
语言百科2024-01-20 11:39:52留学世界






除了bicycles这个正式的名称外,还有一些俚语和幽默用语与自行车有关。比如,“pedal power”指的就是靠脚蹬来驱动自行车;“saddle sore”则表示骑自行车骑得屁股痛;“on your bike”则是表示让某人走开或离开


1. bicycles的发音

bicycles一词的发音为 [ˈbaɪsɪkəlz],其中重点在于第一个音节的发音,即“bai”。这个音节的发音与英文单词“by”中的“y”相似,但要更加平滑,有些人也会将其读作“baɪ”,但这种发音并不正确。

2. bicycles的含义


3. bicycles的用法


4. bicycles在美国英语和英式英语中的差异


5. bicycles的相关词汇


- bicycle lane 自行车道

- bicycle rack 自行车架

- bicycle pump 自行车打气筒

- bicycle helmet 自行车头盔

6. bicycles的常见用法


- ride a bicycle 骑自行车

- go for a bicycle ride 去骑自行车

- rent a bicycle 租一辆自行车

- fix a bicycle 修理自行车

7. bicycles的其他应用场景



1. "Bicycles"的定义:在英语中,"bicycles"一词指的是一种由两个轮子、一个框架和一个驱动装置组成的交通工具,通常由人力推动。它也被称为自行车或脚踏车。

2. "Bicycles"的用法:自行车是一种非常受欢迎的交通工具,它可以用于日常通勤、运动健身和旅行。骑自行车不仅可以保持身体健康,还可以减少对环境的污染。此外,许多城市都有专门的自行车道,使得骑自行车更加安全和便利。

3. "Bicycles"在双语例句中的使用:

- 我每天都骑着我的自行车去上班。(I ride my bicycle to work every day.)

- 这辆自行车是我父亲送给我的生日礼物。(This bicycle was a birthday gift from my father.)

- 她喜欢骑自行车去公园散步。(She enjoys riding her bicycle to the park for a walk.)

- 这座城市有很多自行车租赁点。(There are many bicycle rental stations in this city.)

- 我们需要更多的自行车道来促进环保出行。(We need more bicycle lanes to promote environmentally-friendly transportation.)


1. Pedal power: 脚踏动力

2. Two-wheeled wonders: 双轮奇迹

3. Cycling sensation: 骑行感受

4. Bike brigade: 自行车部队

5. Wheeling around: 环游车轮

6. Spinning spokes: 转动的轮辐

7. Gear up for adventure: 准备好冒险之旅

8. Cruise on two wheels: 双轮巡航

9. Freewheeling fun: 自由自在的乐趣

10. Riding the road: 骑行公路


1. Bikes: This is probably the most commonly used synonym for bicycles, especially among young people. It's short, simple, and easy to remember.

2. Cycles: Another popular term for bicycles, this word has a bit of a cooler and more modern feel to it. It's often used in the context of sports or fitness activities.

3. Two-wheelers: This is a fun and playful way to refer to bicycles, emphasizing the fact that they have two wheels. It's perfect for a lighthearted conversation about riding bikes.

4. Pedal-powered vehicles: This is a more formal and descriptive term for bicycles, but it can also be used in a humorous way to make fun of the fact that you have to use your own energy to make them move.

5. Wheels: While this term can refer to any type of wheeled vehicle, it's commonly used as a synonym for bicycles in casual conversations or social media posts.

6. Cyclesicles: This clever combination of "cycles" and "popsicles" adds a touch of humor and playfulness to the word "bicycles." It's perfect for talking about riding bikes on a hot summer day.

7. Two-wheel wonders: This phrase has a fun and whimsical tone to it, making it a great alternative for "bicycles." It also highlights the impressive feat of balancing on just two wheels while riding.

8. Bicyclettes: If you want to add some French flair to your vocabulary, this word is a perfect choice. It's pronounced "bee-see-klet" and can add some sophistication to your conversations about bicycles.

9. Pedal pushers: This term has been around since the 1950s and refers specifically to women's trousers that are designed for cycling. However, it can also be used as an informal synonym for bicycles in general.

10. Spokes: This word can refer to the rods that connect the hub of a wheel to its rim, but it's also commonly used to talk about bicycles in a more casual and playful way

