首先,arbitrary可以作形容词使用,在句子中通常用来形容某件事情或者决定是“任意的、随意的”。比如,“The decision was made arbitrarily without considering all the facts.”(这个决定是任意做出的,并没有考虑所有的事实。)此外,它也可以用来形容人,表示某人行事武断、不顾他人感受。例如,“The boss is known for his arbitrary decisions.”(老板以武断的决定而闻名。)
1. 中文翻译:任意的,武断的
2. 读音:[ˈɑːbɪtrəri]
3. 例句:
a) The teacher's grading system seemed arbitrary to the students, as it was not based on any specific criteria.
b) The boss's decision to promote his friend over more qualified candidates seemed arbitrary and unfair.
c) The judge's ruling was deemed arbitrary by the public, as it appeared to be biased towards one party.
1. 读音示例
2. 美式发音示例
在美式英语中,arbitrary的读音为/ˈɑːr.bɪ.trer.i/。下面是一段美国人发出的语音示例:“The decision was made arbitrarily, without any real reasoning behind it.”
3. 英式发音示例
在英式英语中,arbitrary的读音为/ˈɑːbɪtrəri/. 下面是一段英国人发出的语音示例:“The government's actions were seen as arbitrary and dictatorial by the citizens.”
4. 音标解释
根据国际音标表,/ˈɑːbɪtrəri/可以分解成三个部分:/ˈɑː/, /bɪ/, 和/trəri/. 第一个部分表示长元音/a:/,第二个部分表示短元音/i/,最后一个部分表示长元音/i:/. 这些元素结合起来就能够准确地拼写出这个单词。
5. 发声技巧
6. 常见错误
由于英语中有很多相似的单词,所以可能会导致一些读音错误。例如,有些人会把arbitrary读成/ɑːbəˈtrɛəri/,把第二个音节/i/发成了/e/. 这种错误并不影响理解,但是如果想要正确地发出这个单词,还是需要注意每个音节的发音。
7. 例句
- The boss made an arbitrary decision without consulting his team.
- The judge's ruling seemed arbitrary and unfair.
- The government has been accused of using arbitrary measures to suppress dissent.
- The teacher's grading system was seen as arbitrary by the students.
- We need to have a clear and non-arbitrary criteria for selecting candidates.
1. Arbitrary and capricious - 此词组常用来形容某种决定或行为缺乏理由或合理性,具有随意性和武断性。
例句:The judge ruled that the decision made by the board was arbitrary and capricious.
2. Arbitrary power - 指某人拥有的无限制的权力,可以随意行使。
例句:The dictator's arbitrary power led to widespread oppression and injustice.
3. Arbitrary rule - 指某人以个人意志为准,不受任何法律或规则限制的统治方式。
例句:The country suffered under the king's arbitrary rule for decades.
4. Arbitrary decision - 指基于主观判断而做出的决定,没有充分的依据和证据支持。
例句:The company's arbitrary decision to lay off employees caused a lot of controversy.
5. Arbitrary action - 指没有明确目的和逻辑的行动,缺乏条理和计划。
例句:The government's arbitrary action in handling the crisis only made things worse.
6. Arbitrary choice - 指没有明确原因或标准而做出的选择,随意决定。
例句:I don't understand why she made such an arbitrary choice for her career path.
7. Arbitrary number - 指没有明确规则或依据而确定的数字,毫无意义和价值。
例句:The statistician pointed out that the study's results were based on an arbitrary number of participants, making it unreliable.
8. Arbitrary boundary - 指没有明确依据或逻辑的界限,随意划定的界线。
例句:The arbitrary boundary between the two countries has caused many disputes and conflicts.
9. Arbitrary change - 指没有明确理由或目的而做出的改变,随意变动。
例句:The company's arbitrary change in policies has caused confusion among its employees.
10. Arbitrary punishment - 指基于个人喜好而做出的惩罚,缺乏公正性和合理性。
例句:The coach's arbitrary punishment of players led to resentment and a decline in team morale.
1. Random - 指没有明确顺序或规律的事物,随机的。
2. Unreasonable - 指缺乏合理性和逻辑性,不合理的。
3. Whimsical - 指行为或决定受到突发奇想影响,反复无常的。
4. Haphazard - 指没有计划或秩序地进行,杂乱无章的。
5. Despotic - 指某人拥有专制统治权力,独裁的