
语言百科2024-01-21 08:16:52留学世界










1. bitches的发音是一个常见的问题,因为这个词在不同的语境下有不同的含义和发音。在本小节中,我们将重点讨论bitches作为名词时的发音。

2. 首先,让我们来看一下bitches这个词的基本发音。它由两个音节组成,第一个音节是“bit”,读作/bɪt/,第二个音节是“ches”,读作/tʃɛz/。整个单词的发音为/bɪtʃɛz/。

3. 但是,在现实生活中,我们可能会遇到很多不同的情况,比如有人会把bitches作为蔑称使用,这时候它的发音可能会有所变化。通常情况下,当bitches作为蔑称时,它的发音会更加重口味,并且可能会带有强烈的口语色彩。

4. 在美国英语中,bitches作为蔑称时通常会被读作/bɪtʃəz/或者/bɪtʃɪz/。而在英国英语中,则更倾向于读作/bɪtʃiz/或者/biːtʃiz/。这两种发音都带有一种轻蔑和嘲讽的意味。

5. 此外,在一些特定的地区,bitches的发音可能会有所不同。比如在美国南部,人们可能会把bitches读作/bɪtʃɛz/或者/bɪtʃəz/,而在英国北部,则可能会读作/biːtʃɪz/。

6. 总的来说,bitches作为名词时的发音是/bɪtʃɛz/,但是根据不同的语境和地区,它的发音可能会有所变化。因此,在学习和使用这个词时,我们需要注意语境和地域差异,并且谨慎使用。

7. 最后要提醒大家的是,在任何情况下,我们都应该尊重他人,并避免使用带有侮辱性的词语。bitches虽然在某些情况下可以被接受,但它仍然是一个带有贬义色彩的词汇,应该谨慎使用。

8. 总结一下,在本小节中我们讨论了bitches作为名词时的发音。它通常为/bɪtʃɛz/,但在不同的语境和地区可能会有所变化。最重要的是,在使用这个词时要注意语境,并尊重他人。希望本小节能帮助你更好地理解并正确发音bitches这个词


1. bitches的基本含义


2. bitches作为贬称


3. bitches作为亲密称呼

随着社会观念和语言习惯的改变,bitches也开始被年轻人用来表达对女性朋友之间亲密关系的称呼。例如:“Hey bitches, 准备好一起出去玩了吗?”这种用法带有一种俏皮和幽默感,展示了年轻人之间轻松愉快的友谊。

4. bitches作为喜爱的表达


5. 英语中的双语例句

a) She's such a bitch, always trying to steal my boyfriend. (她真是个贱人,老是想抢我的男朋友。)

b) Hey bitches, let's go shopping together! (嘿,亲爱的姐妹们,一起去逛街吧!)

c) I totally bitches this new restaurant, the food is amazing. (我超级喜欢这家新餐厅,食物太棒了。)

d) Don't be such a bitch, just apologize and move on. (别那么刻薄了,道个歉就算了吧。)


1. "Bitches be like": 这个词组通常用来描述女性的行为或态度,带有一种轻蔑的语气。

例句:Bitches be like "I can do whatever I want"。

2. "Bad bitches": 这个词组指的是非常强大和自信的女性,通常被用作一种赞美。

例句:She's one of the bad bitches, she doesn't take anyone's crap.

3. "Basic bitches": 这个词组指的是缺乏独特性和个性的女性,通常带有贬义意味。

例句:All these basic bitches wearing the same outfit.

4. "Boss bitch": 这个词组指的是非常有权势和掌控力的女性,通常用来赞美她们的领导能力。

例句:She's a boss bitch, she runs her own company.

5. "Bitchy resting face": 这个词组指的是表情严肃或不友好的面部表情,但实际上并没有恶意。

例句:I'm not mad, I just have a bitchy resting face.

6. "Bitch slap": 这个词组指的是用手打脸或耳光,通常用来形容一种强烈的惩罚或报复。

例句:If you don't stop talking, I'm gonna give you a bitch slap.

7. "Crazy bitch": 这个词组指的是行为或思想有些不正常的女性,通常带有贬义意味。

例句:Don't mess with her, she's a crazy bitch.

8. "Bitch move": 这个词组指的是一种卑劣或自私的行为,通常用来批评他人的做法。

例句:That was such a bitch move, I can't believe you did that.

9. "Bitching and moaning": 这个词组指的是抱怨和发牢骚,通常用来形容某人不断地抱怨。

例句:Stop bitching and moaning, it won't change anything.

10. "Bitch fest": 这个词组指的是一群女性聚在一起不断地抱怨和发牢骚,通常带有贬义意味。

例句:I can't stand these bitch fests, they're so negative


1. Females

- Bitches is often used as a derogatory term for women, but it can also simply refer to females in general. Other synonyms for bitches in this context include women, ladies, girls, and females.

2. Dogs

- In slang terms, bitches can also refer to female dogs. Other synonyms for this meaning include female dogs, she-dogs, and hounds.

3. Chicks

- Similar to the term "babe," chicks is another slang term used to refer to attractive women. Other synonyms for this meaning include babes, hotties, and foxes.

4. Bimbos

- Bimbos is a derogatory term used to describe women who are perceived as unintelligent or promiscuous. Other synonyms for this meaning include airheads, ditzes, and sluts.

5. Gals

- Gals is a more casual and friendly term used to refer to women or girls. Other synonyms for this meaning include pals, buddies, and friends.

6. Dames

- Dames is an outdated term that was commonly used in the 1920s and 1930s to refer to women. Other synonyms for this meaning include broads, dolls, and ladies.

7. Divas

- Divas is often used to describe women who are talented and confident but also demanding or difficult to work with. Other synonyms for this meaning include prima donnas, stars, and queens.

8. Vixens

- Vixens is a term used to describe women who are seductive or cunning in nature. Other synonyms for this meaning include temptresses, sirens, and enchantresses.

9. Sheilas

- Sheilas is an Australian slang term that refers to women or girls in general. Other synonyms for this meaning include ladies, gals, and chicks.


- Womenfolk is a more formal term used to refer to women in a particular group or community. Other synonyms for this meaning include females, ladies, and women

