
语言百科2024-01-17 16:09:47留学世界



1. bear的过去式英文是什么?



2. bear的含义


3. bear的现在分词和过去分词形式


4. bear的过去式


- I bore the weight of the heavy box yesterday.

- He will bore the responsibility for the project next week.

5. bear与其他动词变化规则不同


- carry - carried

- study - studied

- marry - married

6. 其他形式也需要注意


- 过去分词:borne(与过去式相同)

- 现在分词:bearing(与原形相同)

- 第三人称单数:bears(与原形相同)

7. bear的用法举例

- He bore the pain bravely.


- The tree bore a lot of fruits last year.


- The mother had borne three children by the time she was 30.




1. bear的基本含义是“忍受”、“承受”,它的过去式是bore,发音为/bɔː/。

2. bore这个词也可以指“孕育”、“产生”,比如She bore three children.(她生了三个孩子。)

3. 除了作为动词使用外,bore还可以作为名词,意思是“令人厌烦的人或事物”,例如He is such a bore!(他真是个讨厌的人!)

4. 如果要表示“忍受某事物”的意思,可以使用bear with sth这个短语,比如Please bear with me while I finish this task.(请原谅我完成这项任务。)

5. 另外还有一个常用的短语是bear in mind,意思是“记住”、“牢记”,例如Bear in mind that this is just a temporary solution.(记住这只是一个临时解决方案。)



1. 用法


2. 双语例句

1) He bore the weight of the world on his shoulders.


2) The tree bore delicious fruits last summer.


3) The mother bore her child with great pain.


4) She has borne the loss of her husband with courage.


5) The ship bore the brunt of the storm and managed to survive.



1. Bore - 过去式为Bore,意为“忍受、承受”。

2. Carried - 过去式为Carried,意为“携带、运输”。

3. Endured - 过去式为Endured,意为“忍耐、忍受”。

4. Suffered - 过去式为Suffered,意为“遭受、经历”。

5. Tolerated - 过去式为Tolerated,意为“容忍、忍耐”。

6. Assumed - 过去式为Assumed,意为“假定、认定”。

7. Undertook - 过去式为Undertook,意为“承担、从事”。

8. Accepted - 过去式为Accepted,意为“接受、认可”。

9. Endorsed - 过去式为Endorsed,意为“赞同、认可”。

10. Approved - 过去式为Approved,意为“批准、认可”。

11. Withstood - 过去式为Withstood,意为“经受住、抵挡住”。

12. Faced - 过去式为Faced,意为“面对、面临”。

13. Encountered - 过去式Encountered,意思是"遭遇"或"遭逢"。

14. Confronted -过去时态Confronted, 意思是 "面对"或 "直面"。

15. Endured -过去时态Endured, 意思是"忍耐"或"忍受"。

16. Tackled -过去时态Tackled, 意思是 "解决"或 "处理"。

17. Faced up to -过去时态Faced up to, 意思是 "勇敢地面对"或 "直面"。

18. Put up with -过去时态Put up with, 意思是 "忍受"或 "容忍"。

19. Dealt with -过去时态Dealt with, 意思是 "处理"或 "应对"。

20. Conquered - 过去式为Conquered,意为“征服、战胜”。

21. Overcame - 过去式为Overcame,意为“克服、战胜”。

22. Prevailed - 过去式为Prevailed,意为“占上风、获胜”。

23. Dominated - 过去式为Dominated,意为“主宰、控制”。

24. Subdued - 过去式为Subdued,意为“压制、征服”。

25. Vanquished - 过去式为Vanquished,意为“击败、征服”。

26. Overpowered - 过去式为Overpowered,意为“压倒、克服”。

27. Surmounted - 过去式Surmounted,意思是 “克服”或 “战胜”。

28. Overwhelmed-过去时态Overwhelmed, 意思是 "压倒"或 "淹没"。

29. Prevailed over -过去时态Prevailed over, 意思是 "战胜"或 "取胜"。

30. Conquered - 过去式为Conquered,意为“征服、战胜”


1. Bore

- The bear bore the weight of the heavy log on its back.

- The bear bared its teeth at the approaching hiker.

2. Endured

- The bear endured the harsh winter in its den.

- The bear endured the pain of a broken leg after falling from a tree.

3. Carried

- The mother bear carried her cubs on her back as they crossed the river.

- The hunter carried his rifle as he tracked down the bear.

4. Sustained

- The bear sustained an injury while fighting off another male for territory.

- The bear sustained itself on berries and fish during the summer months.

5. Tolerated

- The park rangers tolerated the presence of a friendly bear in their campsite.

- The villagers tolerated the occasional visits from a curious bear in their village.

6. Supported

- The tree branches supported the weight of the climbing bear.

- The community supported efforts to protect and preserve the local bear population.

7. Withstood

- The grizzly bear withstood multiple shots from a hunter's gun before finally succumbing to its injuries.

- The black bear withstood harsh weather conditions while searching for food in the mountains.

8. Survived

- The orphaned cub survived by learning how to hunt and fend for itself in the wild.

- The injured adult bear survived thanks to medical treatment provided by wildlife conservationists.

9. Maintained

- Despite being hunted, bears have maintained a strong population in this region.

- Bears have maintained their reputation as powerful and majestic animals throughout history.

10. Preserved

- This national park has preserved a large area of land for bears to roam freely and safely.

-The ancient cave paintings have been preserved for thousands of years, depicting scenes of bears hunting and interacting with humans


