻或类比关系,也可以使用“analog”,例如:“人生就像一场旅行,我们需要不断调整方向来适应变化。”

7. 在当今数字化时代,“analog”这个词也经常被用来与数字对立。例如:“我更喜欢用手写笔记本而不是电子设备,因为我觉得手写更接近模拟体验。”

8. 总的来说,“analog”这个词可以用来描述任何类似或相似的事物,它的发音也很有趣,让人联想到一种柔和、温暖的感觉。现在你知道怎么读“analog”了吗?快试试吧!


1. 什么是analog?


2. analog的用法

a. 形容词用法:analog可以用来形容两个事物之间的相似性或类似性。比如,“The new product is an analog of the previous version.”(这款新产品是上一个版本的类似品)在这个例子中,analog表示新产品与旧版本有相似之处。

b. 名词用法:analog作为名词,可以表示类似的事物或概念。比如,“The concept of time in different cultures is an analog.”(不同文化中时间的概念是相似的)在这个例子中,analog表示不同文化中时间概念的类似性。

3. 双语例句

a. The digital clock is an analog of the traditional clock.


b. The concept of love in different languages has many analogs.


c. The new smartphone is an analog of its predecessor, with some added features.


d. The artist's painting is an analog of nature, capturing its beauty and essence.



1. Analog signal - 模拟信号,指连续变化的信号,与数字信号相对。

2. Analog clock - 指指针式时钟,以机械或电子装置显示时间。

3. Analog watch - 指指针式手表,以机械或电子装置显示时间。

4. Analog recording - 模拟录音,指使用磁带、唱片等物理媒介记录声音的方式。

5. Analog photography - 模拟摄影,指使用胶片相机拍摄照片的方式。

6. Analog computer - 模拟计算机,指使用物理量来表示和处理数据的计算机系统。

7. Analog stick - 摇杆,用于控制游戏中角色移动方向的手柄。

8. Analog stick drift - 摇杆漂移,指游戏手柄摇杆出现偏移导致游戏中角色难以控制的现象。

9. Analog to digital converter (ADC) - 模数转换器,将模拟信号转换为数字信号的设备。

10. Digital-to-analog converter (DAC) - 数模转换器,将数字信号转换为模拟信号的设备


1. Analogous: This term is often used to describe something that is similar or comparable to something else. In the context of translation, it can refer to finding an analogous phrase or expression in the target language that conveys the same meaning as the original text.

2. Corresponding: Similar to "analogous," this term can be used to describe a translation that corresponds to the original text in meaning and tone.

3. Equivalent: This term refers to a translation that is equal or equivalent in meaning to the original text. It implies that the translated version accurately conveys the same message as the source text.

4. Parallel: In translation, this term can be used to describe a sentence or phrase that has a similar structure or meaning in both languages.

5. Comparable: This word can be used to describe a translation that is comparable or similar in quality and accuracy to the original text.

6. Correspondent: Similar to "corresponding," this term can be used to describe a translation that corresponds closely with the original text in terms of meaning and tone.

7. Homologous: This word refers to something that has a similar structure or function as something else, which can also apply in translation when referring to equivalent phrases or expressions.

8. Analogical: This adjective describes something that is based on analogy, which means drawing comparisons between two things for better understanding. In translation, it can refer to using analogies or comparisons between languages for better comprehension and accuracy.

9. Proportional: In translation, this term can be used when referring to maintaining proportional accuracy between languages, ensuring that the translated version reflects the same level of detail and information as the source text.

10. Correspondential: This word describes something that corresponds with another thing, which can also apply in translation when referring to maintaining correspondence between languages for accurate translations

