
语言百科2024-01-17 14:27:49留学世界





1. 它不是豆子


2. 它指代感叹词

“Beans”可以作为一种感叹词使用,表示惊讶、失望或者愤怒等情绪。比如当你看到一件让人无法接受的事情时,可以说:“Oh beans!”来表达自己的厌恶之情。

3. 它有时也可以表示没关系

除了作为感叹词外,“beans”还可以用来回应别人的道歉或者感谢。比如当别人说:“对不起,我弄错了。”你可以回答:“It’s beans.”来表示没关系。

4. 它还有其他变体

除了“beans”这个单词外,还有一些类似的网络用语,比如“cool beans”、“hot beans”、“spill the beans”等等。它们都是根据“beans”的原意演变而来,但含义和用法都有所不同。

5. 它是当下年轻人的流行用语




现在你可能会觉得这个问题已经解决了,但是我还想再补充一点有趣的内容。在美国俚语中,"beans"也可以指代钱或者金钱。所以如果你听到有人说"I don't have enough beans to buy this car.",就不要以为他们在谈论食物了。

除此之外,在英国俚语中,还有一个常见的短语叫做"full of beans",意思是精力充沛、活力十足。所以如果你看到一个人精神饱满、充满活力地跑来跑去,就可以说他"full of beans"了


1. 豆子的基本含义

- Beans通常指的是豆类食物,例如:soybeans(大豆)、kidney beans(红腰豆)等。

- 在英语中,也可以用beans来形容一些小而无足轻重的事情,例如:“It's not worth a hill of beans.”(这不值得一提)。

2. Beans作为动词的用法

- 当beans被用作动词时,意思是“打败”、“击倒”、“击中”,例如:“He beansed the target.”(他命中了目标)。

- 同时,beans也可以表示“告密”、“泄露秘密”,例如:“She spilled the beans about their plan.”(她泄露了他们的计划)。

3. Beans在俚语中的意义

- 在美国俚语中,beans还有“头脑”、“智力”的意思,例如:“He's got beans.”(他很聪明)。

- 另外,在澳大利亚俚语中,beans也可以指代“钱”,例如:“I don't have enough beans to buy that.”(我没有足够的钱来买那个)。

4. 双语例句

- I love eating beans, especially black beans and chickpeas.


- He spilled the beans about the surprise party, so it was no longer a secret.


- She beansed him in the head with a snowball.


- He's got beans, he always knows the answers in class.


- I need to save up more beans before I can buy a new car.



1. Beans and rice - 红豆饭

2. Baked beans - 烤豆

3. Green beans - 青豆

4. Coffee beans - 咖啡豆

5. Jelly beans - 软心糖豆

6. Lima beans - 淡蓝色的豆子

7. String beans - 豇豆

8. Soybeans - 大豆

9. Black beans - 黑豆

10. Vanilla beans - 香草豆

11. Refried beans - 再炸的豆子

12. Mung beans - 绿豆芽

13. Navy beans - 海军白色小扁豆

14. Pinto beans- 斑马芸苔

15. Chickpeas- 鹰嘴豌豆

16. Red kidney beans- 红肾蚕

17.Beans on toast- 吐司上的黄油和烤面包片

18.Bean sprouts- 豌苗

19.Bean curd- 豆腐

20.Bean dip- 豌酱


1. Legumes - This is a more scientific term for beans, often used in the context of nutrition and agriculture.

2. Peas - Peas are a type of legume, and can be considered a synonym for beans in some cases.

3. Pulses - Another term for legumes, often used to refer to dried beans and peas.

4. Chickpeas - These are a specific type of bean that is commonly used in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisine.

5. Kidney beans - A type of bean with a distinctive red color and kidney-like shape, often used in chili and other dishes.

6. Black-eyed peas - These are actually not peas, but a type of bean with a black spot on one side that resembles an eye.

7. Soybeans - These are a versatile legume commonly used to make tofu, soy milk, and other soy-based products.

8. Lima beans - A large, flat bean with a buttery texture often used in soups and stews.

9. Navy beans - Small white beans that get their name from being commonly used in the US Navy's diet.

10. Green beans - These are actually not technically beans, but the unripe pods of the common bean plant

