
语言百科2024-01-12 05:27:38留学世界



1. arm的定义



2. arm的发音


3. arm的用法

a. 作为名词时,arm可以表示人体部位或武器。例如:“He broke his arm playing football.”(他在踢足球时摔断了手臂。)“The soldier carried a rifle in his arms.”(那个士兵抱着一支步枪。)

b. 作为动词时,arm可以表示武装或装备。例如:“The police are armed with guns.”(警察们配备有枪支。)“We need to arm ourselves with knowledge to face challenges.”(我们需要用知识来武装自己应对挑战。)

4. arm与其他单词搭配

a. arm in arm:手挽着手,臂挽着臂地走。

例句:“The couple walked down the street arm in arm.”(这对夫妇手挽着手走在街上。)

b. disarm:解除武装,消除危险。

例句:“The government is trying to disarm the rebels.”(政府正试图解除叛乱分子的武装。)

c. army:军队。

例句:“He joined the army when he was 18 years old.”(他18岁时就加入了军队。)

d. armory:军械库,兵工厂。

例句:“The soldiers stored their weapons in the armory.”(士兵们把武器存放在军械库里。)


1. “arm”是一个常见的英语单词,它有多种含义,如“手臂”,“武器”等。

2. 在英语中,“arm”的发音可以分为两种,一种是重读音,另一种是轻读音。

3. 当“arm”作为名词时,通常用重读音/ɑːm/来发音,如“His arm was broken in the accident.”(他的手臂在事故中受伤了。)

4. 当“arm”作为动词时,通常用轻读音/ɑrm/来发音,如“He armed himself with a sword.”(他用一把剑武装了自己。)

5. 需要注意的是,“arm”作为动词时也可以用重读音发音,表示“提供武器”,如“The rebels were armed by their allies.”(反叛者得到了盟友提供的武器。)

6. 此外,在某些短语中,“arm”也可以用重读音发音,如“take up arms”(拿起武器),“arms race”(军备竞赛)等。

7. 如果你想更加准确地掌握“arm”的发音,在网上可以找到很多免费的英语发音网站或应用程序来练习。

8. 总的来说,“arm”的正确发音取决于它在句子中所扮演的角色,记住它的重读音和轻读音的区别,就能轻松地掌握它的发音啦!


1. arm的基本用法


2. arm的双语例句

1)He was shot in the arm during the battle. (他在战斗中被击中了手臂。)

2)The soldier was armed with a rifle. (士兵手持一支步枪。)

3)She gave her son a hug with her arms. (她用双臂抱住了儿子。)

4)The protesters were armed with signs and banners. (抗议者手持标语牌和横幅。)

5)The government is arming the military forces to prepare for war. (政府正在武装军队以备战。)

3. arm的常见用法


1)arm oneself with something:以某物武装自己

例句:He armed himself with a knife to protect himself from danger.


2)arm in arm:手挽着手

例句:The couple walked down the street arm in arm.


3)keep someone at arm's length:与某人保持距离

例句:She always keeps her colleagues at arm's length.



1. Arm in arm:手臂挽着手臂,形容两人亲密关系或一起走路的姿态。

2. Arm's length:手臂的长度,指保持距离。

3. Keep someone at arm's length:保持与某人的距离,不让对方过于靠近或干涉自己。

4. Up in arms:情绪激动,愤怒不满。

5. Lay down one's arms:放下武器,停止战斗。

6. Take up arms:拿起武器,开始战斗。

7. Bear arms:拥有武器,特指枪支。

8. Under someone's arm:在某人的胳膊下面,表示依靠或受保护的状态。

9. Twist someone's arm:强迫某人做某事。

10. In the arms of Morpheus:沉睡中,在梦境中


1. Limb - this is a synonym for arm and refers to the upper limb of the human body, including the shoulder, upper arm, forearm, wrist, and hand.

2. Appendage - this word can be used interchangeably with arm and describes a part of the body that is attached to the main part.

3. Extremity - another synonym for arm that specifically refers to the part of the body from the shoulder to the hand.

4. Forelimb - this term is commonly used in zoology to describe the front legs or arms of four-legged animals.

5. Upper extremity - similar to extremity, this term specifically refers to the upper part of the body including both arms.

6. Brachium - this is a medical term for arm and can also refer to a specific part of the arm, such as the upper arm.

7. Member - while not commonly used in everyday language, this is another word for arm that can be found in medical or technical contexts.

8. Wing - although primarily used to describe a bird's appendages, wing can also be used as a synonym for arm in certain contexts.

9. Branch - while not directly related to arms, branch can be used metaphorically to describe an extension or offshoot of something, similar to how an arm extends from the body.

10. Bough - another metaphorical term that can be used as a synonym for arm, describing a large branch or limb of a tree or plant

