
语言百科2024-01-11 01:05:37留学世界





1. 出现

当appear作为不及物动词时,它的主要意思是“出现”或“显露”。例如,“他突然从门后出现了。” “一只小鸟在树枝上出现了。” 这里的appear指的是某物或某人从某个地方出现或显露出来。

2. 看起来

当appear作为连系动词时,它的含义是“看起来像”。例如,“她看起来很累。” “这个问题似乎很复杂。” 这里的appear指的是主语给人一种印象或感觉。

3. 出席

当appear作为及物动词时,它的意思是“出席”或“参加”。例如,“他们将会在婚礼上出席。” “请你在会议上发言吧。” 这里的appear指的是参加某项活动或事件。

4. 发表

除了以上几种含义外,appear还可以表示“发表”、“公布”、“刊登”。例如,“他的新书将会在下个月出版。” “本次介绍刊登在最新一期的杂志上。” 这里的appear指的是某物被公布或发表出来。

5. 姿态




其实,在日常生活中,我们经常会用到appear这个单词。比如,在聚会上,你可能会问朋友:“Where did you appear from?”(你从哪里冒出来的?);在工作中,老板可能会对你说:“You need to appear more confident in front of clients.”(你需要在客户面前表现得更自信一些。);甚至在电影或电视剧中,也经常会出现这个单词。



1. appear的基本意思


2. appear的用法

a. appear + 名词:表示某人或某物出现在某个地方。

例句:The sun appeared from behind the clouds. (太阳从云层后面出现了。)

b. appear + to + 动词原形:表示某人似乎正在做某事。

例句:She appears to be happy today. (她今天似乎很开心。)

c. appear + 形容词:表示某人或某物看起来具有某种特征。

例句:The new design appears simple and elegant. (这个新设计看起来简单而优雅。)

3. appear的双语例句

a. The moon appeared in the sky as the sun set.


b. The magician appeared to make the rabbit disappear.


c. The flowers in the garden appeared to be wilting due to lack of water.


d. The new product appears to be very popular among young people.


e. The mountain range appeared majestic in the distance.



1. Appear as - 出现为

例句:The actor will appear as the lead character in the new movie.

2. Appear before - 出现在...之前

例句:The witness will appear before the court to give their testimony.

3. Appear for - 代表...出庭

例句:The lawyer will appear for the defendant in court.

4. Appear in - 出现在...

例句:The photo appeared in the newspaper the next day.

5. Appear on - 出现在...

例句:Her name appeared on the list of top students.

6. Appear to - 看起来像是...

例句:He appears to be very confident, but I think he's actually nervous.

7. Appear with - 与...一起出现

例句:She always appears with her best friend at events.

8. Disappear from - 从...消失

例句:The book disappeared from my desk and I couldn't find it anywhere.

9. Disappear into - 消失进入...

例句:The magician made the rabbit disappear into his hat.

10. Reappear in - 再次出现在...

例句:After disappearing for years, she reappeared in her hometown unexpectedly.

11. Seem to appear out of nowhere - 像是从天而降般出现

例句:The stray cat seemed to appear out of nowhere and followed me home.

12. Suddenly appear - 突然出现

例句:The sun suddenly appeared from behind the clouds and brightened up the sky.

13. Vanish without a trace - 消失得无影无踪

例句:The missing person vanished without a trace and was never found.

14. Appear out of thin air - 突然冒出来

例句:He appeared out of thin air and surprised us all.

15. Appear like magic - 像是魔术般出现

例句:The flowers appeared like magic overnight in the garden


1. Show

- Definition: to make something visible or noticeable; to present or display something

- Example: The magician made a rabbit appear out of thin air.

2. Emerge

- Definition: to come out from a hidden or unknown place; to become known or visible

- Example: The sun appeared from behind the clouds.

3. Materialize

- Definition: to take form or become real; to appear suddenly and clearly

- Example: The ghost materialized in front of us.

4. Manifest

- Definition: to show or demonstrate something clearly; to become apparent or evident

- Example: His anger manifested in his red face and raised voice.

5. Surface

- Definition: to come up from a lower position; to become known or visible after being hidden

- Example: The truth about the scandal finally surfaced.

6. Present itself

- Definition: to become evident or noticeable; to come into view or existence

- Example: A solution presented itself after hours of brainstorming.

7. Arise

- Definition: to come into existence; to occur or happen unexpectedly

- Example: A problem arose during the project, causing delays.

8. Become visible/apparent/known/noticeable/obvious

- Definition: all these phrases mean that something becomes clear, noticeable, or known

- Examples:

a) The stars became visible as the sky darkened.

b) His intentions became apparent when he refused to help us.

c) The truth about the situation became known after an investigation.

d) Her talent became noticeable when she started performing on stage.

e) It was obvious that he was lying from his body language.

9. Crop up

- Definition: (informal) to happen unexpectedly; to appear suddenly

Example: Problems always seem to crop up at the last minute.

10. Come into view/sight

- Definition: (formal) to become visible

- Example: The island came into view as we sailed closer to it.

11. Make an appearance

- Definition: to arrive or come into a place; to show up or be present

- Example: The celebrity made an appearance at the charity event.

12. Be seen/observed/perceived

- Definition: all these phrases mean that something is noticed or recognized by someone

- Examples:

a) The suspect was seen fleeing the scene of the crime.

b) The changes in her behavior were observed by her friends.

c) His good intentions were perceived by his actions.

13. Turn up

- Definition: (informal) to arrive or appear unexpectedly; to be found or discovered

- Example: My lost keys turned up in the pocket of my jacket.

14. Reveal itself

- Definition: to become known or apparent; to show itself clearly

- Example: The true nature of the project revealed itself when it failed miserably.

15. Come forth

- Definition: (formal) to appear or emerge from a hidden place; to reveal oneself

- Example: The truth finally came forth during the trial.

16. Be disclosed/unveiled/uncovered/revealed

- Definition: all these phrases mean that something is made known or revealed

- Examples:

a) The company's financial records were disclosed during the audit.

b) The new product was unveiled at the press conference.

c) The scandal was uncovered by investigative journalists.

d) The truth was finally revealed after years of secrecy

