
语言百科2024-01-10 07:49:35留学世界




1. 什么是ankle?


2. ankle的解释


3. ankle在身体中的作用


4. ankle与其他身体部位的关系


5. 踝关节损伤


6. ankle在医学中的意义

除了作为身体部位的名称,ankle在医学中也有特定的意义。例如,ankle-brachial index(ABI)是一种用来评估下肢动脉血流情况的指标;ankle sprain(踝关节扭伤)是常见的运动损伤;ankle-foot orthosis(AFO)则是一种辅助装置,用于改善步态异常等问题。

7. 其他含有ankle的词汇

除了上述提到的词汇外,还有许多含有ankle字样的词汇,如:anklet(脚链)、ankle socks(短袜)、ankle boots(短靴)等。这些词汇都与脚或者踝部相关


1. 首先,我们来解读一下这个单词的发音。它的正确读法是/ˈæŋ.kəl/,其中第一个音节是重读音节,所以要稍微加重发音。

2. 如果你觉得这个单词有点难记,可以尝试把它拆成两部分来读。"ank"读起来像"ang",就像是在说"angry"一样。而"kle"则读作/kəl/,和单词"kettle"的结尾发音相似。

3. 你也可以把这个单词和其他英文单词对比一下,比如类似的单词"angle"、"tangle"等等。这样可以帮助你更容易地掌握正确的发音。

4. 此外,如果你想更加准确地模仿英语母语者的发音,可以在网上搜索相关视频或者听力材料来练习。

5. 最后,记住多练习多听多说才是提高发音的关键。只要坚持不懈地练习,相信很快就能轻松掌握这个单词的正确发音啦!


1. 什么是ankle?


2. ankle的用法


- My ankle is sore from playing soccer yesterday.(我昨天打足球导致脚踝疼痛。)

- She twisted her ankle while running in the park.(她在公园跑步时扭伤了脚踝。)

- The anklet she's wearing is so beautiful.(她戴着的小腿链很漂亮。)


- Be careful not to ankle yourself on the slippery floor.(小心在滑溜的地板上不要扭伤自己。)

3. 双语例句

- She sprained her ankle while hiking and had to be carried back to the campsite.


- The doctor advised him to wear an ankle brace to support his weak ankles.


- The dancer gracefully pointed her toes and flexed her ankles during the performance.


- He has a tattoo of an anklet on his left ankle.


- The dog's leash was attached to its collar and ankle to prevent it from running away.



1. "Twist one's ankle": 扭伤脚踝

2. "Sprained ankle": 脚踝扭伤

3. "Ankle socks": 踝袜

4. "Ankle boots": 踝靴

5. "Ankle bracelet": 脚踝链

6. "Ankle monitor": 脚踝监控器

7. "Ankle strap": 脚踝绑带

8. "High ankle sprain": 高位脚踝扭伤

9. "Ankle support": 脚踝支撑器

10. "Ankle injury": 脚踝受伤


1. Ankle - A joint connecting the foot and the leg, often referred to as the "hinge" of the foot.

2. Anklebone - The bone that forms the ankle joint, also known as the talus bone.

3. Lower Leg Joint - The area where the lower leg and foot meet, responsible for movement and stability.

4. Foot Hinge - The joint that allows for flexion and extension of the foot, similar to a door hinge.

5. Tibiotalar Joint - The medical term for the ankle joint, derived from the bones involved in its formation (tibia and talus).

6. Ankle Joint - Another term used to describe the connection between the foot and leg bones.

7. Tarsal Joint - A collective term for all of the joints in the foot, including the ankle joint.

8. Foot Pivot Point - The point at which movement of the foot is initiated, located at the ankle joint.

9. Flexion Point - The point at which movement of the foot is restricted, located at the ankle joint.

10. Lower Extremity Connector - A more technical term for describing the role of the ankle joint in connecting the lower leg and foot

ankle是一个常用的英语单词,它的意思是“脚踝”。它的发音为/ˈæŋkl/,并且在双语例句中经常出现。除了常见的用法外,它还有一些常用的词组,如“sprained ankle”、“ankle socks”等。同义词示例中也提到了一些类似的词汇,如“foot joint”、“tarsus”,希望能够帮助大家更好地理解和运用这个单词。

