
语言百科2024-01-11 03:11:38留学世界



1. 定义



2. 含义


3. 用法示例

- The project received approval from the board of directors. (这个项目得到了董事会的批准。)

- She gave her approval to the new design proposal. (她对这个新设计提案表示赞成。)

- The teacher's approval meant a lot to the student. (老师的认可对学生来说意义重大。)

4. 同义词


5. 不同场景中的approval


6. 与disapproval相反


7. 注意事项



1. 发音:ə'pruːv(ə)l

2. 读法:uh-proo-vuhl


1. 什么是approval?


2. approval在翻译行业中的作用






3. approval对翻译行业的重要性







1. 翻译术语:认可 (approval)

例句:The translation received the client's approval and was ready for delivery.

2. 翻译术语:批准 (approval)

例句:The project was put on hold until the client's approval was obtained.

3. 翻译术语:通过 (approval)

例句:The translated document was not approved by the client due to errors in terminology.

4. 翻译术语:认可度 (level of approval)

例句:The level of approval for this translation project is high, as it involves sensitive legal documents.

5. 翻译术语:同意 (agreement)

例句:The translation was sent to the client for their agreement before finalizing and delivering it.

6. 翻译术语:核准 (authorization)

例句:The translation required authorization from the client before it could be published.

7. 翻译术语:通过审查 (approval by review)

例句:The translated text went through multiple rounds of approval by review before being finalized.

8. 翻译术语:赞成 (favorable response)

例句:The translation received a favorable response from the client and was praised for its accuracy and fluency.

9. 翻译术语: 批复 (official approval)

例句: The official approval for this translation project is still pending due to delays in the review process.

10. 翻译术语: 认可文件 (approval document)

例句: The approval document for this translation project has been signed and can now be delivered to the client


1. 同义词:endorsement

示例:The project received the endorsement of the committee.

2. 同义词:sanction

示例:The government gave its sanction to the new policy.

3. 同义词:authorization

示例:The mayor gave his authorization for the construction of the new school.

4. 同义词:consent

示例:We need your consent before we can proceed with the plan.

5. 反义词:disapproval

示例:His actions were met with widespread disapproval from the public.

6. 反义词:rejection

示例:Her proposal was met with rejection by the board members.

7. 反义词:denial

示例:The company's CEO issued a denial of any wrongdoing in their financial statements.

8. 反义词:refusal

示例:Despite multiple requests, he continued to show refusal to cooperate with the investigation.

9. 反义词:opposition

示例:There was strong opposition to the new law from various groups within society.

10. 反义词: dissent

示例: Some members of the committee expressed their dissent towards the decision made by the majority

