
语言百科2024-01-11 22:41:38留学世界



1. 发音:argumentative的发音为 [ar-gyoo-men-tuh-tiv],其中重点在于第一个音节“ar”和第二个音节“gyoo”的发音。可以参考以下两个单词来帮助记忆:argue(争论)和ment(思想),将它们连起来即可快速读出argumentative的发音。


2. 读音:根据英语的拼读规则,我们可以将argumentative分解为三个部分来读,即argu-ment-a-tive。每个部分都有自己的重音,分别在第一个、第二和第四个音节上。因此,正确的读法是 [ar-gyoo-ment-a-tiv]。

3. 附带说明:一般来说,英语中以“-ive”结尾的单词都是形容词,并且重音通常在倒数第二个音节上。所以如果你遇到其他以“-ive”结尾的单词,也可以按照这种规律来读。

4. 小贴士:如果你还不确定自己是否正确地读出了argumentative,可以尝试用语言助手或者在线发音网站来验证一下。这样不仅可以帮助你提高英语发音能力,还能让你更加自信地使用这个单词。

5. 总结:argumentative是一个比较复杂的单词,但是只要掌握了它的发音规律,就能轻松读出。记住重点音节和重音位置,多练习几次,相信你很快就能轻松地读出这个单词啦!


1. 词性:形容词

2. 词义解释:具有争论性的,好争辩的。指一个人或一种言论具有强烈的争议性,常常会引起激烈的讨论和辩论。也可以表示善于争辩和辩论,喜欢挑战别人观点的人


1. argumentative的意思


2. argumentative的用法

(1) 作为形容词,argumentative可用来修饰名词或代词,表示其具有争议性和辩论性。

例如:He always has an argumentative attitude towards controversial issues. (他对有争议的问题总是持有辩论态度。)

(2) 可以用作名词argumentation的形容词形式。

例如:She is known for her argumentative skills. (她以她出色的辩论技巧而闻名。)

(3) 在某些情况下,argumentative也可以指代某人具有好争吵、善于辩论的性格。

例如:The new employee is very argumentative and often gets into conflicts with his colleagues. (新员工非常喜欢争吵,经常与同事发生冲突。)

3. argumentative的双语例句

1) She is known for her argumentative skills.


2) The argumentative tone of the debate made it difficult for the audience to choose a side.


3) The professor encouraged his students to be more argumentative in their essays.


4) I don't want to have an argumentative conversation with you. Let's just agree to disagree.


5) Their relationship is always argumentative, but they still love each other deeply.


6) The article presents an argumentative analysis of the current political situation in the country.



1. argumentative的定义和用法


2. argumentative常见搭配

- Argumentative essay:论证性文章

- Argumentative style:辩证风格

- Argumentative language:争议性言辞

- Argumentative tone:争辩的语气

3. argumentative翻译技巧

(1) 理解上下文:在翻译argumentative时,首先要理解整个句子或段落的上下文,以便确定具体的含义和使用方式。

(2) 注重语气:argumentative一词本身就有争议性,因此在翻译时要注意保留其强调争议和辩论的语气。

(3) 保持准确性:由于argumentative常用于学术领域,在翻译时要尽量保持准确性,避免歧义或误解。

(4) 使用同义替换:如果需要避免重复使用argumentative一词,可以尝试使用其同义替换词,如controversial、debatable等。

(5) 注意语法结构:argumentative作为形容词时,通常用作表语或定语,因此在翻译时要注意与名词或代词的搭配。

4. argumentative常见翻译错误

(1) 将其直接翻译为“争论的”:虽然argumentative的意思确实是“争论的”,但在英语中,它更多地用来表示一种语气和风格,因此直接翻译为“争论的”可能会使句子显得拗口。

(2) 将其理解为“有争议的”:虽然argumentative确实有“有争议的”含义,但它更多地强调辩论和论证,因此不应将其完全等同于“有争议的”。

(3) 使用不恰当的同义替换:由于argumentative本身就是一个具有特殊含义的词汇,在使用同义替换时要谨慎选择,并确保其能够准确表达原文中所要表达的意思


1. Contentious: This word has a similar meaning to argumentative, as it refers to someone who is likely to argue or disagree with others.

2. Combative: This word also describes someone who is argumentative and always ready to engage in a fight or debate.

3. Controversial: This term refers to something that causes disagreement or debate, and can also be used to describe a person who is argumentative.

4. Disputatious: Similar to contentious, this word describes someone who is inclined to argue or engage in debates.

5. Contrary: This word can be used to describe someone who always takes the opposite side of an argument, even if it goes against popular opinion.

6. Quarrelsome: This term refers to someone who is easily provoked and tends to argue or fight with others.

7. Belligerent: This adjective describes someone who is hostile and aggressive, often looking for an argument or confrontation.

8. Pugnacious: Similar to belligerent, this word also describes someone who has a tendency towards conflict and enjoys arguing with others.

9. Litigious: This term refers specifically to someone who is prone to taking legal action and engaging in lawsuits, but can also be used more broadly for anyone who likes to argue.

10. Opinionated: While not necessarily negative like some of the other words on this list, opinionated still implies that someone has strong beliefs and may be argumentative when those beliefs are challenged.

11. Factious: This adjective describes someone who likes creating factions or divisions within a group by stirring up arguments and disagreements.

12. Polemical: Often used in reference to writing or speaking style, this word means aggressive or controversial in tone and likely to provoke debate or arguments.

13. Disagreeable: While not exactly synonymous with argumentative, this term can be used for someone whose personality makes them difficult and prone to conflicts and disagreements.

14. Confrontational: This word refers to someone who is always ready for a confrontation or argument, often seeking them out.

15. Adversarial: Used more commonly in legal or political contexts, this term describes someone who is opposed to another person or group and likely to engage in arguments or conflicts with them.

Overall, there are many words that can be used as synonyms for argumentative, each with its own subtle shade of meaning. Whether you are describing someone who loves a good debate or someone who is difficult and confrontational, these words can help you accurately convey the idea of being argumentative

