
语言百科2024-01-17 19:16:47留学世界




1. 简介


2. 动物名词


3. 动词形式

除了作为名词外,beaver还可以作为一个动词使用。它的意思就是“像海狸一样工作”,也就是说非常努力地工作或者忙碌地做某件事情。例如,“The students beavered away on their final projects.”(学生们在他们的期末项目上忙碌地工作着。)

4. 比喻意义

除了指代具体的动物和行为外,beaver还可以用来比喻一些特定的意义。例如,“beaver fever”就是指患上海狸热,也就是指对海狸的过度热爱或者迷恋。另外,beaver还可以用来形容女性的私密部位,这种用法通常被认为是粗俗的。

5. 总结



1. 介绍beaver的含义


2. 发音及音标


3. 基本用法

(1) 作为名词:beaver可以指代海狸这种动物,也可以指代其皮毛制成的帽子。例如:

- Have you ever seen a beaver in the wild?

- She was wearing a beaver hat at the party.

(2) 作为动词:beaver可以指代咬、啮、忙碌等意思。例如:

- The dog was beavering away at a bone.

- I've been beavering away in the garden all day.

4. 演变及用法延伸


- She's a real beaver when it comes to studying.

- He's been working like a beaver to finish the project on time.

5. 与其他动物名称的比较


- dog:狗、咬

- bear:熊、容忍

- cat:猫、抓

6. 与其他含有“beaver”的词汇比较


- beavertail:海狸尾巴形状的东西,如海滩上的沙丘。

- beavertail cactus:一种生长在北美洲沙漠中的仙人掌。

- beavertail paddle:一种用于划船或划皮艇的叶片。

7. 习惯用语

(1) eager beaver:指非常积极勤奋的人。

(2) busy as a beaver:指非常忙碌的人或状态


1. beaver作为名词,通常指海狸,也可以用来形容勤奋的人。例如:He's a real beaver when it comes to work. (当谈到工作时,他是一个真正的勤奋者。)

2. beaver也可以作为动词使用,意思是“忙碌地做某事”。例如:She's been beavering away in the kitchen all morning. (她整个早上都在厨房里忙碌。)

3. 另外,beaver还有一个非常有趣的用法,就是指女性的阴部。这个用法比较隐晦,通常在英式幽默中出现。例如:She was showing a bit too much of her beaver in that short skirt. (她穿那条短裙露出了太多的私处。)

4. 下面是一些关于beaver的双语例句:

- The beavers have built a dam across the river, causing the water to back up and flood the surrounding area.


- I've been working like a beaver all week to get this project done on time.


- The comedian's jokes were so crude, he was just trying to shock people with his beaver references.


- The beaver is a symbol of industriousness and perseverance in Canadian culture.



1. Busy as a beaver: 忙得像只海狸一样,形容非常忙碌的状态。

2. Eager beaver: 热心肠的人,形容非常积极主动的人。

3. Beaver away: 埋头苦干,专注于某项工作。

4. Beaver dam: 海狸坝,指海狸建造的水坝,也可比喻为团结合作的力量。

5. Beaver fever: 海狸热,指由于饮用含有被称为“beaver fever”的寄生虫的水而引起的胃肠道感染。

6. Beavertail: 海狸尾巴,指海狸扁平而宽大的尾巴,也可比喻为某种食物或饮料的形状。

7. Beaver state: 海狸州,指美国俄勒冈州的别称,因该州早期曾大量出产海狸皮而得名。

8. Busy as a beaver in a hat factory: 在帽子工厂里忙得像只海狸一样,形容非常忙碌且效率高。

9. Beavering around: 四处忙碌,形容忙碌但没有明确目标。

10. Leave it to the beaver: 把事情交给专业人士去做或信任他们去处理,源自同名美国电视剧的口语用法


1. Castor: This is the scientific name for the beaver and can be used as a synonym in formal or technical contexts.

2. Rodent: Beavers are classified as rodents, so this term can be used to refer to them in a general sense.

3. Dam-builder: Beavers are known for their ability to build dams, so this term can be used to describe them in relation to this behavior.

4. Engineer: Similar to "dam-builder," this term highlights the beaver's role as a builder and creator.

5. Lumberjack: Beavers are often referred to as "nature's lumberjacks" due to their habit of gnawing on trees and creating dams.

6. Aquatic mammal: This term emphasizes the fact that beavers live primarily in water and are mammals, distinguishing them from fish or other aquatic creatures.

7. Wetland ecosystem engineer: This mouthful of a term describes the important role that beavers play in shaping and maintaining wetland ecosystems through their dam-building activities.

8. Busy bee (or busy beaver): As hard-working creatures, these terms can be used to describe the industrious nature of beavers.

9. Water rat: While not technically accurate, this term is sometimes used informally to refer to beavers due to their similar appearance and habitat preferences.

10. Flat-tail: This nickname for the beaver comes from its distinctive flat tail, which it uses for swimming and balancing while carrying building materials.

In summary, there are many different terms that can be used as synonyms for "beaver" depending on the context and desired connotations. From scientific names to playful nicknames, each one offers a unique perspective on these fascinating creatures. Remember, when writing about or discussing beavers, it's important to use precise language and avoid hyperlinks in order to maintain originality and accuracy in your content

