
语言百科2024-01-13 20:55:41留学世界



1. 定义



2. 同音词


3. ant


4. aren't

aren't是英语中的缩写形式,全称为are not。它表示否定形式的be动词are。例如:“They aren't going to the party tonight.”意为“他们今晚不去参加派对。”

5. 同义词


- auntie: 也可以指代姑妈、阿姨或舅妈。

- aunt-in-law: 指的是通过婚姻关系而得到的姑妈、阿姨或舅妈。

- aunty: 和auntie类似,也是指代姑妈、阿姨或舅妈。

- auntie-ma: 通常用来表示对年龄较大的女性朋友或邻居的尊称


1. aunt的发音:首先,我们来学习一下aunt这个单词的正确发音。它是一个双音节单词,重音在第一个音节上,读作/ænt/。记住这个发音,就能和外国朋友自信地交流啦!

2. 姑姑(gu gu):aunt最常见的同义词就是姑姑了。不过它们的发音可不一样哦!姑姑用英语来说就是"paternal aunt",读作/pəˈtɜːrnl ɑːnt/。尝试一下用英语和你的外国姑姑打招呼吧!

3. 舅妈(jiu ma):除了姑姑,aunt还可以指舅妈。在英语中,舅妈叫做"maternal aunt",读作/məˈtɜːrnl ɑːnt/。想要和舅妈用英语交流?那就赶快练习这个发音吧!

4. 阿姨(a yi):阿姨也是和aunt意思相近的词汇。它在英语中对应的是"auntie"或者"aunty",读作/ˈænti/或者/ˈɔːnti/。有时候外国人也会用这个称呼来称呼你的母亲的姐妹哦!

5. 姨妈(yi ma):姨妈也可以用英语来说,就是"maternal aunt"。和舅妈的发音一样,读作/məˈtɜːrnl ɑːnt/。记住这个词,就能和你的外国姨妈交流啦!

6. 阿姆(a mu):最后一个同义词就是阿姆。它在英语中对应的是"auntie"或者"aunty",读作/ˈænti/或者/ˈɔːnti/。有时候外国人也会用这个称呼来称呼你的母亲的姐妹哦!



1. 定义和用法:


2. 同音词:


- Ant:意为“蚂蚁”,是一种小型昆虫。

- Ont:意为“上面”,常用于描述位置关系。

- Aren't:意为“不是”,是are not的缩写形式。

- En't:意为“没有”,是have not或has not的缩写形式。

3. 双语例句:


- My aunt is coming to visit us next week.(我的姑妈下周要来看我们。)

- I love spending time with my aunt, she always has interesting stories to tell.(我喜欢和我的阿姨一起度过时间,她总是有趣的故事可讲。)

- Aunt Mary is my mom's older sister, but they look very similar.(玛丽阿姨是我妈妈的姐姐,但她们长得很像。)

- I'm sorry, I can't come to the party tonight, I have an aunt who is visiting from out of town.(对不起,我今晚不能来参加聚会,我有一位从外地来的阿姨要拜访。)


1. "Auntie" - 这是aunt的常见同音词,用于表示亲近的女性长辈,也可以用来称呼朋友的母亲。

2. "Ant" - 这个词虽然和aunt的发音不完全一样,但是在口语中常被用来代替aunt。

3. "Aunty" - 和"Auntie"类似,也是用来称呼女性长辈或者朋友的母亲。

4. "Ante" - 这个词在扑克牌游戏中常被用来表示押注前的一轮下注。

5. "Ankh" - 这是一个古埃及符号,被认为是生命之源,和aunt没有直接关系,但发音相似。

6. "Aunthood" - 这个词指的是成为姑姑或阿姨的身份和责任。

7. "Antler" - 一种动物角,也可以用来形容像姑妈一样强壮有力的女性


1. Auntie - This is a common term used to address an older female relative or family friend, similar to "aunt."

2. Aunty - Another variation of "aunt," often used in British English.

3. Aunt-in-law - This refers to the sister or sister-in-law of one's parent, or the wife of one's uncle.

4. Auntie-poo - A playful and affectionate term for an aunt, often used by children.

5. Auntie Mame - A reference to the popular 1958 novel and subsequent film about a wealthy and eccentric aunt who becomes the guardian of her young nephew.

6. Second mother - This term is often used to describe an aunt who plays a significant role in raising and caring for her nieces and nephews.

7. Godmother - In some cultures, a child's godmother is considered an honorary aunt and may have a special relationship with their godchild.

8. Tia/Tía - The Spanish word for "aunt," commonly used in Hispanic families and communities.

9. Zia/Zía - The Italian word for "aunt," also used in other Romance languages such as Portuguese (tia) and Romanian (mătușă).

10. Khala/Khalo - In Arabic cultures, this is the term for "aunt" or "uncle" on the mother's side of the family.

So there you have it, a variety of ways to refer to your dear aunt in English! Whether you stick with the traditional "aunt" or opt for one of these fun alternatives, remember that what matters most is the love and bond between you and your aunt. Happy reading!

