
语言百科2024-01-14 13:53:42留学世界



awarded是一个动词,读作/əˈwɔːdɪd/,意思是“授予、颁发、给予奖励或荣誉”。它的名词形式为award,可以表示“奖项、荣誉、奖品”等。在翻译行业中,awarded通常指被授予某种翻译奖项或荣誉。例如,“他被授予了最佳翻译奖”,就可以说“He was awarded the Best Translation Award”。除了在翻译领域使用外,在日常生活中也经常会听到类似的用法,比如“我被授予了优秀学生奖”、“他被颁发了勋章”等。总之,awarded是一个非常常用且有着积极意义的动词,希望你能在今后的学习和工作中灵活运用它


1. awarded是一个英语单词,读作/əˈwɔːdɪd/。


2. 它的意思是“授予,给予,奖励”。

3. 在英语中,awarded通常作为动词使用,表示授予某人某种荣誉或奖励。

4. 例如,“He was awarded the Nobel Prize for his groundbreaking research in medicine.”(他因其在医学领域的开创性研究而被授予诺贝尔奖)。

5. 此外,awarded也可以用作形容词,在这种情况下,它的意思是“获得奖励的”。

6. 例如,“The awarded students were invited to a special ceremony to receive their scholarships.”(获得奖励的学生们被邀请参加特别仪式领取奖学金)。

7. 为了正确地读出awarded这个单词,需要注意以下几点:

a) 首先要注意重音位置,在awarded中重音在第二个音节上,即/əˈwɔː/;

b) 其次要注意元音发音,其中第一个字母a发音为短元音/ə/,第二个字母a发音为长元音/ɔː/;

c) 最后要注意结尾字母ed的发音,在这里它发音为/t/而不是/d/。

8. 如果想要更准确地掌握awarded的发音,可以通过听英语母语者的发音来练习。可以通过在线资源或者英语学习软件来找到相关的发音练习。

9. 此外,要想在日常生活中更顺利地使用awarded这个单词,还需要注意以下几点:

a) awarded是一个正式用语,在日常口语中并不常用,所以在使用时要注意场合和语境;

b) awarded通常用于表示给予荣誉或奖励的情况,所以要注意它的搭配词汇,如prize, scholarship, certificate等;

c) 如果想要表达“得到奖励”的意思,也可以使用其他同义词替换,比如receive, get, obtain等。

10. 总而言之,awarded是一个常用于表示奖励或荣誉的单词,在正确地读出它的同时也要注意它的搭配和使用场合。希望本小节能够对你有所帮助


1. awarded的基本用法


2. awarded的双语例句

1) He was awarded the Nobel Prize for his groundbreaking research in physics.


2) The company has been awarded a contract to build a new bridge.


3) The team was awarded the championship trophy after a hard-fought season.


4) She was awarded a scholarship to study abroad.


5) The movie was awarded three Oscars at the Academy Awards ceremony.


6) He was awarded the title of "Employee of the Year" for his outstanding performance.


7) The judge awarded full custody of the child to the mother.


8) The committee awarded the project to the most qualified and experienced team.


9) The artist was awarded a grant to create a series of paintings for an upcoming exhibition.


10) The athlete was awarded a gold medal for her record-breaking performance in the Olympics.



1. "awarded with":被授予

例如:"She was awarded with the Nobel Prize for her groundbreaking research in physics."

2. "awarded for":因...而获奖

例如:"He was awarded for his outstanding contribution to the field of medicine."

3. "award-winning":获奖的

例如:"The movie was critically acclaimed and went on to become an award-winning film."

4. "award ceremony":颁奖典礼

例如:"The award ceremony will be held next week to honor the top performers in the company."

5. "award plaque":奖牌

例如:"The winners of the competition were presented with a beautiful award plaque as a token of their achievement."

6. "prize awarded":颁发的奖品

例如:"The grand prize awarded to the winner of the competition was a trip to Paris."

7. "awardee":获奖者

例如:"The awardee gave a heartfelt speech, thanking everyone who supported him throughout his journey."

8. "award nomination":提名奖项

例如:"Her performance in the play earned her an award nomination for Best Actress."


1. Granted - 获得

2. Honored - 荣获

3. Recognized - 认可

4. Bestowed - 授予

5. Conferred - 授予

6. Presented - 颁发

7. Awarded with - 被授予

8. Given - 给予

9. Endowed with - 赋予

10. Gifted with - 赋予

1. Granted和Honored都强调了获得了某种特殊的待遇或奖励。Granted通常用于指政府或机构授予某人权利、资格或奖金,而Honored则更多地强调被尊重和赞扬的感觉。

2. Recognized和Bestowed也都可以表示得到了认可和奖励,但Recognized更多地指被公认、被承认,而Bestowed则更加强调是由某个权威机构授予的荣誉。

3. Conferred和Presented都可以表示授予某人奖励或荣誉,但Conferred更加正式和庄重,通常用于指授予某种特殊的头衔或荣誉,而Presented则更常用于日常的奖励或表彰。

4. Awarded with和Given都可以表示被授予某种奖励或荣誉,但Awarded with更强调是通过竞赛、评选等方式获得的,而Given则更强调是被赋予、给予的意思。

5. Endowed with和Gifted with都可以表示被赋予某种特殊的能力、品质或福利,但Endowed with更多地指天生具有的能力或特质,而Gifted with则更多地指后天获得的能力或福利

awarded是一个非常常用的词汇,它可以表示被授予、获得、颁发等意思。在英语中,它的发音为/ə'wɔːdɪd/,要注意第一个音节的重读。除了基本的意思外,awarded还有许多词组和同义词示例,如“award ceremony”、“prize awarded”、“grant”等。希望本文能够帮助大家更好地理解和运用这个词汇。最后,我是网站编辑小明,如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多有趣、实用的英语知识。谢谢阅读!
