
语言百科2024-01-18 05:07:48留学世界



1. 介绍beef的基本含义



2. beef作为名词的用法


3. beef作为动词的用法


4. beef与其他食品名称结合使用

除了单独使用外,在英语中beef还经常与其他食品名称结合使用,形成一些特定的菜肴名称。比如,“beef stew”(炖牛肉)、“beef burger”(牛肉汉堡)、“beef noodle soup”(牛肉面条汤)等等。

5. beef的相关词汇

除了beef本身,还有一些相关的词汇也值得我们了解。比如,“beefsteak”(牛排)、“ground beef”(碎牛肉)、“beef jerky”(牛肉干)等等。

6. beef在文化中的重要性

在英语国家,尤其是美国和英国,beef被视为一种重要的食物。它经常出现在节日或特殊场合的餐桌上,也是许多人日常饮食中必不可少的一部分。此外,在英语中还有许多与beef相关的习语和俗语,比如“to have a beef with someone”(与某人有矛盾),“to have a beefy build”(身材健壮)等等。




1. [biːf] - 这是最常见的读法,也是最准确的发音。它表示牛肉,是beef作为名词时最常用的读法。

2. [biːv] - 这个发音虽然听起来和上面一样,但它表示的却是“抱怨”或“抱怨声”。比如,“She's always beefing about something.”(她总是对某事抱怨。)

3. [bɪf] - 这个发音和第一个稍微有些差别,但也很常见。它表示“增强”或“加强”。比如,“They need to beef up their security measures.”(他们需要加强安全措施。)

4. [bɛf] - 最后一个发音和前面三个完全不同了。它表示“咆哮”或“大声喊叫”。比如,“The crowd was beefing at the referee's call.”(人群对裁判的判决大声抗议。)


除了以上四种读法,beef还可以作为动词使用,表示“抱怨”或“抱怨声”。比如,“I don't want to hear you beefing about your job again.”(我不想再听你抱怨工作了。)这种情况下,它的发音和第二个读法相同


1. "Beef"的基本含义

- 英文释义:牛肉

- 例句:

- I love eating beef. (我喜欢吃牛肉。)

- This restaurant serves the best beef in town. (这家餐厅的牛肉是城里最好吃的。)

2. "Beef"的引申含义

- 英文释义:抱怨,争吵

- 例句:

- Stop beefing about the small things. (别为小事争吵。)

- There's always some beef between those two coworkers. (那两个同事之间总是有些矛盾。)

3. "Beef up"的用法

- 英文释义:加强,增加

- 例句:

- The company needs to beef up its security measures. (公司需要加强安全措施。)

- He's been hitting the gym to beef up his muscles. (他一直在健身房锻炼,想增强肌肉。)

4. "Where's the beef?"的意思

- 英文释义:这有什么了不起?

- 例句:

- A: I'm going to start my own business next month.

B: Where's the beef? (A: 下个月我要开始自己的生意了。

B: 这有什么了不起?)

5. "Beefcake"和"Babe"的对比用法

- 英文释义:肌肉男和美女

- 例句:

- He's such a beefcake, all the girls are swooning over him. (他真是个肌肉男,所有女生都为他神魂颠倒。)

- She's a total babe, no wonder she has so many admirers. (她真是个美女,难怪有这么多追求者。)

6. "Beef"的幽默用法

- 英文释义:很多事情,很多东西

- 例句:

- There's beef between them. (他们之间有矛盾。)

- I have a lot of beef with this new policy. (我对这项新政策有很多意见。)



1. Beef up: 加强,增强

2. Bring home the bacon: 获得成功,赚钱养家

3. Bull in a china shop: 大象进瓷器店,笨手笨脚的人

4. Chew the fat: 闲聊,谈笑风生

5. Full of beans: 精力充沛,活力十足

6. Have a cow: 大发雷霆,大惊小怪

7. Holy cow: 天啊,哇塞!表示惊讶或惊喜的感叹词

8. In a pickle: 陷入困境,处境尴尬

9. Make a mountain out of a molehill: 小题大做,小事变大事

10. Red herring: 转移注意力的话题或信息


1. Cow meat - This is the most common synonym for beef in English, as beef comes from cows.

2. Red meat - Beef is classified as a red meat due to its high myoglobin content, which gives it a reddish color.

3. Steak - This refers to a cut of beef that is typically thick and cooked by grilling or broiling.

4. Ground beef - Also known as minced beef, this refers to beef that has been finely chopped or ground into small pieces.

5. Sirloin - This is a specific cut of beef from the lower back portion of the cow.

6. Brisket - A cut of beef from the lower chest portion of the cow, often used for slow cooking or smoking.

7. Roast beef - This refers to a large piece of beef that is cooked in an oven or on a rotisserie.

8. Beefsteak - Another term for steak, often used in reference to a thick and juicy cut of beef.

9. Ribeye - A popular cut of steak from the rib section of the cow, known for its marbling and tenderness.

10. Filet mignon - A tender and expensive cut of steak from the smaller end of the tenderloin muscle.

11. Corned beef - Beef that has been cured in brine and often used in deli sandwiches or Irish dishes like corned beef and cabbage.

12. Ground chuck - A specific type of ground beef made from the shoulder area of the cow, known for its flavor and juiciness.

13. Beef bourguignon - A French dish made with braised chunks of beef, red wine, vegetables, and herbs.

14. Beef jerky - Strips of dried and seasoned meat made from lean cuts like top round or sirloin tip roast.

15. Pot roast - A hearty dish made with large pieces of slow-cooked beef along with vegetables and broth

