
语言百科2024-01-12 08:09:39留学世界




1. 介绍around的基本含义


2. 解释around作为副词时的用法

作为副词,around通常用于描述位置、方向或时间。例如,“The children are playing around the house.”(孩子们正在房子周围玩耍),“She looked around nervously.”(她紧张地四处张望)。此外,around也可以表示大约、大概的意思。例如,“It costs around $50.”(大约花费50美元)。

3. 解释around作为介词时的用法

当around作为介词使用时,通常与动词go、come、walk等连用,表示环绕、绕过或到达某个地方。例如,“We walked around the lake.”(我们绕着湖走了一圈),“He went around the corner and disappeared.”(他绕过拐角消失了)。此外,around还可以表示环境或状态。例如,“The air around the factory is polluted.”(工厂周围的空气被污染了)。

4. 提及around在口语中的常见用法

在日常口语中,around还有一些常见的用法。例如,“hang around”表示闲逛、徘徊,如“I don't have anything to do, so I'll just hang around.”(我没什么事可做,所以就闲逛一下)。“mess around”表示胡闹、耍滑头,如“Stop messing around and get back to work.”(别再胡闹了,回去工作吧)。“fool around”表示闲荡、游手好闲,如“He's always fooling around instead of studying.”(他总是游手好闲而不是学习)。

5. 提及around在特定短语中的意思

除了以上常见的用法外,around还可以在一些特定的短语中出现,并且具有不同的含义。例如,“look around”表示四处寻找、环顾四周,“sleep around”表示轮流和多人发生性关系,“turn around”表示转身或改变方向等。

6. 总结around的基本含义和用法


1. 简介


2. 作为介词时的发音


- There are trees around the house. (房子周围有树。)

- She wrapped her scarf around her neck. (她把围巾围在脖子上。)

- He loves to travel around the world. (他喜欢到处旅行。)

3. 作为副词时的发音


- The meeting will start around 9 o'clock. (会议将于大约9点开始。)

- He looked around, trying to find his keys. (他四处张望,试图找到钥匙。)

- She gave around 20 dollars to the homeless man. (她给了那个无家可归的人大约20美元。)

4. 作为名词时的发音


- He looked around, trying to find a place to hide. (他四处张望,试图找到一个藏身之处。)

- The children ran around in the playground. (孩子们在操场上跑来跑去。)

- There are benches around the lake for people to sit and enjoy the view. (湖边有长凳供人们坐下欣赏风景。)

5. 特殊用法及读音


5.1 动词


- He likes to drive around on weekends. (他喜欢周末开车兜风。)

- The cat was chasing its tail, going round and round. (猫在追逐自己的尾巴,转来转去。)

- We spent the whole day just wandering around the city. (我们整天都在城市里闲逛。)

5.2 形容词


- She's always around, you can ask her for help. (她总是在附近,你可以向她求助。)

- I don't have a fixed schedule, I'm pretty around these days. (我没有固定的日程安排,这些天我挺忙碌的。)



1. "around"的基本用法


2. 作为介词

当"around"作为介词使用时,它通常表示在某个地方周围或附近。例如:"We walked around the park."(我们在公园里走来走去。)此外,它还可以表示环绕或围绕某物。例如:"The fence goes around the house."(篱笆围绕着房子。)

3. 作为副词

当"around"作为副词使用时,它通常表示在某个地方周围或附近移动。例如:"She looked around the room."(她四处张望了一下房间。)此外,它还可以表示大约或大概。例如:"I'll be there around 8 o'clock."(我大约8点钟会到那里。)

4. 作为形容词

当"around"作为形容词使用时,它通常表示周围的或附近的。例如:"Look at all the people around us!"(看看我们周围的人!)此外,它还可以表示随机或无计划的行动。例如:"We just drove around for a while."(我们只是开车到处转了一会儿。)

5. 作为动词

当"around"作为动词使用时,它通常表示在某个地方周围或附近移动。例如:"She likes to drive around the countryside."(她喜欢在乡村里开车转悠。)此外,它还可以表示浪费时间或闲逛。例如:"I don't want to just sit around all day."(我不想整天都坐着闲着。)

6. 双语例句

1) The children ran around the playground, laughing and playing.


2) I'll be traveling around Europe for a few months.


3) There are some beautiful flowers growing around the house.


4) We can't just sit around waiting for something to happen.


5) Can you show me around the city?



1. "all around" - 意为"到处",常用于描述某物或某人存在于各个地方。

例如:"You can find street food all around the city." (你可以在城市的各个地方找到街头小吃。)

2. "around the clock" - 意为"全天候",表示持续不断地进行某项活动。

例如:"Our customer service is available around the clock." (我们的客服服务是全天候的。)

3. "look around" - 意为"四处看看",表示环顾四周。

例如:"Take a moment to look around and appreciate the beauty of this place." (花点时间四处看看,欣赏这个地方的美景。)

4. "mess around" - 意为"胡闹、捣乱",指做出无聊或愚蠢的行为。

例如:"Stop messing around and focus on your work." (别胡闹了,专心做你的工作。)

5. "hang around" - 意为"闲逛、徘徊",指在某处停留而没有特定目的。

例如:"We used to hang around the park after school." (我们过去放学后常在公园闲逛。)

6. "get around to something" - 意为"抽出时间做某事",表示最终做了某事。

例如:"I finally got around to cleaning my room after weeks of procrastination." (我终于抽出时间把房间打扫了,几周来一直拖着。)

7. "around the corner" - 意为"即将到来",表示某事即将发生。

例如:"Christmas is just around the corner, have you finished your shopping?" (圣诞节就要到了,你的购物已经完成了吗?)

8. "fool around" - 意为"闲荡、嬉戏",指做出幼稚或不负责任的行为。

例如:"Stop fooling around and start taking your studies seriously." (别闲荡了,认真对待学习。)

9. "dance around" - 意为"回避、绕开",指避免直接谈论或处理某个问题。

例如:"You can't keep dancing around the issue, we need to address it now." (你不能一直回避这个问题,我们现在就需要解决它。)

10. "around the world" - 意为"全世界、遍布世界各地",常用于描述某物或某人在世界各地都有存在。

例如:"Her music is known and loved around the world." (她的音乐在全世界都有知名度和受欢迎程度。)


1. How to pronounce around in English?

2. What is the correct pronunciation of around in English?

3. How do you say around in English?

4. What are some synonyms for around in English?

5. Other ways to say around in English.

6. Different words for around in English.

7. Alternative words for around in English.

8. Ways to express around in English.

9. Variations of around in English.

10. Similar terms for around in English.

11. How to enunciate around in English?

12. What are some alternatives for the word "around" in English?

13. The various ways to pronounce and use "around" in English.

14. Different expressions for the word "around" in English.

15. How can I say "around" differently in English?

