
语言百科2024-01-14 14:47:42留学世界



1. 定义



2. 动词用法

作为动词,away可以表示“离开某个地方”,也可以表示“使某物远离”。例如,“I'm going away for the weekend.”(我要在周末离开了。)和“She kicked the ball away.”(她把球踢远了。)

3. 副词用法

作为副词,away可以表示“离开某个地方”,也可以表示“在远处”。例如,“He walked away from the house.”(他从房子里走出来。)和“I can see a bird flying away in the sky.”(我能看到一只鸟在天空中飞翔。)

4. 形容词用法

作为形容词,away通常修饰名词,表示“远离的”、“不在场的”或者“缺席的”。例如,“The away team won the game.”(客场队赢得了比赛。)和“She is away on a business trip.”(她出差了。)

5. 搭配短语


- be far away from:远离,距离很远

- get away:逃脱,离开

- go away:走开,离开

- take away:拿走,带走

- throw away:扔掉

6. 同义词和反义词


7. 拓展用法


- be away with the fairies:心不在焉,恍惚

- give something away:泄露秘密

- put something away:收起来,存放起来




1. 读音


2. 含义

那么,"away"到底是什么意思呢?它可以作为副词使用,表示“离开”、“远离”、“去掉”等含义。比如,“He walked away from the crowd.”(他从人群中走开了。);“Take away the trash.”(把垃圾拿走。)

3. 搭配用法

除了作为副词外,"away"还可以作为介词、形容词和名词使用。比如,“Go away!”(滚蛋!);“I'm away on a business trip.”(我出差了。);“She has a day off today, so she's taking the day off to relax and get away from work.”(她今天休息一天,所以她要放松一下,远离工作。)

4. 口语表达

在口语中,我们还可以用一些固定搭配来表达更加生动的意思。比如,“get away with something”表示“逃脱惩罚”、“侥幸成功”;“throw away”表示“扔掉”、“抛弃”;“take away”表示“带走”、“拿走”。

5. 幽默解读


1. Away是一个英文单词,读作/əˈweɪ/。

2. Away作为副词,有“离开,远离”的意思。它也可以用作介词,表示“远离”的意思。

3. 以下是一些双语例句,帮助你更好地理解away的用法:

- He walked away from the group, feeling alone and lost.


- The children ran away from the scary monster.


- She moved away from her hometown to pursue her dreams.


- The dog chased the cat and they both ran away.


4. Away还可以表示“在某种程度上”,这时通常与形容词连用。

- She was away happy when she heard the good news.


- I am not away surprised by his success, he has always been hardworking.


5. 在句子中,away也可以表示方向或状态。

- The ship sailed away into the sunset.


- He is far away in a foreign country and we miss him very much.


6. Away也可以用来表示时间的消逝,通常与动词连用。

- The hours flew away as they chatted and laughed.


- The days seemed to drag away when she was sick in bed.


7. Away还可以作为介词,表示“避开”的意思。

- She stepped away from the edge of the cliff.


- Please stay away from the fire, it's dangerous.


8. 最后,away也可以用来构成一些常见的短语和表达方式:

- Go away: 离开

- Far and away: 明显地

- Give away: 赠送

- Take away: 带走

- Put away: 收起来

- Get away with: 逃脱惩罚


1. Get away from: 远离,摆脱

例如:I need to get away from all the stress and take a vacation.


2. Give away: 赠送,泄露

例如:The company is giving away free samples of their new product.


3. Throw away: 扔掉

例如:Don't throw away your old clothes, donate them to charity instead.


4. Run away: 逃跑

例如:The thief tried to run away but the police caught him.


5. Away from home: 离家

例如:I miss my family when I am away from home for too long.


6. Far and away: 绝对地,远远地

例如:She is far and away the best singer in our school.


7. Takeaway: 外卖食品

例如:Let's order some takeaway for dinner tonight, I don't feel like cooking.


8. Away game: 客场比赛

例如:Our team has an important away game next week, we need to prepare well.


9. Away with the fairies: 飘飘然,心不在焉

例如:He's been away with the fairies all day, he needs to focus on his work.


10. Go away: 走开,离开

例如:I need some alone time, can you please go away for a while?



1. Departure

- Definition: the act of leaving or starting a journey

- Example: He announced his departure from the company after 10 years of service.

2. Absence

- Definition: the state of being away or not present

- Example: His absence from the meeting was noticed by his colleagues.

3. Retreat

- Definition: to withdraw or move back from a place or situation

- Example: The soldiers were forced to retreat from the battlefield.

4. Exile

- Definition: a prolonged absence from one's country or home, often as a form of punishment

- Example: The political dissident was sentenced to exile and forced to leave his home country.

5. Escape

- Definition: to get away from a dangerous or unpleasant situation

- Example: The prisoner managed to escape from jail and flee the country.

6. Journey

- Definition: a long trip, usually for a specific purpose or destination

- Example: She embarked on a journey around the world, visiting different countries and cultures.

7. Voyage

- Definition: a long journey by sea or in space

- Example: The astronauts embarked on a voyage to explore new planets and galaxies.

8. Migration

- Definition: the movement of people or animals from one place to another

- Example: The birds began their annual migration south for the winter.

9. Sojourn

- Definition: a temporary stay in a place

- Example: We took a short sojourn in Paris before continuing our travels through Europe.

10. Retreatment

- Definition: the act of withdrawing into privacy, seclusion, or retirement

Example:After retiring, he retreated to his cabin in the mountains for some peace and quiet

away是一个常用的英文单词,它的意思是“离开”,读音为/əˈweɪ/。它可以作为动词、副词和形容词使用,在日常生活和各种场景中都有广泛的应用。例如,在旅行中我们常说“go away”,在工作中我们可能会遇到“put away”这样的短语。除了以上提到的用法外,away还有许多同义词,如off、out、apart等,可以根据具体语境选择合适的表达方式。最后,我是网站编辑小明,希望本文能够帮助大家更好地理解和使用away这个单词。如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多有用的英语知识。谢谢阅读!
