
语言百科2024-01-17 16:26:49留学世界





/bɛr/是英式发音,也被称为RP(Received Pronunciation),它更加标准且正式。而/beər/则是美式发音,也被称为GA(General American),它更加口语化且非正式。那么,如何区分这两种发音呢?其实很简单,只需要注意/bɛr/中的"e"发短音,而/beər/中的"e"发长音即可。


当然,在不同的场景下,bear也有着不同的潜在含义。比如在英语俚语中,“to bear down on someone”可以指“对某人施加压力”;而在文学作品中,bear也常被用来比喻“承担重任”、“忍受艰难”。



1. 好像熊一样读?


2. 熊熊怎么念?


3. “be”和“ar”的结合


4. 多听多练


5. 小提示:注意舌头的位置


6. 不要害怕犯错



1. bear的基本用法

- 作为名词,bear指的是“熊”,常用于描述大型哺乳动物。

- 作为动词,bear可以表示“忍受”、“承受”、“生育”等含义。

2. bear的常用短语

- bear with me:耐心等待我,容忍我。

- bear fruit:结果实,取得成果。

- bear in mind:记住,牢记在心。

- bear a resemblance to:与...相似。

3. bear的双语例句

1) The polar bear is the largest land carnivore in the world.


2) She couldn't bear the pain and fainted.


3) This tree bears delicious fruits every year.


4) Please bear in mind that this is a confidential meeting.


5) The new building bears a strong resemblance to the old one.



1. Bear with me: 请耐心等待

2. Grin and bear it: 咬牙忍耐

3. Bear market: 熊市

4. Bare necessities: 最基本的生活必需品

5. Teddy bear: 泰迪熊

6. Barely bearable: 勉强能忍受的

7. Bear fruit: 结出果实

8. Polar bear plunge: 北极熊跳水活动

9. Bear hug: 熊抱,紧紧拥抱

10. Bear witness to something: 目睹某事发生


1. Grizzly - This is a popular synonym for bear, especially in North America. It refers to a large and powerful brown bear with distinctive silver-tipped fur.

2. Bruin - This word is derived from the Dutch word "bruin", meaning brown, and is often used to refer to any type of bear, not just brown ones.

3. Ursine - This adjective is used to describe anything related to bears, such as their appearance or behavior. For example, "the ursine creature roamed the forest looking for food."

4. Furry - While not an exact synonym for bear, this word can be used to describe their thick and shaggy coat of fur.

5. Teddy - This term is often associated with cute and cuddly stuffed bears, but it can also be used as a nickname for real bears.

6. Cub - A young bear is called a cub, and this term can also be used as a synonym for baby or young animal in general.

7. Gruff - This adjective describes someone or something that is rough or harsh in manner, which can be used to describe the grunting sounds that bears make.

8. Hibernator - Bears are known for hibernating during the winter months, so this term can be used as a synonym for them during this period of time.

9. Omnivore - Bears are omnivorous animals, meaning they eat both plants and meat, so this term can be used to describe their diet.

10. Ursus - This is the scientific name for the genus of bears which includes all species except the polar bear.

11. Big Bruiser - This phrase combines two synonyms for bear (bruin and big) to create a more descriptive term for these large animals.

12. Honey Eater - While not all bears eat honey (only certain species do), this term can still be used as a synonym for bear, especially in reference to Winnie the Pooh.

13. Brownie - This word can be used as a playful and affectionate nickname for bears, similar to teddy.

14. Clawed Creature - Bears are known for their sharp claws, so this phrase can be used to describe them in a more descriptive manner.

15. Wild Beast - This term is often used to describe any large and potentially dangerous animal, including bears

