
语言百科2024-01-18 17:32:50留学世界



1. 什么是behave?



2. behave的近义词有哪些?

behave的近义词包括:act, conduct, perform, comport等。

3. behave的反义词有哪些?

behave的反义词包括:misbehave, act out, disobey等。

4. behave在句子中的用法

(1) 作动词时,常与副词together连用,表示“一起表现”、“一起行动”,例如:They behaved very well together.

(2) 作名词时,常与介词in连用,表示“在某方面的行为方式”,例如:His behavior in class is unacceptable.

5. behave造句示例

(1) He always behaves politely towards others.

(2) The children behaved badly at the party.

(3) She needs to learn how to behave in public.

(4) The dog behaved aggressively towards the stranger.

(5) I hope you will behave yourself at the dinner party tonight.

6. behave与其他单词搭配使用

(1) well-behaved: 行为得体的、守规矩的

例如:The students in this class are all very well-behaved.

(2) ill-behaved: 行为不端的、不守规矩的

例如:The ill-behaved child was scolded by his teacher.

(3) well-behavedness: 行为得体、守规矩的程度

例如:Her well-behavedness impressed her parents.

(4) misbehave: 行为不当、表现不好

例如:If you continue to misbehave, you will be punished.

(5) good behavior: 良好的行为、表现

例如:The teacher praised the student for his good behavior.

7. behave的用法注意事项

(1) behave作为动词时,常用于进行时态,表示正在发生的动作,例如:He is behaving very strangely today.

(2) behave作为名词时,常用于单数形式,表示总体的行为方式,例如:This kind of behavior is not acceptable in our school.

(3) 当behave与介词together连用时,together可以放在句末,也可以放在句中。

例如:They behaved very well together./ They behaved together very well


1. "behave"是一个动词,读作[bi'heɪv],意为“表现,举止”。

2. 它也可以作为名词,读作[bɪ'heɪv],意为“行为,举止”。

3. 在句子中通常作为谓语动词使用,例如:“He needs to behave better in class.”(他需要在课堂上表现更好。)

4. “behave”也可以与副词连用,表示不同的行为方式。例如:“She behaved politely at the party.”(她在聚会上表现得很有礼貌。)

5. 另外,“behave oneself”是一个固定搭配,意为“表现得体”,例如:“You need to behave yourself at the dinner party.”(你需要在晚宴上表现得体。)

6. “well-behaved”是形容词形式,意为“举止得体的”,例如:“The children were well-behaved during the performance.”(孩子们在演出期间举止得体。)

7. “badly-behaved”则表示“举止不端的”,例如:“The badly-behaved students were sent to the principal's office.”(那些行为不端的学生被送到校长办公室。)

8. 在口语中,“behave”也可以用来表示遵守规则或约定,例如:“You promised to behave and now you're causing trouble.”(你答应要遵守规则,现在却闹出了麻烦。)

9. “behave”也可以与介词连用,表示特定的行为方式。例如:“He behaves like a child when he's around his friends.”(他和朋友在一起的时候表现得像个孩子。)

10. 总的来说,“behave”是一个常用的词汇,形容一个人的行为举止是否得体,也可以表示遵守规则或约定。在使用时要注意上下文,以免造成歧义


1. Behave作为动词,意为“表现,举止”,常用于肯定句中,表示某人的行为符合规范或期望。

例句:She always behaves well in public. (她在公共场合总是表现得很好。)

2. Behave也可以用作不及物动词,意为“举止得体,守规矩”,常与副词well连用。

例句:The children behaved very well at the party. (孩子们在聚会上表现得非常好。)

3. 除了表示良好的行为外,behave还可以表示不良的行为,此时常与形容词bad连用。

例句:The students behaved badly during the class. (学生们在课堂上表现很差。)

4. 在英语口语中,behave也可以用来表示控制自己的情绪或行为。

例句:Please behave yourself at the meeting and don't cause any trouble. (请在会议上控制自己的情绪和行为,不要惹麻烦。)

5. Behave也可以作名词使用,在这种情况下意为“行为举止”。

例句:His behave at the party was unacceptable. (他在聚会上的举止是不可接受的。)

1. As a verb, behave means "to act or conduct oneself", often used in affirmative sentences to indicate that someone's behavior meets expectations or standards.

Example: She always behaves well in public.

2. Behave can also be used as an intransitive verb, meaning "to act properly or follow the rules", often used with the adverb well.

Example: The children behaved very well at the party.

3. In addition to indicating good behavior, behave can also be used to indicate bad behavior, often paired with the adjective bad.

Example: The students behaved badly during class.

4. In spoken English, behave can also be used to indicate controlling one's emotions or actions.

Example: Please behave yourself at the meeting and don't cause any trouble.

5. Behave can also be used as a noun, meaning "one's actions or conduct".

Example: His behavior at the party was unacceptable


1. Behave yourself: 表现得体/举止端正

例句:You need to behave yourself at the party tonight, no more embarrassing dance moves.


2. Good behavior: 好行为/良好的举止

例句:The teacher praised the student for his good behavior in class.


3. Bad behavior: 坏行为/不良举止

例句:The child was scolded for his bad behavior at the restaurant.


4. Appropriate behavior: 合适的行为/得体的举止

例句:Please make sure to exhibit appropriate behavior when meeting my parents for the first time.


5. Unacceptable behavior: 不可接受的行为/不当举止

例句:His rude comments towards the waitress were considered unacceptable behavior by his friends.


6. Misbehavior: 不当行为/失态

例句:The misbehavior of the students during the assembly caused a disruption.


7. Well-behaved: 行为得体的/举止文明的

例句:The children were well-behaved during the museum tour.


8. Ill-mannered: 举止粗鲁的/没有礼貌的

例句:His ill-mannered behavior towards his elders was frowned upon by his family.


9. Behave oneself: 守规矩/表现得体

例句:The children were told to behave themselves while visiting their grandparents.


10. Proper behavior: 得体的行为/合适的举止

例句:In formal events, it is important to display proper behavior.



1. Act: The way someone behaves in a particular situation or place.

- He always acts so polite in front of his grandparents.

- Her boss was impressed by her professional acting during the meeting.

2. Conduct: The way someone behaves, especially in a public or formal situation.

- The teacher praised the student for his good conduct in the classroom.

- The company has strict rules of conduct for its employees.

3. Manner: The way someone behaves or acts, especially towards others.

- She has a very friendly manner and easily makes new friends.

- His rude and arrogant manner often offends people.

4. Demeanor: The way someone behaves, speaks, and presents themselves to others.

- Despite the stressful situation, she maintained a calm demeanor throughout the interview.

- The politician's confident demeanor won over the audience during the debate.

5. Etiquette: The customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group.

- It is important to follow proper dining etiquette when attending a formal dinner party.

- In many cultures, it is considered rude to not greet someone with proper etiquette.

6. Deportment: A person's behavior or manners when walking or standing; posture.

- She was taught proper deportment at her finishing school.

- His elegant deportment caught everyone's attention at the ball.

7. Performance: How well someone does something; their actions and behavior in a particular activity or task.

- Her performance on stage was exceptional and received a standing ovation from the audience.

- He needs to improve his work performance if he wants to get promoted.

8. Demeanor: A person's outward behavior that reveals their character or personality; disposition or attitude.

- His cheerful demeanor always brightens up everyone's mood around him.

- Despite her tough demeanor, she has a kind heart and always helps those in need.

9. Bearing: The way someone carries or conducts themselves, especially in terms of posture and body language.

- The soldier's bearing showed his confidence and discipline.

- Her elegant bearing caught the attention of everyone at the party.

10. Attitude: A person's outlook or way of thinking that influences their behavior and actions.

- His positive attitude towards life has helped him overcome many challenges.

- She needs to change her negative attitude towards work if she wants to succeed

