
语言百科2024-01-13 11:37:40留学世界





1. ate的字面意思


2. ate在英语中的用法

除了表示过去时态外,ate还可以作为名词使用。例如,“a big feast with lots of food and drinks”(一顿有很多食物和饮料的盛宴)就可以用“ate”来表达。

3. ate在当今年轻人中的流行用法

如今,年轻人有着自己独特的语言表达方式。他们常常会在句子末尾加上“-ate”来表达某种感情或状态。比如,“I'm so frustr-ated”(我太沮丧了),“I'm so irrit-ated”(我太生气了)等等。

4. 另一个流行用法:foodie









1. 介绍ate的含义


2. ate作为动词的基本用法


- I ate a sandwich for lunch.(我午餐吃了一个三明治。)

- The dog ate its food quickly.(狗狗很快地吃完了它的食物。)

3. ate作为及物动词的用法


- She ate an apple for breakfast.(她早餐吃了一个苹果。)

- We ate dinner at the new restaurant last night.(昨晚我们在那家新餐厅吃了晚饭。)

4. ate作为不及物动词的用法


- He often eats at his desk while working.(他经常一边工作一边在桌子上吃东西。)

- They were so hungry that they ate like there was no tomorrow.(他们饿得几乎把东西都吃光了。)

5. 过去式和过去分词形式的用法


- I ate breakfast at 8 o'clock this morning.(今天早上8点我吃了早餐。)

- She has already eaten lunch.(她已经吃过午餐了。)

6. ate在句子中的其他用法


- The fire ate up the entire building.(大火烧毁了整栋建筑。)

- The acid ate away at the metal pipe.(酸蚀掉了金属管子。)

- She always eats breakfast before going to work.


- The children have already eaten all the cookies.


- The caterpillar ate through the leaf.


- My dog ate my homework.


- They were so hungry that they ate like there was no tomorrow.


- The acid ate away at the metal pipe, causing it to leak.



1. Eat up:吃光,吃完

例句:He ate up all the food on his plate.


2. Overeat:吃得过多,暴饮暴食

例句:Don't overeat, it's not good for your health.


3. Under-eat:吃得太少,营养不良

例句:She has been under-eating lately and it's affecting her health.


4. Eat away:腐蚀,侵蚀

例句:The acid in the lemon can eat away at the metal.


5. Eat into:侵蚀,减少

例句:The high cost of living is eating into our savings.


6. Eat out:外出就餐

例句:Let's eat out tonight, I don't feel like cooking.


7. Eat in:在家里用餐

例句:We decided to eat in tonight and save some money.


8. Eat like a horse:狼吞虎咽,吃得很多

例句:He's always hungry and eats like a horse.


9. Eat like a bird:吃得很少,食量小

例句:She eats like a bird, that's why she's so thin.


10. Eat your words:收回前言,改口

例句:After seeing the results, he had to eat his words and admit he was wrong.



1. Synonyms for "ate"

- Consumed

- Devoured

- Ingested

- Noshed (slang)

- Gobbled

- Chomped

2. Examples of "ate" in a sentence

a) He ate his breakfast quickly before rushing out the door.

b) The dog ate the entire plate of food when no one was looking.

c) She has been on a strict diet and hasn't eaten any sweets in weeks.

d) I'm starving, let's go grab something to eat.

e) The caterpillar ate its way through the entire leaf.

3. Alternative words for "ate"

- Ate up

- Polished off

- Finished off

- Scarfed down (slang)

- Swallowed

- Chowed down

4. Sample sentences using alternative words for "ate"

a) He polished off his dinner in record time.

b) The kids scarfed down their pizza before heading out to play.

c) We finished off the last of the cake at the party.

d) She swallowed her pride and apologized for her mistake.

e) They chowed down on burgers and fries at the picnic.

5. Synonyms for "ate" based on context or situation

- Dined (used in formal or fancy settings)

- Feasted (used when there is an abundance of food)

- Munched (used for light snacking)

- Supped (used during evening meals)

- Grazed (used when eating small amounts throughout the day)

6. Examples of synonyms for "ate" based on context or situation

a) They dined at a fancy restaurant to celebrate their anniversary.

b) We feasted on a delicious spread at Thanksgiving dinner.

c) He munched on chips while watching TV.

d) The family supped together every night at 6pm.

e) She grazed on fruits and veggies throughout the day to stay healthy.

7. Similar words for "ate"

- Consumed

- Ingested

- Digested

- Swallowed

- Gobbled up

8. Sample sentences using similar words for "ate"

a) He consumed a large amount of food at the buffet.

b) The medicine must be ingested with water.

c) The body digests food to extract nutrients.

d) She swallowed the pill without any difficulty.

e) The kids gobbled up their snacks before heading out to play.

9. Synonyms for "ate" with different connotations

- Devoured (used when eating quickly and hungrily)

- Nibbled (used when eating small bites or tasting)

- Munched (used for casual snacking)

- Feasted (used when there is an abundance of food)

10. Examples of synonyms for "ate" with different connotations

a) He devoured his meal after a long day of work.

b) She nibbled on the appetizers at the party.

c) They munched on popcorn while watching a movie.

d) We feasted on a variety of dishes at the potluck.

In conclusion, "ate" can be replaced with various synonyms and similar words depending on the context or situation. It is important to choose the appropriate word to accurately convey the meaning and tone of the sentence

