
语言百科2024-01-14 06:59:42留学世界






其次,我们可以从“avenue”的用法来理解它的意思。作为一个名词,它可以指代一条街道或大道;作为一个形容词,则可以表示某个事物具有广阔、开阔的特点。例如,“She walked down the avenue, admiring the beautiful trees on both sides.”(她沿着大道走去,欣赏两旁美丽的树木。)或者,“He has an avenue of opportunities ahead of him.”(他面前有很多机会。)

此外,在英语中,“avenue”也可以用来比喻“途径”或“方法”。比如,“Learning a new language is a great avenue to expand your horizons.”(学习一门新语言是拓展视野的绝佳途径。)或者,“Social media is an avenue for people to connect with each other.”(社交媒体是人们相互联系的一种途径。)







1. 什么是avenue?


2. 如何使用avenue?

例如,“She walked down the avenue to get to the park.”(她沿着大街走到公园。)这里的avenue指的是一条街道,用来描述主人公走路的路径。

3. 双语例句:

- The Champs-Élysées is one of the most famous avenues in Paris.(香榭丽舍大街是巴黎最著名的大街之一。)

- The protesters marched down the avenue, chanting slogans and holding signs.(抗议者沿着大街游行,高呼口号并举着标语牌。)

- This new job opportunity could be an avenue for me to achieve my career goals.(这个新工作机会可能是我实现职业目标的途径。)


1. Avenue of Approach - 进攻路线

2. Avenue of Escape - 逃生通道

3. Avenue of Investment - 投资渠道

4. Avenue of Opportunity - 机会之门

5. Avenue of Progress - 进步之路

6. Avenue of Dreams - 梦想之路

7. Avenue of Hope - 希望之门

8. Avenue of Success - 成功之路

9. Avenue of Exploration - 探索之路

10. Avenue of Knowledge - 知识之道

11. Fashion Avenue - 时尚大道

12. Park Avenue - 公园大道(纽约著名街道)

13. Fifth Avenue - 第五大道(纽约著名街道)

14. Millionaire's Row/avenue - 百万富翁大街/大道

15. Royal Avenue/avenue- 皇家大街/大道

16.Avenue des Champs-Elysées- 香榭丽舍大街(巴黎著名街道)

17.Avenue Montaigne- 蒙田大街(巴黎时尚区)

18.Avenue Foch- 福热大街(巴黎最宽阔的街道)

19.Avenue Louise- 路易斯大街(布鲁塞尔时尚区)

20.Avenue de Champagne- 香槟大街(法国香槟产区)


1. Road: This is the most common synonym for "avenue" and refers to a public thoroughfare that connects two points.

2. Street: Similar to "road," this word also refers to a public passage, but is typically lined with buildings and used for local traffic.

3. Lane: This term can be used interchangeably with "street" or "road," but often refers to a narrow pathway or route.

4. Boulevard: A wide, tree-lined street, usually with multiple lanes, that is often considered more upscale or scenic than a regular avenue.

5. Way: This word can refer to any type of path or route, including an avenue.

6. Drive: Often used for roads that wind through scenic areas, this word can also be used as a synonym for "avenue."

7. Path: A smaller, more narrow route that is typically used for walking or biking.

8. Alley: A small lane or passageway between buildings, often found in cities.

9. Promenade: A wide avenue or street that is designed for leisurely strolling and lined with shops or attractions.

10. Thoroughfare: Another term for a main road or street that connects two points and sees heavy traffic flow

总结来说,avenue是一个非常常见的英文单词,它的意思是“大街”或者“林荫道”。它的发音也很简单,读作/ˈæv.ə.nuː/。在使用中,我们可以用它来描述一条宽阔的街道,也可以用来比喻一种广阔的机会或选择。同时,在双语例句中,我们也可以看到avenue被灵活地运用于各种场景中。例如,“I walked down the avenue and admired the beautiful trees.”(我沿着大街走着,欣赏着美丽的树木)“This job offers a great avenue for career development.”(这份工作为职业发展提供了广阔的机会)。除此之外,avenue还有许多常用的词组和同义词,如“boulevard”、“thoroughfare”、“pathway”等。最后,我是网站编辑小编,在为大家带来有趣知识和实用信息的同时,也希望能够得到大家的关注和支持。如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我哦!
