
语言百科2024-01-14 18:23:42留学世界



1. 哇,这件衣服真是太难看了,简直是awful的代名词。

2. 我们的队伍表现太差了,这场比赛真是一场awful的失败。


3. 今天的天气实在是太糟糕了,简直就像是awful的预兆。

4. 我不得不承认,我对这个项目的进展感到非常沮丧,它真是一次awful的挫败。

5. 她总是用最awful的方式来表达自己的观点,让人感到非常不舒服。

6. 这部电影被评为今年最awful的作品,我完全同意这个评价。

7. 不要再吃那些awful的零食了,它们对你的健康没有任何好处。

8. 我们必须尽快解决这个问题,否则后果将会变得非常awful。

9. 这家餐厅以前很受欢迎,但现在服务质量变得越来越awful了。

10. 别再说那些让人感到尴尬的笑话了,它们真是太awful了


1. Awful (ɔːfəl) is a word that is often used to describe something that is extremely unpleasant or of very poor quality.

2. Despite its negative connotation, awful (ɔːfəl) can also be used to express a strong emotion, such as surprise or admiration.

3. For example, "The movie was awful (ɔːfəl), I couldn't even finish it" or "I had an awful (ɔːfəl) day at work today."

4. It can also be used in a more casual and playful way, like "That outfit is just awful (ɔːfəl), who told you it looked good?" or "I am feeling absolutely awful (ɔːfəl) after eating all that junk food."

5. So remember, awful (ɔːfəl) can have different meanings depending on the context and tone in which it is used. Use it wisely!


1. Awful可以用来形容令人不快的事物,比如:“The weather was awful today.”(今天的天气糟糕透了。)

2. Awful也可以表示极端的程度,比如:“I have an awful lot of work to do.”(我有很多工作要做。)

3. 这个词还可以用来强调某件事物的质量差,比如:“The service at that restaurant was simply awful.”(那家餐厅的服务简直糟糕透顶。)

4. 在口语中,awful也可以表示强烈的情绪,比如:“I felt awful when I found out I failed the exam.”(当我发现自己考试不及格时,我感到非常难过。)

5. 换一种说法,awful也可以用来表示可怕或恐怖的事物,比如:“That movie was so awful, I couldn't sleep at night.”(那部电影太可怕了,我晚上都睡不着。)

1. Awful can be used to describe unpleasant things, for example: "The weather was awful today."

2. It can also indicate a high degree of something, for example: "I have an awful lot of work to do."

3. This word can also emphasize the poor quality of something, for example: "The service at that restaurant was simply awful."

4. In spoken language, awful can also express strong emotions, for example: "I felt awful when I found out I failed the exam."

5. In other words, awful can also be used to describe something terrible or scary, for example: "That movie was so awful, I couldn't sleep at night."


1. Awful smell: The smell in the room was awful, making me want to leave immediately.

2. Awful weather: The weather during our vacation was awful, with constant rain and strong winds.

3. Awful mistake: It was an awful mistake to trust him with my money, as he ended up stealing it.

4. Awful experience: I had an awful experience at the restaurant, with rude staff and terrible food.

5. Awful pain: After the accident, I was in awful pain and had to be rushed to the hospital.

6. Awful behavior: His awful behavior towards his classmates led to him being expelled from school.

7. Awful news: We received some awful news about our friend's sudden passing and were devastated.

8. Awful taste: The medicine had an awful taste that made it difficult for me to swallow.

9. Awful decision: It was an awful decision to buy that car, as it constantly breaks down.

10. Awful condition: The house was in an awful condition when we bought it, but we were able to renovate it into a beautiful home.

11. Awfully sorry: I am awfully sorry for being late, there was a lot of traffic on the way here.

12. An awfully long time: We waited for what seemed like an awfully long time before our food arrived at the restaurant.

13. An awfully difficult task: Completing this project on such a tight deadline is going to be an awfully difficult task.

14. An awfully large amount of money: They charged us an awfully large amount of money for such a small repair job.

15. An awfully loud noise: The construction next door made an awfully loud noise that disturbed our sleep every morning.

16.Awfully rude comment: He made an awfully rude comment about her appearance, causing her great embarrassment.

17. Awfully slow service: The restaurant had an awfully slow service, making us wait for over an hour for our food.

18. Awfully expensive: The designer handbag was awfully expensive, but she couldn't resist buying it.

19. Awfully crowded: The beach was awfully crowded, with hardly any space to lay down a towel.

20. Awfully boring: The lecture on statistics was awfully boring, I could barely keep my eyes open.

21. An awful mess: The kids made an awful mess in the living room, spilling juice and leaving toys everywhere.

22. An awful mistake: It was an awful mistake to trust her with the project, as she ended up making a huge error.

23. An awful smell: There was an awful smell coming from the garbage can, so we took it out immediately.

24. An awful accident: There was an awful accident on the highway, causing a major traffic jam.

25. An awful headache: I have been suffering from an awful headache all day and can't seem to get rid of it.

26. Awful grammar: His essay had awful grammar and spelling mistakes, making it difficult to understand.

27. Awful quality: The clothes from that store were of such awful quality that they fell apart after one wash.

28. Awful customer service: I had an awful experience with their customer service team who were rude and unhelpful.

29. Awful timing: It was such an awful timing for my car to break down when I was already running late for work.

30. Awful conditions: The refugees were living in such awful conditions, with no access to clean water or proper shelter.

31.Awful grades: She received some truly awful grades on her report card and had to work harder next semester.

32.Awful consequences: His actions had some truly awful consequences that affected not only him but also those around him.

33.Awful living situation: The family was in an awful living situation, with no electricity or proper sanitation.

34.Awful reputation: The company had an awful reputation for mistreating their employees and providing poor services.

35.Awful habit: Smoking is an awful habit that can have serious health consequences


1. Terrible: The movie was absolutely awful, I couldn't even finish watching it.

2. Horrible: The food at that restaurant was just awful, I couldn't take another bite.

3. Dreadful: The weather on our vacation was truly awful, it rained every day.

4. Atrocious: The service at that hotel was awful, they never cleaned our room.

5. Abysmal: The performance of the team was awful, they lost every game this season.

6. Appalling: The behavior of the students in class was awful, they were so disrespectful.

7. Ghastly: The smell coming from the garbage can was just awful, I had to hold my breath.

8. Lousy: My boss is an awful person, he never appreciates our hard work.

9. Awful: I had an awful day at work today, everything went wrong.

10. Horrendous: The traffic on the highway was just awful, it took me hours to get home

