
语言百科2024-01-19 04:44:48留学世界



1. 什么是belly?



2. Belly的起源


3. Belly在不同语境下的含义

- 指人体腹部:通常用于形容男性或婴儿的肚子,也可以用于女性。

- 指动物的肚子:比如猫咪睡觉时会露出肚皮,这时我们就可以说它露出了belly。

- 指食物中间部分:比如汉堡包中间夹着的那一层就可以称为belly。

- 指船只下方:船只下方凸出水面的部分被称为belly。

- 指发出低沉声音:比如鼓起肚子发出的声音可以被形容为belly。

- 指使某物鼓起:比如气球被充满气体后就会belly起来。

4. Belly的相关短语

- Belly dance:肚皮舞,一种源自中东地区的舞蹈形式,以腹部舞动为主要特点。

- Beer belly:啤酒肚,指因过量饮酒导致的腹部赘肉。

- Belly flop:俯冲跳水,一种跳水姿势,身体向前倾斜并直接落入水中。

- Have a bellyful of something:吃饱了某物,也可以用来表示厌烦或不耐烦。

- Turn belly up:(事物)失败、倒闭或死亡。

5. Belly在文学作品中的使用

Belly这个词也经常出现在文学作品中,比如英国作家罗伯特·路易斯·斯蒂文森的小说《金银岛》中就有这样一句话:“His face was as big as a ham – and very red and full of little hard knobs, like warts, I think. He had his mouth or his chin buried in his necktie, and talked to us down there, muffled, for all the world like a raven croaking from a bundling bag.”(他的脸像一块火腿一样大,非常红,布满小硬疙瘩,像是疣一样。他把嘴巴或下巴埋在领带里,从那里跟我们说话,声音沉闷,就像是从一个袋子里叫的乌鸦。)这里的“ham”就可以理解为belly的同义词。



1. 什么是belly?


2. 如何正确读音belly?


3. belly在句子中如何使用?


- My belly is full after eating a big meal. (我的肚子在吃完一顿大餐后已经饱了。)

- The cat's belly is soft and warm. (猫咪的肚子又软又暖。)

- She patted her belly and sighed. (她拍了拍自己的肚子,叹了口气。)

4. belly还有其他含义吗?


- The belly of the ship was filled with cargo. (船舶的货舱里装满了货物。)

- The belly of the organization is corrupt. (组织的核心腐败不堪。)

5. belly还有哪些常见的搭配词?

- belly fat:肚子上的脂肪

- beer belly:啤酒肚

- belly button:肚脐

- belly dance:肚皮舞

- belly laugh:大笑


1. “belly”的意思

“belly”是一个英文单词,它的基本意思是“肚子”,指人或动物的腹部。它也可以用来形容物体的形状,比如“鼓起的肚子”可以用“bulging belly”来表达。

2. “belly”的用法

a. 作为名词,表示人或动物的腹部。例如:“The baby's belly is full after a big meal.”(这个宝宝吃了一顿大餐后肚子饱了。)

b. 作为动词,表示膨胀或隆起。例如:“The balloon bellyed out as it filled with air.”(气球充满气后隆起来。)

c. 作为形容词,“belly”可以用来修饰其他名词,表示与腹部相关的事物。例如:“belly dance”(肚皮舞),“belly button”(肚脐)等。

3. “belly”的双语例句

a. The little girl rubbed her belly and said she was hungry.


b. The pregnant woman's belly was getting bigger every day.


c. He patted his belly contentedly after finishing a big meal.


d. The balloon was round and bellyed out as it filled with air.


e. The belly dance performance was mesmerizing.


f. She showed off her new belly button piercing to her friends.


4. “belly”的常见搭配词汇

a. bulging belly 鼓起的肚子

b. flat belly 平坦的腹部

c. beer belly 啤酒肚

d. potbelly 大肚腩

e. washboard abs 腹肌线条

f. jelly belly 软绵绵的小肚子


1. Belly dance: 肚皮舞,一种源自中东的舞蹈形式,以腰部和臀部的动作为主要特色。

2. Belly button: 肚脐,身体中央与胸部相连的凹陷处。

3. Belly fat: 腹部脂肪,指积聚在腹部的多余脂肪。

4. Belly flop: 跳水时平躺着落水,造成大量水花溅起的动作。

5. Jelly belly: 果冻肚子,指因过度摄入糖分而导致的小肚子。

6. Beer belly: 啤酒肚,指因饮酒过量而导致的大肚子。

7. Rumble in the belly: 胃里咕噜作响,通常表示饥饿或消化不良。

8. Butterfly in the belly: 蝴蝶在肚子里飞舞,形容紧张、兴奋或恐惧的感觉。

9. To have a bellyful of something: 对某事物厌倦到极点。

10. To laugh one's head off one's belly hurts: 笑得肚子痛,形容非常欢乐的状态


1. Stomach

Stomach is a common synonym for belly, referring to the front part of the body between the chest and the pelvis. It is often used in a medical context to describe the internal organ responsible for digestion.

2. Abdomen

Abdomen is another synonym for belly, specifically referring to the area between the chest and pelvis that contains the stomach, intestines, and other organs. It is also commonly used in a medical context.

3. Tummy

Tummy is a more informal synonym for belly, often used by children or in a playful manner. It refers to the front part of the body that protrudes slightly due to fat or fullness.

4. Midsection

Midsection refers to the middle part of the body between the chest and hips, including both the front and back sides. It can be used interchangeably with belly in some contexts.

5. Gut

Gut can be used as a synonym for belly, but it typically refers to the internal organs in this area rather than just the external appearance. It can also have negative connotations when used to describe someone as having a large or protruding stomach.

6. Stomach area

Stomach area is a more specific synonym for belly, referring specifically to the region where the stomach is located.

7. Waistline

Waistline refers to the narrowest part of one's midsection, often accentuated by clothing such as belts or high-waisted pants.

8. Paunch

Paunch is another informal synonym for belly, usually describing a protruding or round stomach on an older man.

9. Beer belly

Beer belly is a slang term for a large or protruding stomach caused by excessive beer consumption.

10. Potbelly

Potbelly is another informal term for a large or rounded stomach, often associated with being overweight or out of shape.

11. Spare tire

Spare tire is a humorous synonym for belly, referring to the excess fat around the midsection that resembles a spare tire.

12. Abdominal region

Abdominal region is a more formal synonym for belly, specifically referring to the area between the chest and pelvis that contains the internal organs.

13. Girth

Girth refers to the measurement around one's midsection, often used when discussing weight or body size.

14. Bulge

Bulge can be used as a synonym for belly, but it can also refer to any protrusion or swelling in this area of the body.

15. Pooch

Pooch is an informal term for a small or moderate-sized belly, often used in a cute or endearing way.

16. Spare tire

Spare tire is another slang term for belly, often used in a humorous or self-deprecating manner.

17. Muffin top

Muffin top refers to the fat that spills over the waistband of tight pants, resembling the top of a muffin. It is often used as a synonym for belly fat or love handles.

18. Belly pouch

Belly pouch refers to a small or moderate-sized protrusion in the lower part of the stomach, often caused by excess fat or loose skin.

19. Tummy bulge

Tummy bulge is another term for belly fat or excess weight in this area of the body.

20. Spare tire

Spare tire can also be used as an ironic term for someone who has no visible belly at all, but still carries some extra weight around their midsection

