
语言百科2024-01-17 15:18:47留学世界




1. “熊”的意思


首先当然要说的就是bear作为一个名词时所指代的动物——熊。它通常被认为是一种可爱又危险的动物,有着厚厚的毛发和强壮的身体。不过,在英语中还有很多其他的方式来表达“熊”,比如grizzly bear(灰熊)、polar bear(北极熊)等等。

2. “忍受”的意思

除了指代动物外,bear还可以作为一个动词使用,表示“忍受”、“承担”或者“容忍”。比如,“I can't bear this pain anymore.”(我再也无法忍受这种痛苦了。)在这里,bear表示无法再承受某种痛苦或困难。

3. “生育”的意思

在某些情况下,bear也可以表示“生育”。比如,“She can't bear children.”(她不能生育孩子。)这里的bear指代女性身体上无法怀孕生育的情况。

4. “承载”的意思

另外,bear还可以表示“承载”、“支撑”或者“负担”。比如,“The bridge can't bear the weight of so many cars.”(这座桥无法承受那么多车辆的重量。)在这里,bear表示桥梁无法支撑太多的重量。

5. “具有”的意思


1. 熊熊一直是我们生活中的可爱动物,它们的英文怎么读呢?让我来告诉你吧!

2. 首先,我们来看看“bear”的发音。它的音标是/bɛr/,读起来就像是“拜尔”的发音,不难记住吧?

3. 如果你想要更准确地表达熊的种类,可以使用不同的词汇来描述。比如,“polar bear”就是北极熊,“grizzly bear”是灰熊,“panda bear”则是熊猫。

4. 除了作为名词使用外,“bear”也可以作为动词,意为“承受”或“忍受”。比如,“I can't bear the thought of losing you.”(我无法忍受失去你的想法。)

5. 还有一个常用的短语是“bear with me”,意为“请耐心等待”。比如,在电话里说话时可以说:“Could you please bear with me for a moment while I find the information?”(请您稍等一下,我找一下这个信息。)

6. 虽然“bear”在英语中有多种含义和用法,但它最基本的意思仍然是指那些可爱又强壮的大型哺乳动物。

7. 不过,在俚语中,“bear”也可以指代一个强壮和有力的人,尤其是指那些有着浓密胡须的男性。比如,“He's a real bear of a man.”(他是一个真正的强壮男子汉。)

8. 总之,“bear”可以说是一个多才多艺的词汇,在不同场合下都能发挥作用。希望你能把它运用自如,让英语口语更加生动有趣!


1. bear作为动词,意为“忍受,容忍”,常用于表示承受痛苦或困难的能力。例如:I can't bear this pain anymore.(我再也无法忍受这种痛苦了。)

2. bear作为名词,有两种常见的用法:

- 意为“熊”,通常指大型的肉食性动物。例如:Polar bears live in the Arctic.(北极熊生活在北极地区。)

- 意为“产崽,生育”,通常用于描述动物或人类的生育过程。例如:The panda gave birth to a baby bear yesterday.(昨天大熊猫产下了一只小熊崽。)

3. bear也可以用作名词,表示“带来,造成”的意思,常与介词on连用。例如:This news will bear a great impact on our company.(这则消息将对我们公司产生巨大影响。)

4. 双语例句:

- He couldn't bear the thought of losing his best friend.(他无法想象失去自己最好的朋友。)

- The grizzly bear is a powerful predator in the wild.(灰熊是野外强大的捕食者。)

- The mother bear was protecting her cubs from danger.(母熊正在保护她的幼崽免受危险。)

- The company will have to bear the consequences of their actions.(公司将不得不承担他们行为的后果。)


1. Bear with me: 请耐心等待

2. Grin and bear it: 咬紧牙关,忍耐

3. Like a bear with a sore head: 愤怒不已,暴躁不安

4. Bear market: 熊市,股市下跌的时期

5. Bear hug: 熊抱,紧紧拥抱

6. Polar bear plunge: 北极熊跳水活动,一种慈善活动

7. Bare necessities: 必需品,基本生活用品

8. Bear fruit: 结出果实,取得成果

9. Teddy bear: 泰迪熊,一种玩具熊

10. Koala bear: 树袋熊,澳大利亚的一种特有动物


1. Grizzly

- This is a common synonym for bear, especially in North America. It refers to the large, powerful bears that are known for their distinctive hump on their shoulders.

- Example: "The grizzly roamed through the forest, searching for food."

2. Bruin

- This term is often used in literature and fairy tales to refer to a bear. It has a more whimsical and playful connotation compared to other synonyms.

- Example: "The brave knight fought off the fierce bruin with his sword."

3. Ursine

- This adjective is often used to describe something that is bear-like or related to bears.

- Example: "The cave was filled with ursine drawings and carvings."

4. Kodiak

- This term specifically refers to the large brown bears found on Kodiak Island in Alaska. It can also be used as an adjective to describe something as big and powerful.

- Example: "The kodiak bear towered over the smaller black bears in the exhibit."

5. Teddy

- While this term is often associated with stuffed toys, it can also be used as a synonym for bear, particularly in a more affectionate or endearing way.

- Example: "The little girl hugged her teddy tightly as she watched the real bears at the zoo."

6. Cinnamon

- This term refers to a specific color variation of brown bears that have reddish-brown fur. It can also be used as an adjective to describe something as having this color.

- Example: "The cinnamon bear stood out among its darker-colored siblings."

7. Polar

- This term specifically refers to polar bears, which are found in Arctic regions and have white fur adapted for camouflage in snowy environments.

- Example: "We were lucky enough to spot a polar bear hunting on the ice during our Arctic expedition."

8. Black

- As the name suggests, this term refers to black bears, which can range in color from light brown to jet black. It can also be used as an adjective to describe something as dark or somber.

- Example: "The black bear emerged from the shadows of the forest."

9. Honey

- This term is often used in a more playful or endearing way to refer to a bear, especially when talking about their love for honey.

- Example: "The honey bear happily licked the last drops of honey from its paws."

10. Grizzly-bear

- This is another variation of grizzly that specifically refers to the brown bears found in North America. It can also be used as an adjective to describe something as fierce or intimidating.

- Example: "The grizzly-bear let out a loud roar, warning us not to come any closer."

