
语言百科2024-01-09 08:33:34留学世界





首先,我们先来看一下这个词的拼写。"Analyse"是由英文字母"a", "n", "a", "l", "y", "s", "e"组成的。它的发音是/ˈænəlaɪz/,意为“分析”。那么,它究竟在哪些场景中会出现呢?接下来就让我来为你做一次详细的解析。

1. 在学术领域中,“analyse”通常用作动词,表示对某一事物进行深入研究和分析。比如,在写论文时,我们需要对相关的文献进行分析(analyse the literature)、对数据进行分析(analyse the data)等等。

2. 在商业领域中,“analyse”也被广泛使用。比如,在制定营销策略时,我们需要对市场进行分析(analyse the market)、对竞争对手进行分析(analyse the competitors)等等。

3. 此外,在日常生活中,“analyse”也可以用来表示对某一情况或者问题进行仔细思考和分析。比如,当我们遇到一个难题时,我们需要仔细分析(analyse)它的原因和解决方法。



1. "analyse"是一个来自法语的单词,读作[ˈænəlaɪz],其中的"a"发音为[æ],"y"发音为[ə],"se"发音为[lɑɪz]。

2. 在英式英语中,有些人会将最后的"se"发音为[z],即[ˈænəlaɪz]。

3. 在美式英语中,则更倾向于将最后的"se"发音为[s],即[ˈænəlaɪs]。

4. 无论是哪种发音方式,在正式场合都可以使用。但在非正式场合,更多人可能会选择使用美式英语的发音方式。

5. 如果你想要更加俏皮一些,也可以用一些幽默的方式来读这个单词。比如说:"analyse怎么读?嗯...就像是把一个大象放进了一个小盒子里一样!"

6. 总之,无论你选择哪种发音方式,都要记住要保持自信和流利。毕竟,在翻译行业中准确地表达和理解单词的含义至关重要


1. 用法:analyse是动词,意为“分析”,常用于学术、科学和商业领域。

2. 双语例句:

- The researchers spent months analysing the data before drawing any conclusions.


- We need to analyse the market trends before making any investment decisions.


- Can you help me analyse this financial report? I'm having trouble understanding it.



1. Analyse data: 对数据进行分析

2. Analyse results: 分析结果

3. Analyse trends: 分析趋势

4. Analyse patterns: 分析模式

5. Analyse statistics: 分析统计数据

6. Analyse behavior: 分析行为

7. Analyse performance: 分析表现

8. Analyse market: 分析市场情况

9. Analyse competition: 分析竞争对手

10. Analyse risk: 分析风险

11. Analyse strategy: 分析策略

12. Analyse impact: 分析影响力

13. Analyse factors: 分析因素

14. Analyse opportunities: 分析机会

15. Analyse challenges: 分析挑战

16. Critical analysis: 批判性分析

17. Comparative analysis:比较分析

18.Analytical skills:分析能力

19.Analytical thinking:分析思维

20.Analytical approach:分析方法

21.Data analysis techniques:数据分析技术

22.Analysis of variance (ANOVA):方差分析

23.SWOT analysis:SWOT分析(优势、劣势、机会和威胁)

24.Case study analysis:案例研究分析

25.Content analysis:内容分析


1. Breakdown - This word can be used to describe the process of analyzing something in detail, similar to the word "analyse".

2. Examine - This word means to closely inspect or study something, which is also a synonym for "analyse".

3. Investigate - Similar to "examine", this word means to look into something thoroughly and can be used as a synonym for "analyse".

4. Scrutinize - This word means to examine or analyze something closely and carefully, making it another synonym for "analyse".

5. Study - This word can be used as a synonym for "analyse" when referring to the process of examining something in detail.

6. Evaluate - This word means to assess or judge something based on specific criteria, similar to how one would analyse something.

7. Dissect - This word can be used as a synonym for "analyse" when referring to breaking down and examining something in detail.

8. Probe - Similar to "scrutinize", this word means to investigate or examine something thoroughly and can be used as a synonym for "analyse".

9. Explore - This word means to investigate or examine in order to discover new information, making it another synonym for "analyse".

10. Deconstruct - This word is often used in academic settings and refers to breaking down and analyzing the components of something, similar to how one would analyse it

