
语言百科2024-01-14 15:05:43留学世界






首先,away可以作为一个副词,表示“离开”的意思。比如,当你要告别朋友时,就可以说:“I'm going away for a few days.”(我要离开几天了。)当然,也可以用在动词后面,构成短语动词,比如“run away”(逃跑),“walk away”(走开)等等。


除了表示实际的离开,away还可以表达更抽象的意思——“远离”。比如,在一段恋情中,如果你觉得对方越来越远了,就可以说:“He's drifting away from me.”(他正在和我疏远。)


另外,away也可以作为形容词使用,在这种情况下它的意思是“不在身边”。比如,“My mom is away on a business trip.”(我妈妈出差不在家。)


还有一种情况是用作介词,“away from”表示“远离”的意思。比如,“Stay away from me!”(离我远点!)另外,在一些口语中,away也可以用来表示“消失”的意思。比如,“The pain went away after I took the medicine.”(吃了药后,疼痛消失了。)



1. "away"是一个英文单词,读作/əˈweɪ/,音标为[uh-wey]。

2. 它是一个副词,表示“离开、远离”的意思。

3. 在口语中,常会缩写为"aw"或"aye"来表示同样的意思。

4. 例如:He went away for the weekend. (他周末离开了。)

5. 这个词也可以作为一个介词使用,表示“远离、离开”的概念。

6. 例如:The house is far away from the city. (这栋房子离城市很远。)

7. 另外,它还可以作为一个形容词,表示“远的、遥远的”。

8. 例如:The away team won the game. (客场队赢得了比赛。)

9. "away"也可以用来构成一些常用短语,如:

- get away: 逃跑、逃脱

- go away: 离开、走开

- far and away: 明显地、无疑地

- put away: 收起、放好

10. 总的来说,“away”是一个非常常用且多功能的单词,在日常生活和英语学习中都会经常遇到。希望以上内容能够帮助你更好地理解并正确使用这个单词


1. 用法解释:away是一个常用的副词,可以表示“离开”、“远离”、“不在家”等含义。它通常与动词搭配使用,也可以单独作为短语使用。

2. 双语例句:

- I'm going away for the weekend, so I won't be able to attend the party.


- The cat ran away when it saw the dog.


- She is away on a business trip and won't be back until next week.


- He was lost in his thoughts and didn't hear me calling him from far away.


- The children are playing hide-and-seek, but I can see them from far away.



1. Go away: 走开,离开

2. Far and away: 明显地,远远地

3. Away from: 远离

4. Away with: 摆脱,除掉

5. Away game: 客场比赛

6. Take away: 带走,拿走

7. Get away: 逃跑,离开

8. Put away: 放好,收起来

9. Faraway lands: 遥远的土地

10. Go faraway places: 去遥远的地方

11. Away from home: 离家出走

12. Run away from home: 从家里跑掉

13. Stay away from trouble: 远离麻烦

14. Keep away from danger: 远离危险

15. Away day trip: 短途旅行

16. Sail away to a new land:航向新大陆

17.Away in a distant land:在遥远的国度

18.Away with the fairies:心不在焉

19.Away on business:出差中

20.Faraway look:遥望的眼神


1. Absent

- Definition: not present in a place or situation

- Example: She was absent from school for a week due to illness.

2. Departed

- Definition: gone away from a place, especially permanently

- Example: The train has departed, we'll have to wait for the next one.

3. Gone

- Definition: no longer present or available; departed

- Example: He's gone on a business trip and won't be back until next week.

4. Disappeared

- Definition: no longer visible or able to be found

- Example: The sun disappeared behind the clouds as the storm approached.

5. Vanished

- Definition: suddenly disappear from sight; become invisible

- Example: The magician made the rabbit vanish into thin air.

6. Absconded

- Definition: leave hurriedly and secretly, typically to avoid detection of or arrest for an unlawful action such as theft.

- Example: The suspect absconded with the stolen goods before the police arrived.

7. Emigrated

- Definition: leave one's own country in order to settle permanently in another.

- Example: Many people emigrated from Europe to America in search of a better life.

8. Fled

- Definition: run away from a place or situation of danger.

- Example: The villagers fled their homes when the volcano erupted.

9. Escaped

- Definition: break free from confinement or control.

- Example: The prisoner escaped from jail by digging a tunnel under the wall.

10. Retreated

- Definition: withdraw from enemy forces as a result of their superior power or after a defeat.

- Example: The soldiers retreated after facing heavy casualties in battle.

11. Evacuated

- Definition: remove (someone) from a place of danger to a safer place.

- Example: The residents were evacuated from their homes due to the approaching hurricane.

12. Absquatulated

- Definition: leave abruptly or in a hurry.

- Example: The party ended when the host absquatulated without saying goodbye to anyone.

13. Decamped

- Definition: leave a place suddenly or secretly.

- Example: The spy decamped from his hideout before he could be caught by the enemy.

14. Bolted

- Definition: move or run away suddenly and quickly.

- Example: The horse bolted when it heard a loud noise, throwing its rider off.

15. Skipped town

- Definition: leave a place quickly and without warning.

- Example: The suspect skipped town before the police could arrest him for the crime he committed

